RLS LIFE: Drugs, Side Effects & Everything Else

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Post by ViewsAskew »

"It will get better, it will get better, it will get better." Said in a breathy but determined voice, eyes closed, heels clicking together, a la Dorothy in Oz wanting to go home.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by sardsy75 »

Yes ... I'm tryin to keep a positive outlook. Keep comparin apple trees and orange trees. Know i've only got one ticket on the Ride of Life.

I'm havin trouble with all the "energy" literally draining from my legs at the moment; kinda makes it hard to stay upright and the last few days when we've been out shopping, i've clung to a trolley for all its worth.

I'm trying to find out more information about one of my Great Aunts who has been suffering from an affliction that affects her walking. If I get any info back it might help explain why my legs go on literal strike and wont hold me up.

Its a wierd feeling when it happens. It feels as though there's a pair of invisible hands running down my legs from top to bottom, squeezing every inch of energy out, and i'm left to deal with what's not left.

BTW: This 37 page "bender" has kinda become my "diary" so if I come in every day for a gripe and a grizzle, please dont feel that you absolutely have to respond. My memory is like a sieve, and since i've been writing in this thread for nearly 4 years it's become my place to get things off my chest, ask questions or just have a good old vent. Who knows, it might turn into a book!

We've had a great Christmas and New Year. Santa delivered three bicycles to our lounge room (unfortunately he didn't stay to help assemble them lol). The girls have spent hours riding aound the backyard. Karrissa, Bianca and one of Karrissa's besties played a two-day game of "Monopoly" with Troy and I. We tried our best to outplay Troy but he was just too good. "Doc Rotten" has also been played to death, along with good old "Mastermind" and "Connect Four". The neighbours have been subjected to endless hours of "Sing Star" lol, i'm just glad that our dog isn't one who likes to sing as well! We've been shopping, and shopping, and doing lots of crafts as Santa also delivered lots of crafty presents to keep girls and parents entertained for at least the next six months.

New Years Eve was pretty quiet. We had a mate and his three children here (two daughters and a son) and we all played "Kelly's Pool" til about 1am when we all crashed. Having two reclyner chairs and two air beds came in handy.

We now have FIVE boats in our yard (six if you count a canoe!). Three tinnies, one fibreglass hull and one fiberglass boat that has had to be stripped bare after Troy spotted some rotting at near one end of the stringers in the hull. Payback time for the neighbours who annoy us with loud music and loud cars! Grinding, sanding, and the oh so "sweet" smell of resin wafting out from our garage as Troy (who's a qualified boat builder) and Mick rebuild the boat piece by piece. When it's finished it will be suitable enough to take three adults and six kids out on the reef (about 100kms off the coast) to do some proper deep sea fishing.

Well, the girls are going away for three weeks today. Going down to spend time with their mum. I'm sure they'll have a good time. We'll be ringing them once a week to catch up on all the gossip at each end. We're going to miss them like crazy & hopefully the three weeks will fly by.

Ok ... I've rambled on enough for now. Best go do some housework.

Take care all

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by dogeyed »

Hi Sardsy,
The part where you said it feels like hands running down your legs and squeezing energy out... one time I was pulling on knee-high support stockings so I could fall asleep, and I SAW my calf muscle fibers rippling, so it's no wonder we're all so tired, with muscles spazing up all over the place.
"It's not how old you are; it's how awful you feel."

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Post by sardsy75 »

Hey GG

I know what you mean. I rolled over in bed last night and my right calf muscle went into a humungous spasm. Couldn't scream for help coz Troy was out fishing (I was s'posed to go as well, but I got the "u look like the wreck of the titanic" verdict ... lol ... i'm gettin used to that ... at least he's honest and looks at my eyes, not just my "happy face") so I had to try and knead it out myself.

I'm having enormous troubles with cramps in my legs, both lower and upper, back and front. Before anyone bombards me with advice about cramps, yes I take extra magnesium and I do like my iodised salt.

Hmmmm ... if only I could train Raven to walk up and down one leg lol. She's more content to chew on my right hand the lil bugga ... then hog one third (i kid you not!) of the bed and we have to sleep around her.

On the topic of cats ... I got a "visit" from my baby boy Fidget the other morning. It wasn't Raven, as she was asleep, wedged in against my knees. Yup, felt him jump up on the end of the bed and do the still oh so familiar saunter up the bed to my shoulder. When I rolled over to look, I could see where he had "walked" up the bed. It was so good to know that he's still lookin out for me. I still miss him. (N.B. No, i'm NOT going nuts lol).

