Is there a link between sugar intake and RLS?

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Is there a link between sugar intake and RLS?

Post by Colsy »

Hi all.

Being a new guy around here i am just feeling my way at the moment.
I have only just been diagnosed but before I knew what it was I had noticed that if I ate a lot of sugary cakes or cheap chocolates I would often have the RLS symptoms the next day. The one thing that almost guarnteed it was if I drank beer and then ate something sweet afterwards.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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Post by sardsy75 »

Surely have :(

Sometimes it depends on the severity of your RLS, but most of us are aware of what we can and cant indulge in.

Alcohol is often a no-no for most of us, but after some experimentation you tend to learn your limits. New Years Eve is the only time I throw caution to the wind with regards to alcohol; however, with the medication cockail i'm on, I have to sit down with my partner beforehand and work out what is safe to take that night so I don't end up in the ER.

Sugar is the same. Be wary of your intake and you will figure out what to avoid; and what you can eat on the odd occasion when the sugar craving REALLY kicks in and you dont care about the consequences.

Dairy products are another thing that a lot of RLS'ers have to keep an eye on as well.

There are other things on the "eat with caution" list that other members will fill you in on.

Trial and error will become part of your RLS life unfortunately.

Take it easy

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Yeah, it's weird. Some of us eat anything - doesn't have an effect. But other people mention stuff now and again - sugar is often one they mention.

A long time ago one of our members posted a link to something that explained why hypoglycemia could set off RLS. It's in one of the "sticky" posts - I think in New To RLS section, the how to manage RLS sticky.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

It doesn't for me. Even real hypoglycemia doesn't set it off. I had an attack the other day - tested my blood and it was 57. I felt terrible but didn't have RLS. And I was totally, completely stressed out and frazzed. No RLS for 2 days. First time I haven't had RLS in years. Weird.

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Post by waterloo2 »

Hi all

Funny you should mention sugar I tend to agree with the amount of sugar intake it can also lead to Diebetes Type II which I have and most probably a lot of people here withy Diebetes Type II which of course is sugar level too.

gill (UK)

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Post by Aiken »

Alcohol, sugar, caffiene/taurine/guarana/etc, dairy. Steer clear.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by sardsy75 »

My problem at the moment is anything heavily dairy based.

As for sugar ... We don't eat many sweet foods as a rule in this family so i'm more of a savoury liker. However, that being said ... I never pass up on a slice of pavlova.

Fairy Floss (candy floss/sugar floss) is my other love ... but i only treat myself once a year.

Alcohol ... one shot of vodka on special occasions ... or when i'm absolutely NOT getting to sleep & need to kick everything into action. That's only happened less than a dozen times this year ... under the supervisory eye of Troy.

Caffeine ... don't even go there lol ... Thank gawd I never liked coffee, so i'm safe there, but I love my Coke, so it's only a treat now and again too. People are often surprised at the number of different things that have caffeine in them.

No, I don't have diabetes ... got enough on my plate already thankyou!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by mackjergens »

Recently becoming a type 2 diabetic, I do feel that sugar can affect my rls, which I never realized until becoming diabetic. I also know if I do not keep my blood sugar under control, (with my meds, diet and exercise) that it will cause my arthritis pain to become worse. I only wished I had taken better care of myself in the past so I didnt have to watch and control my blood sugar, its one disease that if you do not control properly it can cause you many many physical problems! heart attack, strokes and you name it!!

RLS is a horrid disease to deal with, but type 2 diabetic will kill you if you dont take it seriously, affects every organ in your body, including your blood vessels which tells you how much pain it can cause you!

Gill are you keeping your blood sugar under control?/ if not that could be part of your pain problems you have written about!

its really not hard to control, if you just watch what you eat and exercise each day, but the pain is making sure of the sugar content of everything you eat. now that is a big problem and takes alot of time!!!
knowing how badly diabetes affects my body is a great motivator to keep my blood sugar controled!

