today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

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today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Post by necron99 »

where to start. I am 27, and have had a lifetime of problems, be it ADHD, insomnia and restless legs. For all these conditions I have run the gamut of medications, side effects and doctors.

I am completely lost now

Today I had a doctors appointment, with a doctor I have seen twice. I needed to get my oxycodone 5mg, three a day refilled. She talked with me and I asked if there was anything else I could be prescribed, because I have RLS, 24-7, very painful, debilitating RLS. To be noted, I also am on prescription amphetamines for my ADHD. Well, I have been thru a lot of doctors recently, due to changes in insurance, sleep specialists, and the shuffling that happens at offices. I Had been going to this doctor for 2 months now, due to the fact the sleep specialists cost me 200 dollers a month just for the office visit. Well, when she went to go do some "research" on any other meds I might be able to try to deal with the bad day time symptoms of RLS I get, she called up the sleep specialists, and the pharmacy, and saw that there was a percoset and a oxycodone prescription filled with in a week of each other two months ago. I did not like the percoset because they made me nauseous, so I had stopped using the percoset, and used the straight oxycodone she had given me( the percoset had been a automatically mailed prescription). I figured I could keep them around since I hadnt used them all , and save them for when my legs got really bad.

Well to make a long story short, she said I was drug seeking, because I had filled a prescription from her a week after I had filled a prescription from the sleep specialist( for a different pain med) and that she would not see me any more for anything, and that she would be calling the sleep specialists to tell them I had abused my prescriptions.

I am now at wits end. I have only two days of pain meds left, no doctor to go to, 24-7 painful rls, and am now labeled a drug seeker.

I have done the whole Mayo algorithm, and my iron is fine, benzos only help with falling a sleep,DA's make me throw-up all day long as well as make me nauseous, and the Parkinson's drugs make me mentally a zombie. I take multivitamins, magneseum and B vitamins, but they do very little to help.

Please, if anyone has any suggestions, let me know. I fear I am know going to not be able to get any proper treatment for this because of getting those two prescriptions filled close together. Am I forever going to be labeled a drug addict because of my stupid legs. I dont even want to be taking painkillers, they sometimes give me insomnia, could eventually make me dependent, downgrade my pain recepters, and sometimes they make me moody. BUT THEY WORK. THey have been the only thing to truly stop my RLS, and I was so happy I could work again, and be a good husband again, not a cripple moving and rubbing his legs all the time.I am so depressed right now, I feel hopeless. AM I now blacklisted? WIll I ever be able to be helped again.

morgan :cry:

Just for the record, I do not abuse my perscriptions, sell them or give them out. I have taken extra pills before, when I was having a very bad attack, but that is it.
Last edited by necron99 on Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ill get to this later

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Post by walkindafloors »

Morgan, I am so sorry for your situation (that could easily happen to a lot of us when we have to try different meds often and change doctors since so many don't understand what we really go through!

I am a social worker and see parents often that fit this description, but it is quickly identified because of other areas of their lives being affected as well. Once you get that label, it is very hard to change it because the hospitals and doctors have this underwire network to list such folks...

I also suffer with ADHD and RLS and know that a lot of times meds seem to work the opposite as they are suppose to for me so what one doctor thinks should work, usually doesn't! I've started asking my dr. to give me samples when trying a new med so if it doesn't work, I'm not out filing on insurance.

I know this won't help now, best bet is to find an understanding doctor that is familiar with both your ADHD and RLS and stick to one doctor as much as you can. There's a lot of people out there seeking Rx drugs that messes up everything for those of us that are honestly seeking HELP :cry:
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Morgan, that is awful. I sure wish I had some thing to say to help. Heck, if any doc had looked at my scripts a couple years ago???? Hydrocodone, Percocet, Klonopin, Valium, and another benxzo - all within two weeks!!!!! Some didn't work, I ditched them.

What did she say when you explained it? Do you have a spouse, parent, or good friend that can go in with you? I mean, heck, in this country we are not guilty until proven. It seems soooo wrong that a doctor could do this without listening to anything else.

