Methadone complications - not medical

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Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Rustsmith »

I have been documenting the trials and tribulations of my RLS treatments here for over a year now. First it was issues with augmentation on DAs. Then I couldn't switch to an opiate because I was moving (and leaving a great doctor) just as I finally got to see my doctor. I immediately started the process of getting access to a new doctor when I arrived at my new home, but it still took four months. I was fortunate to find a "keeper" on my first try and started on methadone as soon as I could get the prescription filled. Unfortunately, I have to travel 100 miles each way to see my "keeper" doctor because there are local problems with prescription drug abuse and no doctor in town is willing to prescribe any kind of opiate to treat RLS.

So I made the change from DAs to methadone seven months ago and it has been a positive experience. I probably need a bit more than the 5mg that I taking, but that is where I intend to stay for now.

BUT (there is always a but!), I have now run into yet another manifestation of the local opiate abuse problem. In spite of having a valid prescription written by a doctor at the medical school for the state university, completely satisfied all the federal rules for Schedule 2 prescriptions and was even printed on non-copyable university prescription paper, no local pharmacy was willing to fill my prescription. Surprisingly, none of them accused me of being a drug seeker. Their explanation was that RLS is not listed as an approved use for methadone. The pharmacists all seemed to understand my explanation that opiates are the only recourse once you have augmented on two DAs, but company policy is company policy and they would not budge. So my only resort at this point is my mail order pharmacy.

So it isn't just the doctors that the feds are pressuring to not write opiate prescriptions, they are also pressuring the pharmacies not to fill prescriptions that satisfy all the legal requirements if the use of that opiate is "off label".
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by ViewsAskew »

Steve, I had a similar situation a few years ago, but was able to prevail. I knew the pharmacist at my local Walgreens and she knew the hell I went through with augmentation and trying to get something that would work. While one of the pharmacists at that location was a stickler for legal scripts (written exactly as required), I never was turned away.

When I moved, I changed Walgreens. At first, no problems. Then one day the pharmacist refused. The doctors office called me to say that the pharmacy refused to fill it unless I could find research to prove that it would work for RLS. I had a thing or two and I contacted Dr. B - he sent me a few more. They relented with the research articles - that satisfied the corporate requirements, as I understand it.

I hope you get it worked out. It is SO frustrating to find something that works and is thwarted by such things.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Polar Bear
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Polar Bear »

This is madness. As far as I know, here in UK, once a doctor has written a prescription the pharmacist will fulfill it. It is not for the pharmacist to 'second guess' the doctor. Unless someone also from the UK knows differently. ??
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by ViewsAskew »

I thought that was true in the US, too...until it happened to me! Since, I've learned that it happens quite a bit (all things considered). If a pharmacist doesn't want to provide birth control, for example, in some states he or she may refuse. And, apparently, it is also allowed in the UK. ... ption.html

I wouldn't mind if a pharmacist did this if another pharmacist had to dispense. In some states in the US, however, it is not required that someone else dispense.

But, apparently there are a lot of scripts for pain meds not being filled here, too. ... ns/4439866
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Rustsmith »

I think that it is simply an extension of the case where any business can refuse to do business with anyone that that wish so long as they are not violating any of the discrimination laws. A business can refuse to serve you if they don't like your attitude, the look on your face, or the color of your shirt. Just so long as the reason doesn't include one of the groups protected by law. As a WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) male, I am in the one group that gets no legal anti-discrimination protections, so any business can ask me to leave and I have to leave.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Polar Bear »

:roll: Views - interesting Telegraph article - I've never heard of a refusal on a prescription.
And on your other link on the pain meds, it's all a bit of a lottery.

I honestly thought that a Pharmacist was carrying out the instructions of the Doctor - end of story.

Steve - :-? :-? all quite confusing for ordinary Joe Public.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Rustsmith »

PB, that is part of the reason why the American court system is overloaded. If I am a shop keeper and someone comes in that is mean and abusive, if I politely ask them to leave, that individual can claim that I am discriminating against them because they are part of a protected minority group. Even if they were trying to steal something and got caught, they can claim discrimination and sue (but they would lose in this situation if I have some form of proof of the theft attempt). I think that this is part of the reason why we are seeing the demise of the specialty small shop keeper in the US. It is very difficult to sue a major corporation like Walmart with their video systems and in-house staff of lawyers but the small proprietor may not be able to afford a fight in court and definitely could not risk losing (even if he/she knows that the claim is false).

