RLS LIFE: Drugs, Side Effects & Everything Else

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Post by jan3213 »

Hi, again, Nadia.....

I saw in Ann's post that you are having trouble with one of your daughters. I saw this in your post:

It's not to do with Troy and I, we're fine. It's something one of the girls has done ... and she doesn't realise the gravity of the situation, the trail of betrayal and disappointment she's plowing, the severe and utterly devastating consequenses that may eventuate ...

You know I have three kids--I love them more than my own life. And, I know they love me. But, as a good friend of mine told me, kids can rip your heart right out of you and stomp on it and never even know they did it at all. And, all three of mine have done that more than one time. Of course, I have no idea what happened--and it's none of my business. But, just remember that deep down I'm sure she cares deeply for you. How could she not??????


No one is alone who had friends.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

I so totally agree with every word of Jan's post.
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Post by sardsy75 »


Still alive ... worn out ... emotionally drained ... feeling used and thoroughly abused ... but hey ... that's life ... right?!

The Big Bloke has been scratched off my Christmas card list for this year; unless he stops throwin $h1t at me/us.


My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by sardsy75 »

Just a vent about how much RLS can FUBAR everything in less than five minutes. No biggie.

sardsy75 wrote:Hey,

Still alive ... worn out ... emotionally drained ... feeling used and thoroughly abused ... but hey ... that's life ... right?!

The Big Bloke has been scratched off my Christmas card list for this year; unless he stops throwin $h1t at me/us.


The above still applies ... in spades.

Had a "low" form off the coast just north of us a few days ago ... yippee!!! NOT!!!

Felt it comin on Tuesday, a few days before the meteorlogical (sp?) people even mentioned it on the news ... dear brain set my legs AND arms completely ballistic!

Since then its been a 24/7 battle AND, to add insult to injury and ego, i've actually had to dust off the walking stick.

The low "officially" formed on Thursday night and has been travelling slowly south west down the coast ever since ... and driving me bonkers.

I've had a script for 0.5mg Ropinirole sittin in my wallet for a few weeks. Since it costs so much ($45) I'd been biding my time, waiting for a "good" week in our budget to buy it. So much for that idea!

On Friday night, everything went from manageable to horrid when my hips decided they wanted a part of the action and I was left clutching a door post, unable to move. Troy helped me to bed and I sent him to the chemist. Got a phone call 10 minutes later ... "Uh darl, they don't have any in stock" ... Oh Bugga!

Saturday morning I rang every pharmacy in the district. No-one in town had any and the soonest they could get some was Tuesday or they had 2mg (can't afford $155 right now!!!) ... ahhhh ... no ... i'm likely to have chopped 'em off by then!

So, I started on the pharmacies in the surrounding towns. By this time, I was willing to drive to Rocky to get some! My luck changed however, when I made my last call to a pharmacy in a little town just south of where we live.

One 50km round trip later, I had the precious little box in my hands. The pharmacist couldn't quite understand my joy at finding her, but that's ok lol.

Yup, I know, Ropinirole takes it's time to work when you're already in the midst of the rock n roll, but I was NOT gonna rely on just Madopar Rapid (Levodopa/Benserazide) ... OR Pergolide. The last two times I've resorted to Pergolide I've ended up throwing up from the nasal spray i've used to clear my stuffy nose ... so its wayyyyyy back at the back of the drawer ... yes, I know it's off the official list of things we can use, but i've got over 1/2 a box of the stuff left.

So, yeah, shocker of a week ...

This is the only place where anyone understands how hard it is to juggle more than one chronic illness at a time, so here I came.

Not lookin for sympathy, just understanding. Have spent over a week in bed with what I suspect is an ever-increasing re-occurrance of Glandular Fever (shud go back to my GateKeeper, but I just feel like i'd be wastin his time); the bed feels like a slab of concrete; my brain is tryin its hardest to fend off everything i'm throwin at it; sleep ... what's that? I'm getting to the stage of sleep deprivation where everyone around me is enemy #1. So, I'm doin what one usually does when your body is screamin at you for rest ... rest ... more easily said than done when you get an attack of the guilts and instead, do copious loads of washing; cook dinner; clean up the house; grocery shopping; taking kids to and from school.

Here's a good one for y'all to mull over ... I wonder if we'd qualify to audition for those shows "Australia/England/America's Got Talent"??? I mean, it's no easy task juggling life, jobs, kids, partners, households in general and a plateful of incurable illnesses ... i think we qualify ... don't you?

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

We definitely qualify!

Glad you stopped in for a chat. You've definitely got my understanding...as you said, that's why we come here, isn't it?