I was in a terrible place a couple years ago. I went through many docs. Many meds. I just kept trying. I was really worried that I would get labeled as drug seeking. In a way, I was - I was seeking drugs that would give me relief. Period. I just kept seaching for a doc that would listen and I finally found one. I hope the same for you. . .and soon.
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Re: today I was labeled a drug seeker, please help

Post by Hos »

necron99 wrote:I live in seattle, so if anyone lives here and can help me find a caring helpful doctor,please let me know. I am certain I cant go back to the swedish sleep specialist again, as the doctor said she would call them and tell them I was a addict.

Might try Neurontin (You probably already have). It has some decent success in treating painful RLS.

I put "Seattle WA" in the's doctor search and came up with 6 choices: ... &srcid=186

These doctors are supposed to know about RLS and hopefully if you explain your story they will listen. Take care,

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Post by brandy »

That is so cruddy! I can only imagine how discourage you might be feeling right now. I think a number of us have feared being seen as drug-seeking. I'm so sorry it actually happened to you. I think the reason I was not viewed as a seeker when I was in my worst RLS phase was because I found a doctor that would actually listen and seemed to care that I was struggling. She was very honest with me about what she could prescribe and in what phases, but she was also extremely helpful. I hope that you can find someone who can help you. Don't give up! There are good doctors out there. Be honest when you go in to see them about what happened with your last doctor so they won't call and find out the same thing and think you are trying to hide something. I truly don't believe you will be forever labeled. We just have to find you someone who will listen to you. Hang in there and keep us updated!
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Post by Aiken »

If you still have the percocet from before, take it in and show it to her. If you still have most of it, two months after filling the prescription, it'll be obvious you're not abusing it. Tell her you weren't able to take it regularly, and you've been keeping what's left on hand in case of emergencies, but if it'll make her feel more comfortable, tell her she can have it. She might relent and fix the damage she's done/doing with your other doctor(s).

Oh, and when you get multiple prescriptions in close proximity, always make sure you disclose all of the information to your doctors and your pharmacist. Explain what's happened, in detail, and have them make a note in your chart so others can see what happened and why. I always make sure my sleep guy knows I take skelaxin and vicodin for my back at times, and I always make sure my back guy knows I take darvon for my legs. Even though they already probably know, I tell them again every time I get refills. They seem to appreciate a forthright patient.

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Post by becat »

Hi Nec99 Nice to see you around again, only sorry this was not good news.

I would fight back asap. I would get a letter from the slepp doc explaining the medication change. I'd get letters from the ADHD doc explainly whatever might be helpful. Build you a package of proof and them present it to the offending doctor. Asking her to think about what she has done to you by not simply listening. And if I had to I'd get a lawyer to talk to her about defamation of character.
All of us have changed meds in as many times as in weeks. Sometimes from a bigger one to a lesser one. If I had aitomatic refill service I'd included that as well. This is BS, and no one should have to put up with that. I would kindly thank her, gritting my teeth for being "in a state of concern" for my well being, but the facts don't line up with most RLSers after they hit a certain severity level. We all have a tons of prescriptions that we took one or two pills and called in an SOS.
Your local group leader might not be able to help, but call them anyway to see if he or she might be able to offer advice.
Hang in there and fight back.
Hugs and glad to see you .

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Morgan, that's horrible!

I often think that "of course I'm a drug seeker." Shoot, I lived with chronic vertigo for years and years, and then finally had a doc who prescribed valium. It was the only thing that worked, and it gave me my life back. About a year ago I started to feel more, well, balanced and grounded, and decided to see what would happen if I quit. So I quit. Cold turkey. No adverse effects from quitting valium after 10 years. I've been off it a year, but guess what - Now I have my RLS back. The valium was getting rid of not only the vertigo, but also the RLS.

