Requip plus Mirapex

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Requip plus Mirapex

Post by Nicky »

Hi from London.
I'm a newbie to this board but an old hand at rls. I think I've been augmenting for some time but my neuro just kept upping my Requip (2mg a night). I saw a more sympathetic doctor last time & he has suggested I add 125mcg of Mirapex (eventually coming off Requip) & wean me off cloneazepam (2mg) & onto pregabalin. Has anyone else ever heard of taking Requip & Mirapex at the same time?
Wishing you all peaceful nights that I've yet to find.

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Post by DARCYUK »

:) Hi Nicky, I take requip(Ropinirole) & Mirapex at the same time. About 2hrs before bed, I take 0.18 Mirapex and 0.25 Ropinirole. This I have found after trial and error is what works for me. My Doc is also happy for me to undertake trial and error with both, I also supplement this with a dose of 0.088 Mirapex in the late afternoon if I have had a hard day at work (I'm on my feet all day!) should I feel tired, that's when I can feel the twitching starting when I'm tired.
I also, when I have leg & arm pain, take a 50mg Voltarol in the evening as well. Although this is not all the time.
This is what works for me, and I have had no unpleasant side effects from these combination of meds.
Hope this helps! :D

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Nicky, I've also heard of a few patients using both...but I have to wonder why in this case.

I guess I'd ask how severe the augmentation is. If it's mild, some docs do think that switching to a different dopamine agonist is the right thing to do. If it's severe, if I understand the docs perspective, some docs would say that you should stop all dopamine drugs, at least for awhile.

I think I'd write to Dr Buchfurer. He reads, posts, and answers patient letters at You can go there and find the patient letters and read them (there are thousands of them). You might even find that he's talked about it already.

But, you can also just email him at He usually responds in 1-4 days.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Polar Bear »

I have had responses from Dr B within a couple of hours. As recently as 4 days ago. He's great.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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