What a night !!!!!!

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Post by waterloo2 »

Hi Moonlight

Ive put a post up in your private inbox.
Im having a hard time coming to terms
with all my ailments never mind rls.
Dont no why I go to bed sometimes.

Hey tell you neighbour to shut up, or to
turn the music down I would.

God I feel awful these days going to have
to go back to doc after holiday. But, dont
want any meds for rls im on enough meds
already. As they only make you ill.


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Post by cmoore1958 »


"Fibro" is short for fibromyalgia. It makes my muscles all over my body spasm and hurt real deep to the bone. My muscles also are tight, but weak. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also part of fibromyalgia -- go figure I can't sleep with my rls, but my fibro makes me want to all the time. Poor body doesn't know which way to turn any more.

I really hope you are doing better. I don't like it when someone in my family hurts so much. Keep your chin up girlfriend and I'll keep you in my prayers, too.

Love ya,
Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.

My motto: It's MY pitty-party and I'll vent if I want to.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Moonlight I am glad that you regained your calmess. I am so sorry that I missed chatting with you and Tazzer. I got home too late and know that by then you would be in bed sleeping.

I will try and get with this weekend.

Take care my friend.
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Post by moonlight »

Wow Cyndi, that sounds awfull for you , I hope you get some relief from it.

Last night wasn't much better than the last two,sleep was slow to come but rls was quick to come, I just could'nt settle. Got up early so was really organised this morning to the surprise of my son, so maybe there are some advantages too LOL.

"Warrior Woman " has fought the demons off again and feeling quite pleased with her self ( ok i know self praise is no praise )and still taking meds properly.

Was at physio this morning she says the trapped nerve is going to take several months to improve, the pain is not so bad , maybe it is improving or i'm getting used to the pain .Don't know about anyone else but i find i get used to pain with being constantly in it and can suffer a lot of pain before it makes me do anything about it ( does that make sense)

Anyway I really must clean this house it is embaressingly untidy and i must do it while i feel good.

Enjoyed chat last night


moonlight :P
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Post by lorabell »

Oh, I feel so bad for you ! Since all of us KNOW what you went thru, we can really appreciate the frustration.
On one of my worst nights, I was so sleep deprived, I woke my husband up and told him the house was on fire. I've only seen him move that fast 2 times in my life and I can't rememeber the other time. LOL I saw the red light on the fax machine !
The one thing that still gets me is that great peace of advice , from well intended people, RELAX !If we could do that, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in .LOL So, try to keep stress at a minimum, and only relax if you have to. LOL
I know I always sound flip about our life long friend, but humor is the only way I know how to handle this thing.
My family has always been supportive, my friends have learned and even my Sunday School class knows when I am up pacing behind them , to just let me walk and when I get tired, I'll sit down and act like a ( NORMAL ?) person.
The one thing I never want from anyone is sympathy. Empathy is fine, but for pete's sake, don't feel sorry for me. LOL On my bad nights, I can do that all by myself and do it better than anyone can for me. LOL
Just keep on fighting the good fight. We may have a cure for this thing someday.
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Lora what a good post. I really enjoy reading them, and again, so glad that you are posting.

Have a good weekend,
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enough was enough!

Post by moonlight »

hi :)

Well I'm still here and going strong, two nights ago was one of the worst,the pain was intense.I came on to the site and Zach chatted this helped keep my mind off it,had one and a quarter hours sleep and was like a zombie the next day,the rls was still there.
Enough was enough pain and lack of sleep on top of a stinking cold no more I decided.
Got panadol and diphenhydramine and that did the trick , no pain and it knocked me out ,i had a fantastic sleep with no dreams or breaks.
looking forward to tonight ,got rls just now but hope i get the same sleep as last night.
Then my batteries will be on full charge again for whatever next week holds.


moonlight "warrior woman" :)
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Post by cmoore1958 »

Hi Warrior Woman! :)

I'm so pleased to hear that you got some good rest and sleep. That is so important and necessary. We all know what you have been through and can appreciate your report and rejoice with you.

I too hope tonight is a good one for you - you deserve it.

Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.

My motto: It's MY pitty-party and I'll vent if I want to.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Hey warrior woman! I'm so glad that you're having some good days to dilute the bad ones. At least you know that the bad stuff comes and goes, and isn't there to stay all the time. And girl, your attitude is amazing. I can really tell you've been working hard in your support groups.

A couple days ago you wrote that you felt like all your good work was being undone by the neighbor with the stereo, and the onslaught of RLS. Just remember that that kind of work can't be undone. Some days it feels like being back at square one, but you'll find that you learn to bounce back more quickly over time, and you learn to put the bad times in perspective.

Fighting those demons is kind of like playing "Whack-a-Mole." You beat one down and another pops up. Eventually you learn not to play that game, and let the universe take care of the demons while you live your life. Not sure that makes any sense but hey, it's late.

Keep up the good work!

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Post by Neco »

Please be careful with the diphenhydramine.. If you get into the habbit of taking more than usual, you can seriously hurt or kill yourself.

Were you able to try a hot bath in Epsom Salts, yet?

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Post by moonlight »

Zach dont worry i'll be carefull. Am going to get Epsom salts today and give the bath a go.
Susan it makes sense what you say , it just takes a long time ,been over a year, but now begining to see the light at the end of the tunnel,i know there will still be more bad days , but i am really trying to focus on the good days when that happens.
rls seems to have subsided for a night so heres hoping.......does anyone else find that the rls gets bad ,then unbearable...then goes and starts to come back a few days later.......to me its like a wave......or maybe i'm imagining it dont know.
Off to my stress group ,better behave this week although i still feel giggly.

take care


moonlight "Warrior Woman"

xx :P
sleep is not only a dream

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Moonlight, mine is with me all of the time 24/7. No waves...

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Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Moonlight I am so glad that you are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This rls is like a roller coaster. Up one day and down the next. I am so thankful that you have us to talk to you.

I promise will get to chat with you one of these days. This week is really crazy and start doing taxes on Wednesday afternoon and it is the first day so it will be a wild one. Oh well I enjoy it and keeps my mind off of my legs.

Keep up the good work and so glad that you are going to the stress group. You are a strong person and know you will really do well with it.

Take care my friend. :) :) :)
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Post by moonlight »

Hi :?

Don't know if I was so happy at my stress group today, I didn't understand a thing they were saying.
They were talking about time;

too much free time makes you stressed
too little free time makes you stressed
not giving yourself enough time makes you stressed
giving yourself too much time makes you stressed

Well I was so confused by the end of the session that I was quite.........


It didn't make any sense to me at all and the nurse who was taking the session could'nt understand what I meant when I questioned him about it.
Never mind given....TIME.....I may figure it out.....

PS the other people in the group knew what I meant

a confused

moonlight "Warrior Woman" :P
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

LOL, Moonlight. Well, try not to STRESS about not knowing what they were talking about. It's true - everything causes stress. I used to know an acupressure point to push on when having been afflicted with too much joy. :roll:

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