But my doctor is afraid of controlled substances, and it got harder and harder to get her to write for valium. (Hey - 10 years and I wasn't yet an addict living on the streets!)

So now I'm seeking more drugs - to get rid of the RLS symptoms. It's not that I'm really "seeking drugs."

I'm seeking relief!!!

What if you became a heroin addict and then went in to get on a methadone program. All of a sudden you'd be doing a wonderful thing.

But seeking relief from legitimate medical conditions, no matter how controlled the drugs are, should not be an issue.

Stand up for yourself.


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My Lord, that is so wrong!

Post by Joby924 »

My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with you.
I understand, as I think we all do, with the feeling that you're going to be labeled a drug addict. I'm on long-term pain medication also. Taking 40mg of Percocet a day, also take Soma (muscle relaxer) as needed, Adderall XR daily, Xanax as needed -- certainly looks bad!
I hate going to the doctor and "begging" for pain pills. They make you feel like a drug addict!
In your situation - that doctor is completely WRONG! I would do everything I could to get this "out". Write a letter to your local newspaper, contact the news, contact the AMA about this doctor's offending bedside manner. She didn't even allow you to tell your side of the story! I'm a registered nurse and frequently see some of these doctors who think they are "all-mighty" and it drives me crazy!!
As said above, CYA yourself (cover your @ss). Go to your pharmacy, show them your percocet script (Still full!), explain your situation and find a new doctor. Good docs ARE out there!
GOOD LUCK and please let us know how it works out for you. Not one of us should have to suffer like this. Someday, hopefully soon, RLS will be better understood.
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Post by Neco »

Wow that sucks..

I know the first time I tried Oxycodone and felt horrible. I know that I was given explicit instructions to return what I had to the pharmacy so they could destroy it and give me a different prescription, I'm wondering why the pharmacy never inquired with you about that.

If it comes down to it, I'd look at some kind of legal action, at the very least it's something along the lines of slander or defemation... but I'd ask a lawyer first of course. But yeah, walk into the office and demand that the doctor take 2 minutes after she is finished with her patient to walk up to the reception area so you can show her you still have the pills (which you hopefully do)

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Post by becat »

I keep reading this thread and I finally figured out why.
This is one of my pet peeves and was so overly presented to me, by my own pharmacies just this last month and yesterday.

I'm tired of the pharmacy and my insurance company deciding for my doctor and myself what I should have take and how often. Many of us have gone to an exspensive appt. gotten a prescription, another shot in the dark, hoping this time it will work. Gone and gotten it filled, tried it for umphteen days and called back the doc to have it omended or charged all together.
The fun part is getting it filled.
Long story short for my side of this, last month I canhonestly say I was a flagged person in every computer in the pharmacy system. I went to the normal chain myself and my whole family has used in our area, for some 13 yrs. after my follow up visit where my doc changed a couple of meds. . He also, following my insurance (thank god I have it, even though they are woefully uneducated pencil pushers) instructions to get one 30 day filled locally and one send in that had multiable refills. Ok, I have a couple that have to be filled within 7 days by law.
Well, the first stop at my normal pharmacy, they did not have the full count of one, no problem, fill these and I'll be back.
At my family's 13 yrs pharmacy, the woman had the nuts to tell me that this was an early refill and I was hording or taking far more than the doctor knew. :shock: :shock: :shock: I beg your pardon, I'm doing what I'm insurance company told me and my doctor to do and ....and I have an exact count right now of what I have and where it is. This was a follow up appt. and my doctor is doing what he sees as best for his patient. She made such a fit that I had every eye in the store on me and I blew. "I am not a pill popper, I follow my doctors instructions to the tee, and he not you or my insurance company is in a posistion to determine my treatment." Well I won't fill it for you ever! Fine give it back and I'll take all of my business elsewhere and shove you opinion in your ear. Yes, it came out something like that. Not one called my doc to ask questions to see if there were changes. And Insurance never would pay for it at all. ARGGGGGhhhhh! Where is my broom?
I wouldn't go as far as a lawyer just yet, but I might if I found that someone had blacklist or red flagged my file.

