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Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:41 pm
by tashton
There is a new sleep aid out that I am trying. It is Lunesta. Just became available in the pharmacy. For those who need a sleep aid that helps you sleep but doesn't leave you feeling drugged half the next day it is worth a try. I can wake up much easier in the mornings than when I take the Lorazapam as a sleep aid. The down fall of this medication so far is the cost. Since it isn't generic my insurance doesn't cover as much of the cost. A prescription cost $50. Lorazapam cost me $5. I am trying it along with Neurontin 300 mgs. three times a day and pentazocine three to four times daily. This mix seems to be working for me at the moment and I have tried many of the other meds used for RLS. I think a mix of medications might be the answer for many when one drug alone doesn't work. Good luck in your search for what works.