Crap! Forgot my second round of meds....more later....
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

You've got our understanding by the bucketload.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Post by lyndarae »

Yeah............I can second that!!!!!!! Hang in there girlfriend~~~~~~~
You cant be brave if you have only had wonderful things happen to you

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Post by sardsy75 »

*tired smile* Thanks Girlfriends

The Ropinirole is hittin me hard, despite the fact that i'm taking 1/2 x 0.5mg at a time ... Just a walkin zombie goin through the motions and dropping in a heap when I get the chance.

Ol' brain is still messin with me ... despite the fact that the low pressure system has gone south and dissapated.

Prob coz i'm just not well in general.

Will keep soldiering on ... as always ... whether its appreciated or not :?

Love and hugs to you all xoxo

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by KBear »

It's good to hear from you even if things aren't going so well. :(

Sounds like it's time to give yourself some special TLC. Here are a few of my favorites:

Trip to the salon for a mani /pedi maybe ask the girls to do it for you to save money

Rent a chick flick and watch it alone while wearing comfy clothes and sipping a favorite beverage

Buy some really good chocolate or ice cream and enjoy it alone (or share it with someone you love but only if you feel like it)

A nice long private bath with bath salts and big fluffy towels (maybe enjoy the chocolate, ice cream or favorite beverage while in the bath) put on some pleasant music to enhance the sensory experience.

Buy yourself flowers or pick some outside, choose flowers that smell really good

Pick up a new romance novel and find a quiet place to read

That should get you good and started. :wink:

Link to the Mayo Clinic Algorithm:

http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/pd ... 907Crc.pdf

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Post by sardsy75 »

*doubly tired smile* Thankyou Kathy

This morning I brought home my 9yr old stepdaughter, Bianca, from hospital.

I called the ambulance at around 11pm on Wednesday night. It was an odd semblance of symptoms and events. What she was describing to me had the silent alarm bells going off in the back of my head for meningitis, but at the same time, the flu has hit town and its a bad one.

She'd been complaining of a headache and feelng sick in the stomach since Sunday, but had been her usual perky, cheeky self until Wednesday night when she went downhill in a matter of hours.

Ambos settled on the flu and decided she was unwell enough to take her to hospital for a checkover.

Saw the Doc sometime between 12:30am & 1:00am. She was a lovely Doctor, very gentle and thorough. First ever trip to hospital, so Bianca was quite distressed. After a lot of questions and a thorough physical exam it was suddenly obvious that she was suffering the same abdominal pain that her sister had back in Feb that resulted in her appendix being removed ... oh bugga!

So, no chance of goin home! Hadn't packed a thing for an overnight stay coz we thought it was the flu. Having the canular put in and a blood test done was NOT to her liking! We arrived on the childrens ward just after 2am.

By sheer coincidence, in the bed opposite us, was the same little girl who had been in when Karrissa had her appendix out. What a relief that was for me! I'd be able to catch up with her mom, who i'd become friends with last time we were all there.

Ultra-sound and a second round of blood tests revealed no sign of an appendix problem, but she was kept in again last night just in case. The surgeon I spoke to both times was the same one who operated on Karrissa; extremely nice and very helpful. Everything that can be crossed is crossed in the hope that we don't end up back there too soon with another infection that results in surgery.

So, yeah, i'm all bent outta shape from sleeping in a reclyner chair for two nights; along with pacing the halls around the ward. Well ... didn't sleep at all on Wednesday night but slept like a log last night.

Those pampering ideas are just the lift I need thankyou Kathy :) It's a long weekend so i'm going to be doing plenty of nothing and getting lots of rest as the hospital trip has done nothin to help get rid of this annoying continuing episode with my brain/legs (I sent an email to my sleep doc on Tuesday, will ring her later) ... or my GF.

Time to make some lunch, then i'm going to have a snooze.

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Glad Bianca is OK. That's so scary when things like that happen to kids - so quick like that.

I can't imagine how you must feel - bith physically and emotionally. Enjoy that looooooooong bath and book. 8)
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by KBear »

Scary times, I hope she's feeling better soon. Sending good feelings your way.

Link to the Mayo Clinic Algorithm:

http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/pd ... 907Crc.pdf

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Post by sardsy75 »

Hey all,

Yes, Bianca is ok; but she's had a rough month. She's recovered well from her hospital stay.

Big sis however decided that it would be great fun to slam and squash lil sis's hand in a pair of consertina doors in one of the classrooms at school ... GREAT! Her hand blew up like a balloon and it was a case of deja vu ... again. Only this time it was memories of MY hand problems. Thankfully, no breaks and only major bruising. Bianca didn't really appreciate my rigorous home-based physio but it was a case of her doing her exercises or me doing them for her. She's recovered very well and was even up to playing a game of touch football when we were at the beach on Saturday.