This is where we as a community need protection from our experts.
We need a card or something a statement letter that an insurance agency and a pharmicy could have on file that states that we often charge our meds or even dosing, by doctors orders, if they fill this is wrong call our doctor's office for clarification. We can't be the only ones this happens to, but why should it be ok anyway.
We could get this rollling if we had the backup to do so. Hmmm thinking cap on ans will start asking questions for sure.
Hugs Nec/Morgan

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Post by tazzer »

this thread peeved me no end (and i was being nice with that statement, don't want jan to zap my message :D ) it took me this long just to respond, i just can't even find the words to type something that would make sense i am so mad. i told Lynne this the other night. some doctors you just want to wring their necks, and tell them they are uneducated, cold, callous, know-it-all jackasses, that can ruin a persons life with one little statement out of their mouth! i am with what Lynne said, play hardball! ok i am wanting to cuss now so i will end my message now, except to say good luck and i hope you can get this straightened out, nobody that is really sick should have to go through this BS!
I feel like a science project!!!

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Post by jan3213 »

I've been reading this thread, too, over and over. And, boy am I MAD! I am so sorry this has happened to you all of you. Here are a couple of things that have happened to me.

Before my back problem was finally discovered (6 herniated discs in my thoracic spine resulting in major back survery on 9/12), I was seeing a neurologist who had no plan at all. I had test after test after test, never getting an MRI of my thoracic spine. All the test results were normal, but I was still in pain and my symptoms were getting worse. I asked the neuro if I could have pain meds (after an RA factor blood test did come back positive). He told me I needed to see a psychiatrist to learn how to manage my pain and refused to give me anything. I know that my file was "marked" as a problem patient.

Then, after I had my back surgery, I developed a kidney infection and was hospitalized for 6 days. This was just a week after my back surgery. I was on Percocet, 1-2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours. And I was in a lot of pain. My PCP decided that she would reduce the amount of pain meds I could take (which were prescribed---not by her--but by my neuro surgeon who wanted me to keep ON TOP of my pain). So, during my stay in the hospital, I could only have 4 pain pills a day. I have 12 1 1/2" screws, 2 rods, a "bridge" and bone graft, totally rebuillding my thoracic spine. I was in PAIN from the surgery, not to mention the kidney infection.

After I was released, I had an appt. with my PCP because the kidney infection was coming back. In the meantime, my neuro surgeon had renewed a precription of Darvocet for me (and was surprised that I had not asked for a renewal before that time). I told my PCP what my meds were, and she said "Why are you taking Darvocet? What hurts?" I felt like saying "My back, you idiot!"

I am almost 3 months post-op and am down to 2 pain pills a day (taken at night). My neuro surgeon's assistant is amazed.

Nec, I think I would do exactly what several have suggested. March right into your doc's office and show him how many pills you have left. And, by gosh, I'd be tempted to talk to an attorney. It's ridiculous that we are treated the way we are by some doctors. And, how dare that woman in the pharmacy treat you that way, Lynne!

Taz, move over. I'm about ready to start cussing myself!!!!

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Post by BeanieLee »

Morgan, what did the doctor say when you explained that the other meds didn't agree with you so you stopped taking them? I would not have left that office until I was confident that that doc had a clear understanding of what happened. Don't trust anyone with your treatment alone or with your reputation.

I had a doctor refuse to treat me because she didn't know anything about rls and she was rude and rotten. I sent her a letter along with the rls foundations medical bulletin. I recited the hipocratic oath and told her how she had violated every bit of it and treated me like garbage. Who knows if it made any difference to the way she thinks but I can bet you that if she gets another person in there who claims to have rls, she'll think twice before telling them to get lost. Most importantly it made me feel better, weather it makes any real difference or not. You should consider writing a letter explaining exactly how you feel. the doctor should know and you would feel better about the experience. Good luck.
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Post by Anonymous »

Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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