Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

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Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

Since I've only had about a half hour of sleep tonight, don't expext any great insight from me. Recently, I have tried to rearrange my med schedule to accomodate my WED and PLMD. Plus increase some of the doses. Pretty much without success. My leg is really going wild tonight. I was thinking about how much sleep I used to get during most of my life. Any where from 9 to 10 hours a night, getting up once for the bathroom. Even slept longer on the weekends. But, I think I had WED (without PLMD) most of my life because even though I was sleeping all of those hours I was still tired. Plus I moved my legs from side to side while I slept. It never woke me up. I have 3 other members of my family that are still like that, husbands report. I also think I have had sleep apnea all through the years too. Again because I was always tired. If I didn't get to bed by 9 I was a mess. I didn't like to spend the night with girl friends as kids, because they always stayed up.
There really isn't a point to any of this tonight. I'm just feeling very discouraged. Then if those doctors talk the FDA into limiting opiods to 90 for those without cancer, my life could get worse. Since I take Methadone. Don't know if Tramadol would be affected. My hight hip, all the way around and the groin are really hurting. It's a bad hip that is being tortured.
Well, I took more meds, again, ate some food so I don't vomit. (side affect) Maybe I will go to sleep again. It's only 3:30.
I just don't know what we could add. I can't increase the doses anymore, due to nausea and vomiting. Can't take Mirapex/Requip anymore, due to augmentation.
Maybe some of you out there are sleeping. DEB

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

Deb, you do sound very fed up.

As it happens I did have reasonable sleep last night, and no idea how that happened.
I had planned on phoning my son who is 8 hours time difference behind me because I am 'always up' during the night.
And how I managed for the first time in memory to sleep right through I will never know.
Yes, I was exhausted but that usually doesn't make any difference.

Everything seems so difficult in the middle of the night when it appears that the world is having a wonderfully restful sleep.

You mention your right hip - I fully understand your difficulty. I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. Getting comfortable in bed can be another issue.

It is lunchtime here and I have only just made it downstairs. Having had 2 grandchildren with me 12 hours yesterday I am now aching. Want to wipe down the leather furniture and do the wooden floors and it seems like a mountain. Last week's ironing is still in a pile in the garage.

Personally I feel that opiods are a great treatment for wed and and happen to cover a lot of other conditions that we may suffer alongside the wed.
Heaven only knows how my fibro and osteoarthritis would feel without the meds that I take for the treatment of wed (which includes tramadol and codeine).

I hope you got some rest last night.
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by ViewsAskew »

Wish I had something positive to say to help....
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

Thanks for everyone's support. I did end up sleeping from 4:30 to about 8 am this morning. I have been tired today. Took a couple of short naps today. Just have to wait and see how tonight goes. I have osteoarthritis in my right hip. When my right leg jerks the wrong way, that hip will really hurt. I usually don't feel as bad as I did last night. I'm usually pretty positive in general. I love this disscussion board and all who participate. DEB

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

Deb, I fully empathise with your osteoarthritis (I have it upper and lower back, both knees and both hands).
You'd think that wed would be enough.

And I agree with you about this Discussion Board - I think it is wonderful.

As I am meeting a friend for lunch and shopping it is now time to go pre-medicate for the afternoon.

Yikes.... I have become older with 'old lady pains' - hope yours improve and that your normally positive personality shines through and you have a good weekend.
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

I'm not sure now how to change my meds around. I changed them a little and it helped some, but then last night was different. I take some at 5pm, then at 9pm, then when ever I wake up. Any where from 2 am to 4 am. Last night it was 2 am. So then at 4:30 my leg started again, too early to take more meds. So I got up. I slept a couple of hours between midnight and 2 am, then a couple of hours between 2:30 and 4:30. I was hoping for at least a couple more after 5 am, but it's not going to happen. We have to leave soon today. I may sleep in the truck. It seems like I have all of this medication in me and it's only good for a couple of hours. If I increase the dose I'll get nauseated. As it is I have to eat something for the middle of the night dose. The half life time of my drugs should last 8 hours. I really don't want to increase the Methadone or the Tramadol. I am very aware of addiction. I take 5 mg of Methadone, twice and 50 mg of Tramadol twice. Also, Gabapentin 300mg three times. Those are low doses and like I said I don't want to increase those. I augmented with Mirapex more than once. It seems like I'm getting less and less sleep. I just don't know anymore, which was to turn. If I add another Methadone and Tramadol, I wouldn't be able to take them until at least 8 am. Sometimes it's ok to sleep in the mornings. But I am a morning person and I really like to be up and do stuff then. For so many years of my life I went to bed at 9 pm and didn't get up until 7 am, with one trip to the bathroom. Those were the days. I know I am going on and on, I'm just so tired. DEB

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by ViewsAskew »

Just my opinion....taking more isn't likely to increase your chances of addiction.

