suggestions please

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Post by cmoore1958 »

Oh, Moonlight, you just can't give up . . . it's jus not you! I know what you are going through is just awful, but you've got to hang in there. I know you can do this!

It's 5:30 am here and I'm up for the umpteenth time tonight, I'm really tired. I'm frustrated, exhausted and angry at my rls. But, I am much better than it is and I will not give in and let it win. This is my body. The rls might think it has claimed it, but I will take it back.

I love you girlfriend., If I could take away your pain and misery I would do that for you. You need to get to your doctor first thing on Monday and tell whoever answers the phone that this is an emergency and you need help now. Be very firm and strong as you run this show and they are just players in it. Take control of what you can take control of. The things you can't take control of right now, you just have to push your way through it and you will come out on the other side.

Please take care of yourself and let me know what else I/we can do for you. You are family and a very important member at that.

Many hugs coming at you, girl.
Even when we are by ourselves, we are never truly alone.

My motto: It's MY pitty-party and I'll vent if I want to.

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Post by Sojourner »


Wish I had the magic words or magic wand to make things better for you. You have been here before and have been up to the challenge. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you lately. But, it will get better. You are in my thoughts.

This post simply reflects opinion. Quantities are limited while supplies last. Some assembly required.

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Post by moonlight »

I love you all,my whole life is caving in on me, rls is only one of my problems, i can't solve any of them,whats the point

sleep is not only a dream

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Post by eliza »

Hey Moonlight,

Just want to let you know that there are many like me who frequent this board and take daily strength from it but rarely post. I, as well as many others whom you will never see, will be holding you up in prayer. I pray that you can rely on the strength from others when you have none of your own.

Hang in there. It will get better.


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Post by lorabell »

Hi Moonlight.
I read your post and you worry me.
All of us have felt like giving up, but I believe you are stronger than you think.
I have tried to give up, to just let go and been very, verey temtped to take all my pills and just go to sleep. Thank pGod, He saw me thru it and I am ok.
When we are so down, nothing seems to be worth living for.
And giving up would be the easy way out.
I don;t know if your message was meant as a life- taking message, or if you were just fed up fighting your rls.
But, as a Christian, I know that the Lord will see you thru all this.
Have you ever read the poem " Footprints in the Sand" It;'s about a guy dreaming he was walking with the Lord and asking the Lord why at times there were 2 sets of footprints in the sand aand then trhere were times when only one set was in the sand,.
The Lord told him, " When yout life was going well, I wakled next to you, , but when you needed help, and was down and discouraged , I carried you. " It's something like that, just maybe don;t have the righ words , but you get the idea.
Right now, God is carrying you. You may not realze it, but He is there with you, carrying you, thru our prayers.
never give up. One thing i have always believed in is, ' This too shall pass" I wasn't buying it the 21rst when evnded up int the E R over my RLS, but in my heart I knew it would.
I have also come to realize that we are a lot stronger than we think. I now see my rls/plmd as a gift. If I din;t have thewm, I couldn'y understand how you feel, but I do, and I thank God for that.
You will get thru this. You have a group fro here that give you encouragment, and love, even thmough we may never meet. But we do KNOW you. Our rls has made us a caring, loving family, and this family is praying for you and we KNOW, you're gonna make it.
i hope this message is taken with the love and concern I mean for it to be.
don/t give up, we are always here for you, and if you wouild like a call from me, email me at and I;'ll send you my number, or you can send me yours.
We are nevr alone. And we are stronger for having to deal with rls. I know that may not make sense to some people, but for me, i see my rls as a blessing in disguise. How else could i have met such loving, caring people that I have never met. LOL
Love and prayers,
Ps, I have haad 3 grandchildren for 2 days and my spelling is so bad, and I act. can;t tell which words are spelled wrong. I am one tird grandma. LOL
I prayed before I started this for the Lord to give me the right words. I believe He did.
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by ctravel12 »

Hey Lorabell just read your post and what a beautiful one. You are one special person and glad that I have been blessed to know you.

Iam sure that Moonlight appreciates all of our help and know she will get stronger.
Taking one day at a time

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Moonlight, you sound low, please don't give up

Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by moonlight »

Hi Lorabell

The Lord did give you the right words, thank-you.
I read your post and cried my eyes out, you did read my message correctly.I will be honest about how i feel and what is happening in my life.

My life is so mixed up and I can't think clear at all, RLS, depression , anxiety and panic, it's one horrible mess, that is my life.
I am in a dark place with depression just now everything around me is closing in, I'm self harming and i want to end everything and i'm scared.

I have never written that much in any of my posts.Just now i don't see anyway out,my husband has just told me were finished.My son is having a big probs trying to cope with all this.

I'm shaking like a leaf with tears streaming down my face as I write
, I have plenty pills in the cupboard and only need a few to end this pain forever.

I love the countryside, the blue sky,the fresh air, the sea,watching the sun rise and the sun set, I love my sone and i don't want to hurt him, oh God I am so confused.