So, getting back to the point, the pharmacist is completely within his rights to refuse to sell to me for any reason he wants. By doing so he will lose money because I take my business elsewhere and he definitely does not make that sale, but that is his/her decision to make. I could sue them and "claim" discrimination except for the fact that I am not a part of a protected minority.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by debbluebird »

Oh wow, I had no idea. As you know, I live in Northern Colo. I get my prescription here in my town, but I have to drive 60 miles to Laramie, Wy. to get my methadone filled at a Safeway. When we first came here I got it at the Walmart, which was ok, but we found that the Safeway was more personal. Also, Walmart didn't always have enough. The people in Safeway got to know us. My husband usually goes in with my script for methadone and for his oxycodone. We've never had an issue. Maybe it's the small town mentality. I don't know.

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hope you never have issues, Deb.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by debbluebird »

If I ever move from here, which I will if my husband dies first, it may happen. It scares me.

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Pogo »

Hi Steve, and everyone,
I've been very fortunate in that I've had two pharmacies fill my Methadone scripts. The only problem was that my preferred pharmacy, a small locally owned shop, encountered a high "processing" fee that my insurance would not cover. So I transferred the script to our local RiteAid, no problem. After about six months my insurance showed a treatment history for drug abuse. With a twenty year military career and another twenty years in civilian healthcare I was a little shocked at this. It has been removed now but no one can tell me how it got there.

Have you had any side effects of the Methadone? I'm at 5mg taken at 6:00pm daily. I still get some breakthrough episodes, but clonazepam takes the edge off of them. I have problems with loss of appetite, mood swings and maybe some other minor symptoms. I'm not entirely sure if they are Methadone related. My health is excellent outside of the RLS and these symptoms.

By the way Steve, how did you do with the track and field competition I saw you post about on the Augmentation area last year.

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Rustsmith »

Pogo, my only complications from taking methadone are the non-medical ones described in this thread or else when I forget to take my medicine on schedule.

As for the track competition, I did great in 2015 and was able to come in 4th in my age group in two different events at the national championships. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get in all of the training that I needed this year due to my move to Colorado and so I was only able to manage 8th place in my main event. But that just gave me more incentive to work hard next spring because I change age groups and will be competing as the "young" guy in the event instead of being the oldest one in the race.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by QyX »

In Germany a pharmacist never would 2nd guess the doctor nor has the pharmacist any right at all to know the diagnosis / indication behind a prescription.

Pharmacists are refused to deliver. Only when they suspect forgery they are allowed to withhold the medication.

I am filling narcotic prescriptions, at first for Methylphenidat, then later for opioids since 18 years. I've never had any problems except weird looks and questions like if I really do know how to use this medication. Once some young pharmacists said that my doctor really is prescribing a lot in a way that was really weird but that's it. I prefere to go to the same pharmacy if I can to avoid stupid comments.

But wow ... the U.S. are again such a extreme country.

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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by ViewsAskew »

I was recently in California working with Dr B and getting infusions. I went to fill my script - the pharmacy didn't have it. They ordered, it didn't come. Over ten days it didn't come and I ran out. They gave me the only pills they had on hand - 20 out of the 150 I had coming. It kept me from going into withdrawal.

Off to Dr Bs to get another script because the first one was an e-script and couldn't be transferred. Not even to another location within the same company (CVS). I got the next one and had to go to one pharmacy after another because it's against company policy for any pharmacy to tell you if they have opioids in stock - because someone might try to rob them. Good heavens.

I finally found a pharmacist who had 7 less than the script and filled it. I only succeeded because I told him I would go back to the Dr and have them rewrite the script for the lesser amount (he told me he wouldn't partial fill). It took me a total of 12 days, several trips to the pharmacies and the doctors, as well as hours of my time.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Polar Bear
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Re: Methadone complications - not medical

Post by Polar Bear »

Ann - frustrating nightmare !
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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