Rosie O'Donnel Says There is No RLS

For everything and anything else not covered in the other RLS sections.
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Post by becat »

I tried to bring it up on the web to see for myself, like you Randy, I hate to dog someone for no good reason, BUT..........I know Ann, and if she said it's out there and people are talking about it, I trust that for sure.
I'm rather hostile right now and can't say for sure it's not the withdrawl of the meds, but ! Don't mess with my community and certainly don't do it when I feel badly.........

So I have been emailing everyone at ABC and the View and will continue to until I have bloody fingers.
I said she owes us, for her uneducated and awful manner of picking on our community for comedic reasons, she owes us to educate herself and others.
I don't know the woman personally, Duh :D , but long before this I knew she would not be someone I would care to know too well. This just puts her in with all the others with a microphone, that say things they have no clue about ......i.e. she and Tom Crusie deserve each other as friends....
However, with that said, God Bless them they don't have to live with a condition that can easily ruin ones life.

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Post by becat »
go through the choices of clips to the gridle conversation. It's there! yes there is an ad too before it all starts.

GOT IT here is what she said and it's the video link right to it I hope.
What a wasted piece of air time we could have gotten. I have two more emails I'm working on and the telephone tomorrow.
Wretched mouth.

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Post by Bradwick »

I'm going to email Rosie and the show as well, but I think it's important to include links to information that could educate her/them. We all know how serious RLS is but I think if we're honest we can admit that Restless Leg Syndrome does sound rather silly. We kind of got the short end of the stick when it comes to disease names.

That being said, it's pretty safe to assume that if there's commercials on national television advertising a disease, it's probably real. Drug companies are all about making money but it's much more lucrative to find a cure for something that exists than to invent a disease. Rosie should have definitely done at least a tiny bit of research on it before choosing to mock it.

I'm choosing to believe that with enough people sending in personal testimonies and educating her some sort of apology will be made along with an explanation of what she's learned and that there is relief for it then more people will be informed about it than if she hadn't made the statement.

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Post by tazzer »

my email to them was so long, i started back in the 1600's and ended with today. lol i did have get a little pissy in it, i told walters next time her new host spouts off her big mouth, she should at least know what's she's talking about. I told her you don't hear people making fun of Parkinson's and RLS is in the same class as Parkinson's. I know because when you file insurance, RLS is classified under neurological right with Parkinson's, and we all take Parkinson's meds!
I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Post by tazzer »

and by the way, why can't we give rosie a pill to keep her mouth closed!!??!!

take a pill, i wish she had to take all these damn pills, grrrrr :evil:

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Post by Neco »

To play devils advocate, there are always these infomercials on TV you see for stuff like "colon cleansing" and "cures the drug companies don't want you to know about!" and on and on and on.

It's not always safe to assume because something has a commercial, an support group, etc. That it will be free from critics. Just look at the exchange between Rush Limbaugh and Michael J. Fox, for example.

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Post by tazzer »

true, but the great thing about uneducated big mouths, there are people out here, that are free to educate them.

p.s. at least Rush apologized, lets see what rosie does!

dee :D
I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Post by jan3213 »

I just emailed Rosie on her blog and emailed Barbara Walters on The View website. I told both of them about this site--among other things.

This makes me so angry. I'm not a fan of Rosie O'Donnell. I think she is rude and uses her celebrity to say whatever she wants and to push whatever cause SHE believes in, while making fun of or criticizing many things she doesn't know much about. Just my opinion. However, her comments about RLS are a fine example of what she does, as far as I'm concerned.

Anyone who would make fun of a condition--syndrome or disease--that effects people's quality of life in any way, is ignorant. Plain and simple. That includes Rosie, Rush Limbaugh and that comedian (can't remember his name), but some of you know who I mean.

As far as commercials vs. infomercials are concerned, I think the commercials about RLS are a little different than seeing someone on in the middle of the night talking about inventing a cure for everything. Also, just my opinion.

I see so many people (adults AND children) suffer from RLS, it just makes me furious to hear that someone--I don't care if it's my next door neighbor--thinks it's funny.

I'll put my soap box up now. Have a good day.

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Post by Neco »

I just typed some crap in the whole "ask rosie" box on the site.. I plan to send some more detailed stuff to people who may actually read it and care.

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Disappointed but not surprised....

Post by chamudie »

this posting is coming late as I am on the other side of the world.....I am not surprised to hear that she did this. I know that John Stewart a few months back made a quick comment on imaginary illnesses and their meds, but at the time I did not belong to this group. It was shortly after the "requip" commercials started and I was just happy in a weird sort of way that my condition was actually, finally out there. I posted on Rosies website and sent baba wawa an email....I come from a family of sufferers ( siblings, father, neice)
As a newbie here , I am glad we have this forum, its still amazing how many in the medical community have NO CLUE to what RLS is....though I was lucky to have found a decent neuro here and getting the correct meds ( took some prodding, we have "national" health insurance here, kinda like Canada, but the beaurocrats are more surely).
I hope to post soon as I have a lot more questions and problems with my RLS and I hope others can give me advice if possible.
Sue S
"when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"-Hunter S. Thompson

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Post by jan3213 »

Hey Sue

Just wanted to say a quick "hello" and welcome to our forum. I'm so glad you posted to Rosie and "baba". I look forward to seeing your posts. You will be among friends, here!

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Post by tazzer »

Hey Sue, welcome to the board.

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Post by jumpy »

I sent in my complaint...Hopefully everyone that counts will consider the source

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Post by Neco »

Debateable topic... yeah I'd say we have that one covered

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Post by fulltimemartins »

After telling her what I thought of her ignorance on the subject, I invited her to visit me and stay up all night with me when I am walking the floor because I can't even sit down, never mind lay in bed!!!

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