RLS and Sleep Apnea

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RLS and Sleep Apnea

Post by Litlkitti »

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 4:20 pm Post subject: I am new here and have question


I was diagnosed with RLS a few months ago when I went for a sleep study because I was not sleeping more than 1-2 hours at a time, was sleepy and groggy all day long. I was told that I have sleep apnea and I use a bi pap machine at night to help me sleep sound and wake up rested. It forces air into my airway through a nose mask and also "breathes" out for me a little bit. My primary care doctor had given me Valium 5 mg to be taken at bedtime for the RLS. When I went to see the sleep study doctor for my test results he switched me to Sinemet 25/100 saying that it was better for me than the Valium. As long as I take it every night I am doing much better and sleeping much sounder. I can tell if I forget to take it as I usually wake up sometime during the night with my legs being very restless. My question is have any of you been diagnosed and/or treated for sleep apnea. These two problems seem to go hand in hand in my case. Joyce from Ohio

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Welcome, Joyce

Post by jumpyowl »

I guess they diagnosed sleep apnea from you having to low oxygen content in your hemoglobin (the red light on your finger like ET). Was it as low as 86%? :(

I exhibited my sleep results here and I had no sleep apnea at all despite some snoring. Haemoglobin oxygen averaged 96%. (94-98%). So they are two independent problems usually. Of course one can have both, clearly. :wink:

Tell me what was the difference between the relief you received from Valium (5 mg) and the relief you got with Sinemet (25/100) or carbidopa/levadopa dopamine precursors. Was Sinemet much more effective? :?: I am sure your doctor mentioned to you that the rebound effect and the augmentation effect is quite common with this drug combination again leading to poor sleep quality. You are still at the low dose level with Sinemet yet, but it has a short half life.

I am really interested between the relief difference obtained with a tranquilizer and dopamine precursors? Please let us know.
Jumpy Owl

crazy joe
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Re: RLS and Sleep Apnea

Post by crazy joe »

I have both also and wear the apap machine for the last 3 years... Looking into Inspire therapy to maybe sleep more normal way..Yes there seems some kind of correlation to both.... All i know if Im not sleeping as well then my rls starts to act up.....

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Re: RLS and Sleep Apnea

Post by badnights »

Litlkitti I am very concerned that your doctor put you on a daily dose of Sinemet. It causes augmentation in at least 75% of all WED/RLS sufferers who take it, and all doctors who are experienced treating augmented WED/RLS avoid it like the plague for daily use.

Augmentation is when your WED/RLS symptoms increase in intensity (as compared to before the Sinemet), start earlier in the day, start sooner after you become still, or spread to other body parts (usually the arms).

Augmentation is no laughing matter. Ignorant doctors attempt to treat it by increasing the dose of the drug that caused it. This just makes the augmentation worse. It would be quite easy to go insane from augmented Willis-Ekbom disease. Pay attention to your symptoms and as soon as you notice any of the criteria that define augmentation (above), go to your doctor with the Foundation's augmentation brochure or other appropriate literature, so he can learn on the spot while you describe your symptoms to him.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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Re: RLS and Sleep Apnea

Post by barbls »

Shortly after I was diagnosed with Rls my gp put me on maripex. I started feeling numb on my face and arms (left side) I went into er and while waiting for tests etc my husband noticed when I would fall asleep my oxygen levels would fall. They ran all kinds of test but couldn't find anything wrong. They thought since i had just started maripex that that was causing numbness. They took me off that and prescribed sinemet. I also use oxygen at night sometimes. I have noticed I have to take meds a little earlier and my gp is wanting to up my dosage. I'm lost on what to do.

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Re: RLS and Sleep Apnea

Post by Rustsmith »

Sinemet has a reputation for causing augmentation much more quickly than the other dopamine agonist drugs. Augmentation could be why you are having to take your meds a little earlier than you were. If you have augmentation, increasing the dose will resolve your problems for a short time, but the augmentation will return and getting off of the sinemet will become difficult. A better option at this point would be to try another dopamine type medication, such as Requip or Neupro or even a change of med type to gabapentin.

https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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