had accupuncture on monday !!!!

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had accupuncture on monday !!!!

Post by moonlight »

Hi Guys

Well I had accupuncture on Monday for the RLS.....and .....I have litterally been leaping up in pain as if ive been electric shoked!!!!! even when I was at college yesterday....oh my it was wild.... and again last nite

I'm not thinking that it wont work i'm just thinking the dr said its a trial to see where works best so I have faith in her.
Mind you I must admit when i had it done at the time i went so relaxed and for several hours after it was worth that .

So I go back for the next month every monday I'm still looking at it possitivly to work.

I did do a lot of leg presses 117lbs weights ,at the gym on tuesday so I wonder if that was the cos , will reduce that down as well.

hope everyone is good

moonlight xxx
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RLS and Acupuncture

Post by bigu47 »

"I'm not thinking that it wont work i'm just thinking the dr said its a trial to see where works best so I have faith in her."

Hi Moonlight,

I've previously posted on this Web-site concerning my Acupuncture as alternative RLS treatment, "my" Acupuncturist believes your truly has a real "stubborn" case since I first noticed it (but didn't know it was RLS) around 1999. I've had eight treatments to date, the last four being Electro-Stimulus and like you- trying to keep an open objective mind.

So far, this is what I've experienced:

Still have RLS every night around 6:30 PM or so and take Ropinole nightly, but the DAYTIME RLS which has been showing it's ugly head as early as 1 PM has eased in severity and occurence. Lately, a daytime occurence has been only one to two times per week.

So, there may be some objective evidence particularly in my case. As far as I can tell, the severity guide RLS.ORG publishes has myself in the severe category.

Yes, I will continue Acupuncture for the near future to assess my progress- then make a decision as to continue or not since these services are NOT covered yet by my medical plan.

Good Luck with your treatment and hope your positive results continue!

Lee N.

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Post by moonlight »

Morning Lee

Had another session of acupuncture yesterday, and have another four to go, luckily we don't pay over here get it on the national health service.Last week I had two hellishly painfull days evry time i stopped moving ....but had three pain free days as well which was brill!!

The dr said that she doesn't expect massive improvement yet but was pleased that ive not been climbing the walls as bad.Last night i had nothing so I''m hoping this is the start of things to come..but she did say ive to do less at the gym as its agrivating my rls.

hope your night time rls begins to ease, but at least your having better days which is something.

I don't expect the acupuncture to "cure" my rls but to get several months free of pain would be wonderfull...then repeat the process,,, if that's what it takes i will feel very happy.

moonlight :)
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Sure sounds good to me, Moonlight.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by moonlight »

Hi guys

The acupuncture is going well ....i'm getting a lot of able to "relax" time ...well thats if i'm not hypomanic LOL

Seriously it seems to be doing some good...i get the RLS about twice a week now , strangely it can be during the day ...especially at college when I have to sit still..until I leap up and run out the room and i've been getting it in the evening....but not during the night!

I did have it bad last night but there was a reason....a friend of mine was found dead in his flat on fri morn...it was a hell of a shock.....and so was kick started into rls hell ...it's been ok today.

monlight xxx
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Oh Moonlight, how horrible! I'm so sorry.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

What a shock that must have been - and probably still is. Are you doing OK?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by HeatherB »

Moonlight, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. How are you holding up?

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Post by moonlight »

I'm doing ok thanks....but very sad i've never lost a friend before...it was an awfull shock....i still can't believe it.......I wrote a poem to help express my feelings, i'm going on holiday tomorrow and am dreading when i return and go to the drop in centre cos then it will really hit home , that he's not going to walk through the door again.

moonlight xx :cry:
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Post by HeatherB »

I read your poem. It was very touching.
I have never lost a friend, so I can't imagine what you are going through.
I will keep you in my thoughts.
Consider yourself hugged from me.

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Post by moonlight »

Thanks for your kind words everyone, they are so much appreciated,

My friends funeral is on Wednesday ...today we were told that cause of death was a massive heart attack...so hopefully he did not suffer...I have to admit i'm dreading going but I will be able to say goodbye and thats' so very important to me

moonlight xxx :(
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Post by HeatherB »

I understand not wanting to go, but like you said, it is a way for you to say goodbye.

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