I take 20 mg of methadone throughout the day, sometimes 25. It just doesn't work with less. I get not wanting to increase, but having just "awakened" from what I realize was a several year nightmare gives me a different perspective. I took a drug because I thought it was better for me, but it made me very depressed. I lost all that time. I thought it was good enough. And, for what? It didn't help me be happy, to be able to work full time, or to have a fun, loving life.

The thought of being physically dependent and having to go through withdrawal is not a pleasant one. But, I'll be damned if I'm going to continue treating myself as a second class citizen, withholding what does work because of that fear. I'll be responsible, careful, and do my best to make sure I am safe.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

The thought of being physically dependent and having to go through withdrawal is not a pleasant one. But, I'll be damned if I'm going to continue treating myself as a second class citizen, withholding what does work because of that fear. I'll be responsible, careful, and do my best to make sure I am safe.

I reiterate this absolutely.
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

I agree Ann. But one of the problems is I don't know if I can take more than 15mg total. The last time I increased the methadone I was so sick, I couldn't do anything. I was nauseated all of the time. All I did was lie on the bed. Then of course I have to talk the doctor into letting me increase it. Then I will try 20mg. and see what happens. Also the tramadol causes nausea. So far if I take it with food I'm ok. I was just so sick before, vomiting, etc. It was awful. My script for the methadone is 1 to 2 1/2 per day. I have been taking 2 or 3 (15mg) a day. I asked her to increase it to, 1 to 3 and she wouldn't do it until I go and see her. I'm scheduled to see her the first of Oct. I had her increase my gabapentin and she did that. She wants me to see what happens with that for a week or so.
But I have wonderful news !!!!! My wonderful husband took me shopping today. We bought a new bath tub and sink. The old ones were so awful I couldn't stand to take a bath and soak my legs, which really helps me. The finish is all off. So week after next we are getting a new bathroom. I can't believe it. I'm still in shock. It's also a jet tub. In the middle of the night when I'm going crazy I will be in the tub. We've only been in this house a year. DEB

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

Had a better night last night. I had decreased the gabapentin so I could stretch out my RX until I got another one. So I have increased it back to where it was and I slept last night, 4 hours and then another 3 hrs, with an hour up in the middle. I didn't realize going down one Gabapentin would make such a difference. Won't do that again. My legs didn't jerk once last night. The middle of the night thing was just to take meds and food so I wouldn't get nauseated. So 7 hours is very good for me. I feel tired this morning though. I will probably take a nap. I have found that I sleep when I feel the need and just go with it. Thanks again to everyone who helps me. DEB

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

DEB, that's brilliant... 7 hours sleep. I hope you get the same tonight.

Just a thought with regard to the tramadol. My friend was prescribed tramadol and it worked for her (not WED) but made her so sick. Dr prescribed an anti-sickness medication for her to take just before taking the tramadol and this didn't work either. Now they are trying slow release tramadol. Slow Release might be worth considering.
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

Ok, thanks. I have nausea medication, haven't tried anti sickness med, if you mean dramamine. I stay away from the nausea medication. But since the food worked, I'd rather do that than take another pill. I never expect to have two good nights in a row. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised when it happens. DEB

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

The night before I got 7 hours of sleep in a row. Couldn't believe it. But last night only got 2 hours. I've been up since 3:30. My leg has finally settled down so I could get on the computer. My right thigh was contracting so hard Is was hurting. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I might be able to sleep now, it's almost 7am. DEB

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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by Polar Bear »

It is so difficult to understand when this happens - there seems to be no rhyme nor reason with it.
I hope you're in a position to take sleep when you can.
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Re: Feeling Very Discouraged Tonight

Post by debbluebird »

Yes, since my forced retirement, I can sleep when my body lets me. I ended up sleeping from 8am to 11 am today. It's wierd, that even though I can have a terrible night, I get sleep later and feel ok after that. I had a productive rest of the day. I think it's mainly since I don't have the stress of going to a job. Otherwise I would be stressing all night, thinking "I have to go to work in the morning". But I don't, so it all works out. When I am going through a night like I had last night, I cry a little bit while I'm going through it, but then it's ok. Having this site and everyone here as made the difference.

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