requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also?

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requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also?

Post by lisalu67 »

scared to death to try mirapex because i took requip one time and it was horrible..mirapex it the same stuff?


Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by cornelia »

Mirpex is more or less the sme thing. Nevertheless it is good to try, because it can have different side effects profiles. This is what RLS doctors say. Try taking first just half a pill: Mirapex is 2 -3 times stronger than Requip.


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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by ViewsAskew »

Agreed with what Corrie said. They are similar in many ways, but different enough that you can't count on having the same reaction. Some people have great success with one and no success with the other - me included. Requip does not work well for me, but Mirapex does.
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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by Chipmunk »

The usual beginning dose for Mirapex is 0.125 mg. I would give that a go and see if you have the same side effects. You should know pretty quickly. It only took three nights for me to figure out Mirapex was NOT for me. :wink:

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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by rthom »

My experience was horrible with requip--my heart rate never came below 111 until it started to wear off and i felt like i had just finished a severe flight/fight response. (no chance for rest much less sleep) However i took it for a couple of days and it calmed down.
The mirapex did not have any neg affects on me at all, it just didn't help for long.

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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by jstep »


I took Mirapex for several years with success until I experenced augmentation. I was switched to Requip and it was a nightmare for me. My doctor said they were really the same thing and that many people switch back and forth between them. But I can vouch that there was a huge difference in the two for me. Hope this helps and good luck with the Mirapex.


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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by ViewsAskew »

Jamie, your doctor is right in that many people switch between them. Weird how our systems can be so different in some ways, huh? Like you, ropinerole was not a friend to me, but Mirapex (minus the augmentation - minor problem...NOT) has always worked exceptionally well for me.

To add a spanner to the works, even after augmenting horrible on Mirapex, I use it again after not using it for several years. I just don't use it everyday so I won't augment again. So, even if something stops working, sometimes you can come back to it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by rthom »

excellent reminder--revisit looking for new :mrgreen:

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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by jstep »


Thanks for that information. You answered a question I have had but not asked. Mirapex worked so well for me for several years that I have wondered if I would be able to take it again once I had a sufficient break from it.


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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by ViewsAskew »

Only time will tell and hopefully you can. I was one of those that augmented in a a week or so, so it was never a choice for everyday use for me. But, every other day and we're happy partners. Well, not that happy, lol, I'd rather not take anything and I do have side effects that are very bothersome...but I sleep.

For what it's worth, I use an opioid on one night, and Mirapex the next. I avoid the worse issues with either - I don't augment, get tolerance, have to increase doses, etc. Even the side effects are minimal as they are worst for me when I take something regularly.

I've been doing this for quite awhile - over a year, I'd guess. I think it's an alternative that others could benefit from, too, yet I've not heard of anyone else doing it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by rthom »

Now that's a thought! :thumbup:

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Re: requip made my rls mirapex going to do it also

Post by jstep »


The every other day certainly sounds like an option that I would definitely consider if it becomes possible. As you said, only time will tell. I guess I am getting ahead of myself since I have not even seen the specialist I ws referred to. I just want to say thank you to you and all of you who so readily answer everyone's questions as best you can and give so much needed support. This board has been such a help to me.


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