Colonoscopy prep made RLS go wild

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Colonoscopy prep made RLS go wild

Post by snowbound »

Hello foks,

Something very strange happened to me the other day.

Yesterday i had a colonoscopy exam. As most know the day before, u must prep for it to make sure yor colon is clean. I never have an easy time with this as the prep solution along with the fasting makes me very ill... It's been almost 4 years since my last one.

This time it was really bad. I was so sick. One thing that happened this time that never happened before is that night after all day of puking and having umpteen bowel movements when i finally laid down to try and sleep my legs went wild like never before. They jerked harder than ever. No tingling sensation like i usually have first. Just really hard jerks.

Yesterday after my exam, i resummed my normal eating habits and my legs were calm last night. Has anyone here ever experienced this while fasting for any type medical exam? It was a scary sight seeing my legs act this way. Usually i just get sensations and very smalll movement in my legs at night.
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Post by Neco »

Wow I've never heard of that... Never heard of people throwing up from the laxative either..

Most horror stories come from the procedure itself where the anesthesia either sets their RLS off or they actually remember / are still alert during the procedure, including a biopsy.

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Post by snowbound »

Zach wrote: Never heard of people throwing up from the laxative either..

Some folks can't tolerate the preparation unfortunately for different reasons.

Most horror stories come from the procedure itself where the anesthesia either sets their RLS off or they actually remember / are still alert during the procedure, including a biopsy.

My procedure was only under light sedation. I felt everything and it was terrible. The doc couldn't even finish the exam because i was reeling in pain due to a loopy colon. He did remove one polyp from my rectum though. My insides are still sore today from the rough treatment...

He told me to schedule a barium enema to finish the job and i refused saying there is no way i'm going through the prep again unless their is some kind of alternative to fasting and drinking that yucky stuff. I have never been heavily sedated since my RLS got worse so i'm not sure how it would react to that.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, what a nasty day you had! Reading your story immediately conjured a similar experience for me during the exam itself. But, I didn't have any trouble with the prep that I can's been about 7 years, though, and my RLS wasn't that bad at that time.

Glad you are better now.
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Post by snowbound »

Thanks, it was quite an ordeal to say the least. All i can say is if u are afflicted with a torturous bowel, beware of the colonoscopy! :wink:
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Post by Sojourner »

I have been lucky and experienced just the "usual" inconveniences. But, do not discontinue your normal medications once you have been "cleaned." Did that once and paid dearly.

Also, on the NBC nightly news last week, they did a segment about "virtual colonoscopies." Apparently, the latest research seems to suggest they are now found to be a good option compared to the traditional colonoscopy for many people--particularly if you are not at risk or experiencing problems. Drawback is that if something is found i.e. polyps they are not able to do a biopsy and you may have to have a traditional colonoscopy anyway. Hopefully, because the procedure is so much simpler more people may obtain one and perhaps save many more live.

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Post by snowbound »


i have also read about virtual colonoscopies and it looked interesting. I also ran across a video that could eliminate the traditional cleansing preparation prior to colonoscopy,

"Colonoscopy Preparation using Colon Hydrotherapy"

This procedure takes place just before the colonoscopy exam. I think i could handle that. :lol:
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Snwbound, I had this done about 4 years ago, woww... I still can taste that stuff, if I recall correctly it was about 8 pints you had to drink, oily texture and flavoured with vanilla to make it easier to drink.... I don't think so.... I've hated vanilla ever since.

However I wasn't on any meds for rls or getting any medical help at that time so can't recall too much from that point of view.

What I do remember was that when I went into the day procedure unit the nurse was my neighbour 4 doors up !!! who offered to leave if I wished. Naaaahhh... just get on with it I reckoned :lol:
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Post by becat »

OH PB, your neighbor, your a gusty woman my dear.

I was fine by my last one, thinking it was all woman, that is all I had seen in the out patient clinic. Yup, they got me in the room and 8 guys showed up, :shock:....I just looked at the good dude with the drugs and asked him to knock me out NOW! LOL

Snow, I have had this twice or 3 times, who knows.....but like many, I was so consumed with the effects of the wonderful prep, that a train could have hit me and I still would not have noticed.

Yes, the last one made me sick as a dog. I also, got sick to my stomach as well. In fact it was so bad that night I finally called the doc, but he was little to no help. So I will be a bit more careful next time to ask questions based on my last experience.

And on a sad but funny note I just this week got a notice that they want to do my 3 yr check up and do it all over again. Hmmmm, I'm busy, can't make it just now.