I’m not sure if the rest of this post belongs in the Pharmaceutical or Non-Pharmaceutical section, as I’ll be talking about both ... so I'll dump it in here. If the mods wish to link it to the other topics, feel free.


Ok … it’s official … I hate Winter … Or rather … I hate the chills, coughs, sneezes, aches, pains, the flu and everything else that is associated medically with Winter.

Went to bed last night with a mildly annoying stuffy nose; figuring it was from being cold when we went to a bbq at the beach on Saturday; then sitting down at the Marina fishing for 4 hours in 15 knot winds yesterdsay. Oh, my sneezing regularity was increasing at an almightily alarming rate of knots as well.

2am this morning found me reaching into the depths of the highest cupboard above the stove and raiding the “kids stash” of cough, cold and flu medicines (the girls get at least two bouts of bronchitis each a year  ). I took everything I could lay my hands on, along with asprin.

6am … I was repeating the same scratch around, only this time I had the mother of all sinus headaches.

It’s been YEARS since I’ve had a cold! NOT HAPPY!

I took my teary eyes, runny nose, sweaty brow, sneezes and general unhappiness at copping another health curveball down to my pharmacist and stocked up on everything I’d successfully drained out of the kids stash.

Tonight, my legs started buggin me, outta the blue, and since there’s not a drop of rain in sight, and winter has officially started, I’m thinking it must be something I’ve taken today that I don’t normally take.

What have I had?

1. Ease-a-Cold Cold & Flu Maximum Strength Day & Night (1 Day Tablet every 3-4 hrs; 1-2 Night Tablets at bedtime)
Ingredients: Zinc – 12mg (Day only)
Vitamin C – 245mg (Day); 40mg (Night)
Echinacea – 2g (Day); 1g (Night)
White Willow – 1.2g (Day); 334mg (Night)
Black Elderberry – 1.5g (Day); 670mg (Night)
Valerian – 1.33g (Night only)

2. Chemists’ Own Sinus Pain Relief Tablets (2 Tablets every 6 hours)
Ingredients: Paracetamol – 500mg
Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride – 30mg

3. Ethical Nutrients Immune Defence Cough Cold Relief (1 Tablet Daily)
Ingredients: King of Bitters – 6.0g
Siberian Ginseng – 2.0g
Echinacea – 1.5g
Zinc sulfate monohydrate – 33mg
Zinc – 12mg
Retinyl Acetate (Vit A) – 103.5mcg
Vitamin A – 300IU

4. Nyal Cold and Flu Medicine (10ml every 4 hours)
Ingredients: Phenylephrine Hydrochloride – 10mg

5. Benadryl Family Cough and Cold Medicine (10ml every 4 hours)
Ingredients: Dephenhydramine Hydrochloride – 12.5mg
Ammonium Chloride – 125mg
Sodium Citrate – 50mg

Ok … they’re the extra’s I’ve been takin since the wee hours of this morning and beyond. Dunno whats set me off. Possibly one of the anti-histamine’s; which is strange since I have no problems taking up to 75mg of Phenerghan at a time when I get eaten alive by migee’s and sandflies.

If anyone has any suggestions or input by all means throw it at me. If it IS the anti-histamine’s in the cold/flu mixtures then I guess I’m just gonna have to put up and shuddup until I can breathe without having a coughing or sneezing attack lol.

Ok, i'm off to dose myself up to the eyeballs to try and get some sleep after getting none at all last night.


Char ... cant guarantee that i'll make it to chat tomorrow ... will see how I am in the morning. I have my alarm set for 9:45am just in case tho.

Love n hugs to all

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

Posts: 16607
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Location: Los Angeles

Post by ViewsAskew »

Diphenhydramine!!!!!! That does it for me, everytime. But, so does Valerian and other people are fine with it. Go figure.

Hope the cold goes away soon. And stop taking the kid's medicine!

Glad to hear all is well with everyone (well, relatively speaking). Hope you are doing OK in other ways, too.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Location: Queensland, Australia

Post by sardsy75 »

ViewsAskew wrote:Diphenhydramine!!!!!! That does it for me, everytime. But, so does Valerian and other people are fine with it. Go figure.

Hope the cold goes away soon. And stop taking the kid's medicine!

Ah-ha ... ty Ann! Thought it might've been the Benadryl that did it. I'm fine with Valerian ... take 2000mg every night and have no probs.

As for the kid's medicine ... it's for adults too ... they just have a bad habit of hoggin it all to themselves. I'm glad i'd already stocked up on some of it before I went scratchin through it :D

Love n hugs

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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