Mirapex (l-dopa) and raised body heat

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Mirapex (l-dopa) and raised body heat

Post by georger »

I am taking a small amount of Mirapex. I've been watching this carefully for several years. There is a side effect for me of having my temperature raise around 3-4am. The l-dope cycle in people corresponds to this increase. It seems like I have hyper ammonia type symptoms, but only in the middle of the night.

It is to the point that I don't eat much at night and usually just eat vegetables etc, to avoid too many calories etc in my blood system through the night.

My doctors have ignored me, thinking it's a menopause symtom. It's just nothing like hot flashes. I am angry because they really don't understand.

Any one else notice heat level issues with l-dopa drugs?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Yes; not sure how to find them, but several of us have commented on it over the years.

I HATE that part of taking them.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I certainly had problems with regulating my body temperature when I took Requip. I would get severe chills when it kicked in, and then I would curl up in bed and try to get warm. And once I was warm I would fall asleep. So that problem wasn't really a problem for me.

If that side effect bothers you, why not ask to try some other medication?

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Post by Betty/WV »

I was wondering why I all of a sudden would get very cold. Now, after reading your posts, I think it is the Mirapex. Like you, Susan, I would get in bed, cover up with sheet, comforter, and a doubled blanket. I too would fall asleep and wake up very warm. I am going to watch and see if that happens right after I take the Mirapex. :o

Sometimes, even though the Mirapex and other meds sure do help my RLS I wonder about all these other things that happen because of the meds. :?

Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand


Post by cornelia »

I have temperature problems with the DA's too, although I can live with them, as I don't have much choice. I can be either intensely cold or am shivering, but intensely hot as well in other occasions. I just don't understand.


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Post by irrelevantnotch »

Mirapex isn't an L-dopa drug, is it? Anyway, I, unfortunately had to stop taking Mirapex and Requip for a couple reasons relating to that. The first reason was because they caused my heart beat to increase dramatically, and the second was that they caused me to sweat profusely at night, just a few hours after I would fall asleep.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Mirapex is a dopamine agonist, which means that it acts like dopamine in the body. It binds to the dopamine receptors.

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