?RLS doc in Dayton, Cinn, Oh area?

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?RLS doc in Dayton, Cinn, Oh area?

Post by susieandirenes »

Am desperate to find a doc who understands severe rls.
Been on 3mg. Mirapex for several years & on Permax for about 7/8 years before that!

Augmentation really bad! I am beginning to take myself of of it!

ViewsAskew has been so helpful, as have others.

If anyone out there knows of a doc who they have had success with,
I'd sure as heck appreciate it if you would share all you can about them.

I have to do something.......I have too much living to do!


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Post by ViewsAskew »

You go, girl. Do that living.

I hope someone can direct your to a doctor. If not, consider trying some of the other RLS boards. We Move has one, though I haven't been there in ages. And there are two Yahoo groups. Probably others, too. The one Yahoo groups is pretty large and we have some people who post here and there. One of their members was pretty unhappy with the doctor list on this board (it's since been changed), so she was keeping a list.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Rachel »

You could try muy doctor. He might be further away than what you want though. He is in Stark County, near Canton, Ohio.

His name is Dr. Frankie Roman and he is with a Neurology and Neuropsychologists group. E-mail be privately if you would like more info.

Rachel Stien

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