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Post by waterloo2 »

Hi all

I dont know about you guys but here in UK once they find out you have Diebetes Type II they will not leave you alone for you Diebetes check up, I will do it myself. If it hadn't shown up in the blood test I had they couldn't have done anything about it could they? So I am telling them to leave me alone and I will do it myself I have enough of other ailments to deal with everyday and especially night. I feel like I am being pushed.
What do you guys think?

love gill (UK)


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Post by mackjergens »

i think you need to ck your blood sugar at least 2-3 times a day, if you blood sugar is up its going to cause you all kinds of problems!!! its not something to mess around with, its very dangerous so be very glad that it did show up in the blood test, if not controled you can die in a matter of minutes! If its too low or too high, you can end up in a coma.

I could not tell by your postings if you are controling you blood sugar?? I have to contol mine with a med twice a day and am very careful about what I eat and try to exerice daily.

I know you have said you have other ailments, but I will assure you that being a diabetic, is the MOST important ailment you have, and if you are not keeping your blood sugar control, its the one thing that is causing so much of your pain!! And can damage so many or you organs! PLEASE take being diabetic very serious!!!!!!!

Laura W
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Re: Is there a link between sugar intake and RLS?

Post by Laura W »

I keep reading about diabetes and blood vessels and the pain explanation.
What pain is this you're talking about? I have in the past month begun experiencing pain that I've not dealt with before, and it is like everywhere on the surface and just under my skin. It isn't at all the WED/RLS pain which brought me to this message board, but it is something about which I am concerned.
Could you please describe more about this pain of which you speak?

Also, whenever I would go overboard on my favorite, favorite food, which is Greek yogurt sweetened with LOTS of real sugar (just because I love the texture of sugar on my tongue and in my mouth) -- within an hour I ALWAYS experience a fierce, viscious attack of RLS. I mean VISCIOUS! That is how I just learned instinctively that sugar is NOT my friend, no matter how much I "enjoy" it. ..
I do believe if anything could get me to give up my sugary yogurt, it is the pain of RLS...

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Re: Is there a link between sugar intake and RLS?

Post by badnights »

Hi Laura
I think the pain that was mentioned by waterloo2 earlier in this thread was arthritis pain, whereas I suspect you've been reading about diabetic neuropathy, which is a peripheral neuropathy common in diabetes. Neuropathy is damage to the nerves, and the effects run the gamut, from bizarre to barely noticeable to debilitating. No one is sure why it happens in diabetes, but prolonged periods of high blood sugar will damage the walls of blood vessels, so one theory suggests that neurons get starved for nutrients when the capillaries that feed them are damaged. The neurons start acting wierd, sending pain messages when there's nothing wrong, etc.

It's something for your doctor to decide, but the symptoms you describe could be peripheral neuropathy. Are you diabetic? All three of my siblings have Type I but I was spared (Spared that, at least).

There is a strong connection between our guts and nervous systems, so if sugar sets you off, avoid it!
(But be sure it's the sugar and not the yogurt eg. casein allergy.)

I have been diagnosed with small intestinal bacterial overgrowths (SIBO), which means bacteria that should be confined to my large intestine have moved up my digestive tract to the small intestine. Some researchers say that these bacteria prefer sugars and starchy foods, so they reproduce faster when you eat those things. They apparently have toxic byproducts that over time can damage your gut wall, leak into your blood, and cause neurological symptoms! So that might be the reason sugar sets you off.

Maybe you've heard of acidosis? (If you've ever watched House on TV...) Acidosis is caused by a buildup of lactic acid, which can cause all sorts of neurological symptoms. There are two kinds of lactic acid, one produced by our own cells and the other produced only by bacteria. That's just one example of a toxic substance that can cause neurological effects - there are, apparently, lots more.

But it hardly matters what the cause is, when the effect is so clear. You probably have to forgo your favorite snack!
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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