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Number of refills on hand (stashed)?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:24 pm
by kickyknees
I've mentioned that prior to June 09, I relied on NO prescription meds other than the occasional anti-biotic. Now that I have to rely on daily meds, and recalling the desperate situation the Katrina victims were in, how long could you go on your current prescription before needing another refill? What has worked for you to get a small stock for emergency purposes?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:33 pm
by Neco
I can only have a months worth of Methadone filled at one time, but a long time ago my original doctor and I put in a few pills as a buffer for me to set aside for emergencies when I run out, or forget the pharmacy will be closed or whatever.

Every month my dad is supposed to take 3 pills from each new prescription, and store them in a separate bottle, hidden somewhere. I think I have 2 or 3 weeks worth of Methadone stored by now, not sure..

My goal is to get up to a month in reserve at least. That stash is also rotated every month, with fresh pills from the pharmacy taking the place of the pills in the stash. This way I am never taking medication that is more than 1 month old.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:46 pm
by Polar Bear
I have a buffer stock of ropinerole which was built up over some time. My rls is 24/7 so I take my meds over the 24 hour period. However sometimes when I have been busy I have been late taking a dose, or a dose has been missed, and thus over quite a long time I have built up my buffer stock.

I also take tramadol which is refilled every 4 weeks. I have a buffer stock of about 2 weeks. This came about when I went to a different doctor in the medical practice with a painful condition (not rls related) and he gave me a prescription for tramadol. I said nothing and inwardly was a very happy person to gain this emergency ration.

However, should a situation arise where I needed extra meds, i.e. a long trip, I think my doc would be accommodating - based on past experience.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:35 pm
by badnights
I am just new at this, but if I get a prescription before my old one has completely run out, I immediately stash the old pills away and start on the new batch. At some point I should do like Zach and rotate them for freshness. I don't have much of a supply built up and I'm kicking my butt I didn't get a refill of codeine from my family doc before I saw the neuro. It's hard to start thinking that way - it feels dishonest.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:36 pm
by runkrun
Bethf, It may feel dishonest to get a "stash supply" of meds, however if you ever have a physician that has an emergency arise, or your out of town and run out of meds, believe me you'll never be without a stash again. It's especially important for us RLS suffers who use opiates on a daily basis. Because if you run out, not only are you going through RLS misery, but then withdrawl. Yikes!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:50 pm
by ViewsAskew
I was once on a trip to another country. My purse was stolen. It had my bottle of meds in it (enough for another two weeks). I was leaving the next day, so one night wouldn't kill me, but to be without for 2 more weeks?

I started keeping a stash as soon as I could after that. Since then, I've had my doctor be out of town, my doctor at a conference on a Friday when I needed a refill and she wouldn't be back until Monday, etc. I'm very glad I have it. I've never abused it.

If I thought I was the type to abuse it, I'd do was Zach does and give it to a family member or friend who could hold it for me.

I also started traveling with my meds differently. I keep some in my purse and some in my checked luggage. When I get to my location, I leave only one or two nights worth in my purse and the remainder hidden in my room.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:00 am
by Polar Bear
I carry a supply of meds in my baggage, a supply in my husband's luggage, and a supply in my hand luggage which I ensure is in the original packaging so that there can be no query as to its authenticity.