I have come on to the site and joined the "family" at a time when my life was and is not at its best and have had and have such wonderful support.

I have a happy side a side which enjoys life, who likes to have fun and laugh but i can't find it, I hurt so much I can't take much more.
I hate being like this , I hate myself, I feel my strength has gone at least my RLS gives me something else to focus on .I know that sounds pretty sad.

I don't know what I'm going to do , how i'm going to cope or what tomorrow holds.
I am one crazy, mixed up moonlight

love and huggles
ps sorry to have written this in the rls section
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Moonlight I am so sorry that your husband has left you. I am glad that you feel comfortable enough to share with us but please do not do anything as remember you have your son and he loves you very much. He is also going through a rough time regarding his dad and right now he needs you more than you will ever know.

If you have to write to us all of the time that is good as we know that you are doing better and you are a strong person and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Right now you cannot see it but it is there.

We are all pulling for you.
Taking one day at a time

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Now it's my turn

Post by lorabell »

Oh Moonlight.
Oh honey.
Please, pleae, believe me when I say, you have so much to live for.
I know t isn't easy, I know it is so hard, but I KNOW, I FEEL IT IN MY HEART, God is watching over you.
I know He doesn't want you to do this. Please, Come to the board any'time your feeling down and just type " I need help, I need someone to talk to, and you know we will be here for you.
Ever see the poster of the cat hanging onto the end of the rope and it says, " when you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on".
We are your knot, so hang onto us.
You can't imagine how many people read the posts and think of you even though they don' reply.
We love you simply because your you. We all share such a strange thing, and it has brought us all closer because of it.
Hang onto us Moonlight, we love you, and so does God. PLease send me a private ew-mail. I am so concerned for you.
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by becat »

Moonlight, with all the love and heart that has been given I guess what I will say might come on a little strong.

Please understand that is not where my heart is, it's with you and knowing that your going to be ok.......just like everyone that has posted.

Honey, it's the time, right now, that you need to seek professional help. I know it may be hard to find the right doc for RLS, but I think you need someone professional to talk to.
You can't do harm to yourself, and life is going to throw curve balls (sorry an American term) is not always fun or easy.

BUT I PROMISE YOU, it's worth living every second of it. Your son deserves to have his mom here and whole. That may take someone to help you sort through things, but honey that is very doable.

What we are able to do for ourselves, because of our children....pretty limitless, wouldn't you say? So tomorrow or today, when you read this......

You have to know that we care, and are so happy you shared, but this is one thing that you have to get help with. We'll still be here, but at home where you are, seek help.

It's not easy to take the first step, but you've done that here. Now pick up hte telephone and ring the doctor or just go!

Your in our prayers, your in my thoughts and I know that you'll do great by your son by getting help for the two of you. Someone to talk to professionally, can help in ways that you might not see right now. But it is a must now.

If you need anything, we are here.
I am at

Hugs and prayers of safe keeping.

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Lynn AndMoonlight

Post by lorabell »

Well ladies,
To lynne, i agree with ou. You said the right thigs.
We are here for each other, but moonlight, and please take theis with the love we all have for you, Please do as lynne suggested,
Lofe is so precious, and it will get better. there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it isn't a train coming to run you over, ,it;s the lighy of love from all of us.
Sorry for the mispellings, I am toooo tired to corrct them.LOL Gtandkids wear ya ouy and moonlight, seeing your child grow up and get mattied and becominh grandma, is the best reason I can come up eith for your light.
I am worn out form having 3 of mne, but I wouldn;t have traded the weekend for anyhing.
We love you honey, please take Lynne's advice.
And keep on hanging onto that knot on yjay rope. lol
love and prayers,
Always remember, if you cut off your limbs, you'll have phantom rls and nothing to rub .LOL

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Post by ViewsAskew »


I hope that sharing that was a good thing...I can't begin to know how you feel...I am not you. I can't begin to know how it must feel to have this many things in so many directions, pulling at you. And, I can't begin to say that I know how difficult it is to find the strength to stand up to all of that.

Please check in and let us know how you are doing. If it would help, any of us would be happy to get on chat right now. Just say the word.

I don't know what gives us the strength to not give into that despair. For some it may be their higher power, or their belief in something greater themselves. For others, it's the thought of family. For others, it's yet something else. But, like Lynne, I do think it starts with asking for help. And, I do think that at times when it feels so overpoweringly awful, that we don't necessarily make the best decisions for ourselves.

I am asking you to promise me and the rest of your RLS family here that you'll contact at least one of us tonight and that you will talk to someone you trust and whom you've been working with in your sessions. You pick who you feel most comfortable with. If you need us to, one of us will even help you make the call.

Will you promise me that?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by becat »



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Post by mackjergens »

Call a 911 or a help hotline.. Talk to a human voice. Look up a ministers name in the phone book and call him/her. It doesn't matter if you know these people or not. Just call and ask for HELP. Ask that someone talk with you, listening to yourself talk things over with someone can be very helpful. You owe YOURSELF that much.. So get busy and find that human voice to talk to!!!

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