Dr Buchfuhrer

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Post by beth »

I felt like I was being pushed through the system but never really listened to.I would bring my list of symptoms from the meds and he would say don't worry we still have the big guns.I tried to show him Dr B's books and what it said and he had know interest. We would be in and out of the appointment in 5 min max . I am just trying to stay up beat through the nausea.After having gone through cancer nausea and being tired are two things I don't deal with well. Beth

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Post by Neco »

That sucks.. I'm almost positive your visit with Dr. B will be much better.. I'm sure he'll take the time to talk with and listen to your story..

So many doctors are all about how many patients they can see in a day, in and out as fast as they can, and unfortunately a lot of people don't get the proper attention.

Hopefully once you see Dr. B and get the meds you need, I would write them a complaint letter about their lack of patient care and attention, and make it a point to stick it to them how you were forced to switch doctors because of the ignorance you were subjected to, and for good measure I'd include a "I can't in good faith reccomend anyone come to your office" at the end, to drive the point home..

It may sound vindictive or less than adult, but that's the only way these doctors ever learn (if they learn at all).

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Post by beth »

I totally agree with your idea!! I am usually the nicest person and I tend to get pushed around,but lake of sleep and nausea turns me into a mad woman. Beth

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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Beth, I wondered how you got on with your visit to Dr B.

I emailed him late last night, and when I got up this morning there was a reply. He had responded within 4 hours of my email.

I had asked him about my medication regime and he gave me his suggestions.

He is truly wonderful.

I hope you found your visit with him to be helpful.
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Post by beth »

Since the last time I wrote I have become one of Dr B's patients and have been seeing him for 5 months.After using all kinds of meds from other Drs. he got me on track in 2 visits.I now take 5mg methodone at dinner and 10 mg at bed and I sleep like a baby.I can once again travel and have my life back.He is the GREATEST and he is always there for his patients. Beth

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Post by Neco »

Glad you got the help you needed, I see we have another methadone patient in our ranks. I'm wondering if it won't become more popular a solution over the years.

Glad its working well for you. Have you had any problems with it wearing off, or have you already gotten it tweaked to the best schedule?

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Post by beth »

I started out with 5mg at dinner and 5mg at bed but I found I would sometimes need more at bedtime.The next month he had me just start taking 10 mg everynight instead of trying to guess when I would need it.I didn't think I could ever find anything that would work until you said to try Dr B and then it ended up that the methodone worked for me also.It is just such a relief. Thanks!!!! Beth

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I just wish we could clone him, Dr Rye, and a few of the other really good RLS docs. Dr Allen is a delight as a person, but I haven't been his patient. I imagine I'd like him immensely. Dr Winkleman also seems a wonderful person.

While I'm sure there are others to add to this, it's just not a big enough list of specialists who ALSO are doctors you like.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by sardsy75 »

could you send a few of those "clones" down this-a-way please???

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

As soon as I figure out the process, you can have two 8) :lol:
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Polar Bear »

Beth, that is wonderful news.

Following Dr Bs suggestions , I slightly adjusted my ropinerole, and instead of little doses all day, changed to a bigger dose less frequently i.e.3 times daily. But only upping the daily dosage from 2mg to 2.5 mg.(He actually had suggested a little more).

I lay down to sleep, with my Ambien on the bedside table for when I should need it.

Coincidence or not !!!! I slept the whole night, first time in years. No Ambien. No walking in the middle of the night. Perhaps this was exhaustion.... but lets see.
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Re: Dr. B

Post by Betty/WV »

I just can't believe there is a doctor like Dr. B. Since I started Mirapex in August, I had many questions, and of course, calling my doctor, I have to go through his receptionist, she has to relate my question to him, and she may get it right or not. But when I read on this site, that you could email Dr. B with your question and he would answer, I thought I would give it a try. And he emailed me back within hours. Amazing. So helpful.
:shock: :D
I live on the east coast and it would be impossible for me to fly to California for an appointment but I wish I could. My doctor is a nice guy, I have only been to him twice, but he doesn't know much about RLS. I will try to help him out if he will let me.

By the way, I don't know if I mentioned it before, but every time, almost every time, I sit in this computer chair my RLS starts up. I just changed chairs, now I use a wooden hard kitchen chair and no RLS. What a weird thing. :o

Anyway, kudos to Dr. B. He should be given some kind of award.
And I just finished his book, and it is great, if anyone hasn't read it, I suggest you do. It is like a guidebook for dealing with the "bully" RLS. And now I'm reading "The RLS Rebel's Survival Guide".

Thanks all of you for being here, I hope I can follow your good example and be here for any newbies. This site has helped me so much I can't even put in words how much. Peace and a good nights sleep to all of you. BETTY/WV
Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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RE: Ambien

Post by Betty/WV »

I noticed alot of you use Ambien. I was prescribed Ambien, it was a good while ago. The first night I took it was like living in a bad dream, I felt like I was in a dream world, I barely remember being in the hallway, bouncing off the wall, :shock: The whole night was terrible. The next day, I was looking in the freezer and noticed that a large section of an ice cream cake, that I had put in there the day before, was gone. I ask my husband if he had ate it, he looked at me like I was nuts. Then it started to dawn on me that I had been roving around the house, half concious, and noticed a fork on the counter with cake on it. And realized I had eaten the cake, all of it, in my night of horror. I could have went outside, decided to take the car, done anything crazy under the influence of Ambien. I never took it again.

But evidently others have good success with it.

One more episode in the life of an RLSer. BETTY/WV
Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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Re: Dr. B

Post by Betty/WV »

What are some of Dr. B's other books, besides "Restless Leg Snydrome, Coping with Sleepless Nights." BETTY/WV
Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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Post by Polar Bear »

Sorry you had such a bad experience with Ambien. Yes, I have found myself a little groggy sometimes when I awoke during the night, but generally, there have been no big problems. When I take it , it is usually just 5mg.

However, last night, following Dr Bs email response, and my adjustment in how I took my requip, I slept without using it. :lol: :lol:
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