Neupro problems?

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Neupro problems?

Post by SnOman »

I recently saw a new Neurologist (partner of my previous neurologist) because this Dr is more familiar with RLS patients. He had me try the Neupro patch. I started with 1 mg/24hr for a week, then went to 2mg/24hrs.

I have been (and continue to) treat my RLS with tramadol er 300 and kratom as needed for breakthrough, which has become more and more frequently needed, hence trying neupro while continuing the tramadol.

I have tried requip and pramopexole when I was first diagnosed with RLS. I had to stop both due to unbearable leg/muscle/joint pain after 4-5 days. I have tried both gabapentin and horizant, both made me very sleepy and dizzy with no RLS relief.
So... During the first week with 1mg, I had achy legs (not as bad as with other DAs) and a very foul mood/outlook without any noticeable RLS benefit (other DAs really helped). The first night I went to the 2mg I slept like a rock, but woke up in the morning and felt like I had a horrible alcohol hangover without the nausea (haven't drank any alcohol in 3 years because the RLS goes through the roof). I had leg pain in muscles/knees and an overall steady throb/ache that didn't even feel like it was anywhere specific, just all over. I had a pounding headache and general confusion/lightheaded. The strangest symptom was a sense of "lost time." For example, I went to fill up a water bottle and put the bottle under the stream of water. It seemed like immediately it was overflowing, and I don't remember it filling up. Driving to work, when I would look out the side window and look back, I felt a little light headed and felt like I had jumped forward in time. I took the patch off when I got to work, the side seemed to continue for most of the day. I was told that the most frequent side effect was nausea, but that is one thing I didn't have. I also did not have any skin reaction to the patch itself. I was told these side effects almost always go away, so I tried the 2mg again (last night) hoping to work through my side effects. I woke up this morning at 8 (slept all night) with the same side effects and RLS symptoms. I immediately took the patch off knowing I couldn't spend another day like this. After Some kratom tea, I fell in and out of sleep on the couch. I could hear my wife and kids playing on the floor next to me, but I felt like I could not open my eyes or unfold my hands or get up. I felt like I was stuck in half dream/half wake. I have never felt this or the sense of losing time with the other DAs. Has anyone ever experienced these effects from Neupro or an other DA? Has anyone ever stayed on it long enough where leg pain, headaches or other side effects subsided? I have stopped my Neupro for now, as these effects have been very unnerving to say the least.

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Re: Neupro problems?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Yikes - unnerving is right!

First, I want to say I have no direct knowledge to help you. The following is just me doing some brainstorming - it may not be helpful, so ignore if it is not.

I used the patch for a short time and didn't have that symptom. It does take up to five days to build up in your system. Could it be that you're taking too much? I mean, the other side effects are not at all fun, either, so you may not want to take it, but it could be that all would be better if you had less of it.

Or, could it be a combination of the drugs - doesn't seem likely, but did you do an interaction check?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Neupro problems?

Post by badnights »

Could it be that you're taking too much?
That was my thought, too. The starting dose is generally a 1-mg patch.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Neupro problems?

Post by SnOman »

Thank you for the replies. There are some interaction concerns with tram ado land neupro, mainly in the "increased drowsiness" area. This could explain the lightheaded feeling also. Possibly the feeling of "lost time" as well.

It is also possible the dose was too high; however, I was on the 1mg patch for a week before going to the 2mg, and did not notice any difference in RLS symptoms at 1mg.

The leg pain/ache and headaches are so bad I don't think I could make it through even if I knew they would go away after 2 weeks. Any folks out there that had the same awful side effects with 3 different DAs? I know they are in the same class, but they have to be a little different from each other or why have different kinds? Thanks again.

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Re: Neupro problems?

Post by gerryhines »

I have been on neupro for several months, 4mg, then 6mg and back to 4. My early side effects were sudden falling asleep, one car accident, one running up on sidewalk, and while eating in my easy chair fall asleep and drop my plate or computer. Wake right up after having the drops or accident. Seems to have worn off now and am not getting the side effect as severe or often.

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Re: Neupro problems?

Post by Rustsmith »

How much sleep are you getting? I was on Neupro for about 15 months. I was fortunate that I only had one driving incident (hit the curb and blew out two tires). And forget about freeway driving for more than about 45 minutes at a time, that was simply too dangerous.

Also, when I did get off of Neupro, my doctor put me back on pramipexole. Some of my Neupro augmentation issues went away but not the sleep deprivation and related driving problems.

In retrospect, I was only getting 3.5 to 5 hrs of sleep each night in spite of also being on gabapentin to help me fall asleep. I now realize that the cumulative lost sleep that was being caused by the Neupro was causing the narcolepsy type problems during the day. I have been getting 7-8 hrs of sleep now for the last month and just now starting to be able to drive for more than an hour at a time without feeling like I am about to fall asleep and become a danger to everyone around me.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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