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Dallas, Texas - Doctor Recommendations?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:54 am
by RLS83
Thought I'd take a stab and see if anyone here from Dallas can recommend a good RLS doc. I know there are at least one or two recommended on the website (it's been awhile since I've checked) but I wanted to check first and see if anyone has any personal experiences that they'd like to share. I am still waiting for my new insurance to begin before I can see a specialist.

~ Jaime :)

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:08 am
by ViewsAskew
We've a few people here from the area, so recs are sure to follow.

Welcome - hope you find what you need here.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:49 pm
by becat
I guess my name was forgotten, lol. I'm one of the few.
I's Lynne and I see Dr. Phillip Becker, Sleep doc in Dallas. He is a veteran of the RLS community.

Here's his link:

If you can't get into see him (as his schedule is full normally and he is teaching again) see one of his many assc., all have good knowledge of RLS and one of the best to get a second opinion from.
Good Luck.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:21 pm
by RLS83

I'm so glad someone was able to respond! I am very nervous going in to see a RLS doc for the first time since I've been self medicating on my own (with much research done).

Do you mind if I ask what medication(s) he has prescribed for you? I know you answered my other post so you may remember that after trying several meds hydrocodone is the only thing that has worked thus far, however I am open to other suggestions...


Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:19 pm
by becat
Honestly RLS83,
There has been a small paharmacy that has bern tried and flushed.

There is a protcol for treatment, so your a few visits and years bebeind me. And the old standard, what works for me may not work for you. And for an upsoming surgery, all meds are being changed for my own safelt ans the ease od recovery.

They most likely will want to see how you react to dopamine, the first line of defense.

You have to build a relationship and give the doc some time. It is not my favorite thing to say, but it's true.

I hope insurance lets you in soon.
Glad you found us and you'll love the knowledge the sleepp center offers you.
Hugs Lynne

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:53 pm
by RLS83
Thanks Lynne.

Honestly I don't mind starting from the bottom (minus the ones I've already tried). After seeing how many problems others have gone through trying to get prescriptions for pain meds in the treatment of RLS that's not something I want to go through if at all possible. It does stink because I know that this works with very little side effects, but if there is something else out there then I'd love to find it! I am worried of even telling the doc what I've been trying on my own - I hope they don't flip out and realize that I am OPEN to other alternatives!

Do you know if they will start out doing a sleep study?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:02 pm
by becat
They did not give me one, but I think that was more me fault, than theirs.

They are costy, so if your new insurance will be good enough for you, I'd say go for it.

In the long run it helped for my doc to see what happens to me at night. Although, the RLS had already been diagnosed. I just learned alot from it.

And I doubt they will flip about much, they have had me all this time. I did at one time use an accupuncturist for the painful part of my RLS.

Things that work are good! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:14 am
by ViewsAskew
becat wrote:I guess my name was forgotten, lol. I'm one of the few.

Don't be a pain, my dear. I was short on time. Besides, there are others here from the area and they may have responded, too.

Yeesh. :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:28 am
by becat
Quote Ann:

"Don't be a pain, my dear. I was short on time. Besides, there are others here from the area and they may have responded, too.

Yeesh. :D "

This was not being a pain, but I could if I chose to.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:16 am
by bookmanx
I've been going to Sleep Medicine Associates in Dallas for a few year now. Dr. Jameson has been really a good doc.

He's on Walnut Hill and 75.