Up all night

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Post by dogeyed »

I promise I ain't pushing support hose... but I have the knee-high kind, and sometime during the night while I'm half-asleep, I always manage to yank them off, too! But at least they get me knocked out.
"It's not how old you are; it's how awful you feel."

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Post by waterloo2 »

Hi Polar Bear

Hope you are feeling better by now nothing works for me.
Happy Holidays to you.

gill (UK)

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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Gill, don't see you about the forum as often these days.

Yes, a few hours sleep last night, gave me a better day, today. Got the christmas decorations up. Loads of garlands and red berries everywhere around all the curtain poles and beams. Cos I had slept better, I said to hubby, let's do it today, it will take a couple of hours. Yeah..... right... took us over 5 hours, and that didn't include a tree.

I think it helps also that now I only work a 3 day week, and if I have really awful, bad sleepless nights, I don't have the same pressure of a 5 day week.

Also, happy days :lol: cos of annual leave due, and also our office closes for a week for the holidays, I only have to work 3 days between now and Jan 2nd. Lucky me.

Having said that, by Jan 2nd, I will be looking forward to getting back to work. God, I love the 3 day week.
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Post by waterloo2 »

[b]Hi Polar Bear

There is nothing much I can say these days but my rls is bad and is affecting my Arthiritis to say the least am on pain killers all the time now and I had a reall y bad night last night with my legs etc., so much so between midnight and 7 am I had taken 5 pain killers yes 5.
I can't bear another night tonight everynight is much the same, and nothing seem to work for me who needs side affects what with everything else wrong with me ha no thank you.
Geez im sooooooooo fed up and my Tinnitus is on a high these days.
I have only 1 hearing aid working at the moment have to have the other one reprogrammed hate em I do. Have to wait till thursday for that.
0ne thing after another.
Some days wish I was dead.

Sorry for ailing your post.

love gill :cry: [/b]

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Post by Polar Bear »

Gill, you say you don't need the side effects of meds. I reckon we all get side effects of some sort, and possibly then need to take a med for the side effect. It all comes down to quality of life. Yes, I get fed up taking meds, but its better than the alternative, of coping with rls without meds.
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Post by Neco »

I don't remember if I ever suggested this to you.. But you have you looked into counseling/therapy of some kind Gil?

It sounds like you really need it.. It's not a magic pill that solves all our problems, but sometimes just having someone to talk to helps people out a lot, and can help them cope with, or find new ways to cope with their illnesses.

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Post by waterloo2 »

Hi Zach

No I havent didnt think of that, but, not sure if there is anything in this area. Will have to see doc after holidays.



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Post by Polar Bear »

I had also been thinking on the sames lines as Zach, i.e. counselling.

As you are in the UK, I think you will find that most GP surgeries now have counselling services within the practice. If you have a copy of your doc practice's leaflet/brochure it should tell you what is available. Our health centre is on line and gives all the info you could want, which includes counselling services.
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Post by doety »

I used to get so mad when someone would suggest counseling, but I don't anymore.
I had a horrible episode last winter, where I evenually became suicidal. I was not getting sleep night after night. I could see the clock hand moving slowly. I could not lay down -- would clean the house, go to the store, etc. The less I slept, the crazier I became, felt like I was under a glass jar. Finally someone got me to a psychologist, and he got a psychiatrist to order an anti-depressant, and also change my meds. When I said "I'm not crazy, I just need to get some bleeping sleep," his very smart answer was "Right now you're depressed, no matter what caused it. So let's deal with that." By the time you're sleep deprived, you cannot think straight. By the way,most anti-depressants increase RLS, Wellbutrin is one of the few that doesn't.
I also have arthritis and it makes the RLS worse. We're going to try to get away from Denver for a while, go to a warmer place. I think that will help -- all this stuff is much better in the summer.
I'm seeing a homeopathic doc right now. One of the first things she said when she heard about the sleep problems was: "You do know that sleep deprivation is used as torture?" WHOA. I'd never heard that before. I'm sure everyone who reads this can relate to that.

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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Doety
I totally relate to your post, not nearly to the same extent, but there was one night when I actually could understand how someone could contemplate any way out, not that I thought of it, but could almost understand how one could do so.
I would not not not want to be dealing with symptoms worse than I have at present, and there are those of you who have to.
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Post by waterloo2 »


Im already on a lot meds you see so doc has to be careful what i can take. Might have to back and see her.
Anyone else here not on meds for rls?


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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Gill, most folk when they get to a certain age, are on meds for something or other.

There are pages where the interaction of one drug to another can be checked. I get fed up with always taking drugs but it is better than the alternative, and when I checked them out, none interacted with the other. And if there had been a problem there is hopefully an alternative medication.

Your doc may have to be careful, but it doesn't mean there is nothing to be done.

You seem to be just going around in circles regarding symptoms and treatment.
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Post by moonlight »

Hi there gill ...not seen you around for ages.....sorry to see that your not doing too good.

I would agree with the others about councilling....don't do it myself as it irritates me too much...but have heard it can help.

do you have a drop in centre near you ....i go to a drop in centre , it is for people with mental health problems......but that includes people who are having difficulty in their lives in some way or another...talking does help .
I have support at the centre at any time and do have people I talk too who work there... i dont know where i'd be without their support...they are there for me in good and bad times......i go everyday and really enjoy it. It takes my mind off how my bipolar is affecting me and everyone is accepted without being judged, an important fact in mental well being.

Anyhow sorry i'm rabbiting on.....I am on diazepam for my bipolar , it calms me down .....i sometimes use it for sleep when im really high.....its main use is to lower my highs so i stay in control ...it works.....maybe a help for you.

I use codeine for rls ....but not very often now ...as i know use an acupuncture ring everynite , i wrote a post on it, it is for snoring but helps sleep and it has certainly helpd me i get 7-9hrs sleep a nite and if i wake as i do sometimes cos of rls , i am getting back to sleep within an hour.

I also get acupuncture at the hospital for rls and it is working i now go back for it when i need it.

do you havbe a masker for your tinnitus , works for a lot of people, maybe ask your audiologost....i may be getting one.

Another med will probably not be the answer.....too many meds is not good for you....but maybe a new way of living , a change in lifestyle, diet , exersize , a new hobby, always keeping the mind occupied and most importantly a new mental out look focusing on the good you feel and focusing on the positives in your life instead of all the pain and upset.Its hard ..but i beleive it works

Sorry if i sound a bit cruel dont mean to, but am on a high and at the moment dont see anything wrong with wot ive wrote.....prob will in a few days. dont mean to upset anyone.

Polar bear....forgive me for hijacking your post

moonlight xxxxxx
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by Aiken »


If I might argue semantics... analysis and therapy can be pretty annoying indeed (at least I think so), but simple counseling where you tell someone what sucks lately and they make some suggestions on how to deal with it, is much less so.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by moonlight »

Aitken..err i don't know wot semantics means...but i don't want to argue cos it upsets me.....

I think wot you mean is wot i do at my drop in centre, the staff i talk too are mh trainned and so understand what youre talking about...they are not councillors..some used to be psychiatric nurses....but are there to help us ...but not annalise each and every person ...and each and every word( it is informal) which for me is the answer.

have i got right wot youre talking about?
moonlight xxx
sleep is not only a dream

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