Zach, I wanted to share a bit of trivia with you. If someone is a natural redhead or has parents or grandparents that were, they need to know and tell the anesthesia person, because redheads TEND to have a higher tolerance to pain meds and are more likely to wake up during surgery.
Nope, don't' have the study or a link, I heard about it on a health show and then looked it up somewhere???? Don't remember. BUT, my husband's mom was a true redhead, and my husband has woken up in every surgery he has ever had.
You better believe that I threatened that doc before his open heart surgery. I demanded that we had a big enough hospital that uses a brain sensor to alert the surgical team before the patient is even close to becoming awakened.

So sorry you had to have the screening, sure would be nice if this new thing was available everywhere.
I hope that the test comes back fine with no worries.

I do think that fasting is not good for us or others, even though I know people do that for many reasons. I always ask for a soda when I wake up, the sugar rush helps until I can get food.

Hopes of rest for all,

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Post by Polar Bear »

Something else for me to think about ???? I am a natural redhead !!
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Post by becat »

LOl, PB it's always something it's it. LOL

It's true though, and I have always kept that in mind because I am/lol, was red and brown headed. My grandfather was a carrot top for sure, no doubt, even when older, very little gray or late to come in....from what I have been told.

However, that hubby of mine did not know why he woke up during every procedures, but does now. Thankfully.

On another note:
It made me feel better knowing that my tolerance to medications (pain meds) was not because I did something myself, just another genetic component to my body. LOL, Like we need more, right?

I only found out that I had the problem when I broke my leg. They gave me 2-3 different kinds of pain meds and they did nothing for the pain. I was told I should be near comatose with some of those meds,
:shock: , because the dose was good for my body height and weight.....I took those meds for about 5 days, with little to no relief. I finally gave up and even after they set my leg for the cast some 4 days after, I took vitamin c and calcium for the pain. That worked.

Gosh, I just read that and realized how horribly my life and body have changed in 14 yrs. :cry: OmGosh, that just is sad ans shocking.

Nope can't cry today, what is, is done and today is not me 14 yrs ago. But wow.

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Post by pamndorr »

I just had a colonoscopy on the 19th, the prep didn't make me sick, it wasn't fun but didn't get sick. My RLS was awfull that night, didn't sleep at all and nothing helped to give any kind of relief for any amount of time.

The good thing about it was that I actually slept on and off the rest of that day and night after the procedure, and slept pretty good the following night. It's been awhile since I had two nights sleep in a row.

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me next

Post by Tentoumushi »

reading this thread gives me goose bumps!! I get to prep for a colonoscopy Monday 10/20. At least I hope I sleep all day Tuesday like my husband did after his in August. I get to drink an oral saline solution that is ginger/lemon flavored. You can mix it with gingerale but you still taste the saltiness. Beats the h*&l out of an enema though : ) I'll report back on any RLS side effects next week.

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Post by tazzer »

natural red head here too! Drs can't believe how i function normally on the meds i take....they say i should be loopy and disoriented...sorry its like taking an m&m....when they did surgery on my foot they did give me more than usual for my surgery and yay i didn't wake up. also they said they didn't want my leg jumping around during surgery..

i know what i can tolerate and what my body can of these days drs are gonna stop thinking they are God Almighty and start listening to us......after i think about it no chance in hell that happening

sorry your procedure sucked. i am scared to death to have that done...i think i would rather not know....
I feel like a science project!!!

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Procedure not quite flawless

Post by Tentoumushi »

I did the prep stuff Monday (and yes I almost tossed my cookies on the second dose) When they took me in I gave them one of the Medical Alert cards about RLS with my meds listed. The girl seemed to know what it was so next the IV. They wouldn't use my Port (doctor's thing, not the hospital) and it took her 45 minutes thumping and touchy feely on my arms to try to find a vein (there IS a reason why I have a port!). After 4 very painful digging sticks she got it started but it kept burning the whole time. I remember talking to the doc/nurse then out I went. The next thing I know I'm in recovery, legs flayling all over the place and one nurse trying to tell me to be still and the other one telling her "She has Restless Leg Sydrome, she can't help it!!) All she could do was keep my butt covered until I woke up enough to get dressed and leave. The legs jerked all the way home in the car. The first thing I did when I got in the door was swallow a Hydrocodene, eat what ever was handy and fell asleep for the rest of the day and most of the next.

The test showed no cancer (yea!!!!) but confirmed my suspicion that it was radiation damage to my colon. Theres nothing I can do about it but at least now I know it's not cancer.

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