As I said in an earlier post, i'm literally counting down the days until I fly down to see my Sleep Doc.

Lots of rain around at the moment and the barometric pressure plummeted the other day when a low formed almost directly over the top of us. Yep, I'm lovin Summer!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Location: Queensland, Australia

Post by sardsy75 »

Have spent the betta part of the day tryin to subdue my brain into conforming with the idea of "not smurfin me off" every single day ... No joy.

So, took Zena for a walk. Only about 20-30minutes. Actually, i'll rephrase that first bit ... Zena took ME for a walk. Of course we had to check out every light pole and garbage bin on the way.

Did it work? Whilst I was walking? ... Yes. After we'd come home? ... For about half an hour.

So, i guess Zena and I will be doin lots of walkies ... or else God/Mother Nature could just LET IT RAIN!!!

To add to my woes, I'm pretty convinced i've scored a middle ear infection. I'm glad i'm on Panadeine Forte (for once lol) ... But I REALLY dislike ear infections. Oh well, off to the GateKeeper tomorrow. Probably explains why my balance has been more off than usual lately too, running into things that I don't usually run into.

Nuff' said ... Nite

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Location: Queensland, Australia

Post by sardsy75 »

sardsy75 wrote:To add to my woes, I'm pretty convinced i've scored a middle ear infection. I'm glad i'm on Panadeine Forte (for once lol) ... But I REALLY dislike ear infections. Oh well, off to the GateKeeper tomorrow. Probably explains why my balance has been more off than usual lately too, running into things that I don't usually run into.

Saw my Gatekeeper this morning ... verdict: very severe middle ear infection. Oh yay! Now i'm on a phenomenal dosage of penicillin for the next 10 days ... the kinda dose you have to take with food or else you end up worshipping the porcelin king.

As for my brain/legs ... they behaved today for the first time in ... well i've lost track lol. Yeeha!!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Those SUCK. I hope you feel better soon. I had one about 15 years ago and I think I was on antibiotics for a month or something. Horrible.

Thank goodness for quiet legs.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by Aiken »

Ah, my ear's been tickling me, driving me mad, for the last 24 hours. I'll be in the same boat, soon.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by sardsy75 »

Forgot to say that i've got a nice case of sinitus along with the Middle Ear Infection.

Right this instant, i really really really really want to blow my nose, but the last time i did that (yesterday), i felt like i was going to blow my eardrum out ... Eewww!

Give me a good old fashioned case of Tropic Ear anyday over this stuff!

As for legs/brain ... well thanks to the weather and an enormous amount of stress in the past 48 hours, i'm back to "normal" lol ... ahh ... i love it ... not!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Location: Queensland, Australia

Post by sardsy75 »

Well ... my M.E.I. seems to finally be on the mend. At least I can eat a piece of steak without a excruitiating look on my face.

My stress/anxiety levels have gone through the roof since the girls left for their three week "holiday" with their mum.

I'm keeping myself busy with a 1000pce Jigsaw Puzzle, covering school books, doing washing ... and finding my way around facebook.

As for my RLS ... well with the wacky monsoon related weather patterns we're copping, i'm havig a wonderful time ... NOT!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Nadia
I can understand how your stress levels will be flying high with the girls away. But you will be there for them when they get back from their 'holiday' and see their little faces again.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Post by sardsy75 »

Hey Betty

Miss them terribly!!!

We spoke to them on the phone for nearly an hour last night. It was pretty obvious from the way Karrissa (12) was talking, that she's had enough and wants to come home. Seanna (5) sounded a lot chirpier than last week ... I hope it's because Karrissa is keeping her positive and helping her count down the days til we see them again. Bianca (9) was her usual "all horse talk" self lol.

Yeesh, it's only a month til Bianca turns 10! I do hope she picks out a relatively easy cake for me to do.

As for my RLS ... I can't seem to get a break! I'm ok until about 1 - 3pm each day and then its "Hello!" and we're back to the usual argument. Tonight my arms decided to join in the mayhem and Troy thought I was mad when I asked him to thump them for me ... but it felt oh so good!!!

I have my flights booked ... now all I gotta do is wait ... til Feb 17th ...

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Aahh... those pangs of missing the kids.. It gives you mixed emotions, being glad that Karissa misses you and home, but you don't want her to be miserable.

Good luck with the cake.
I took the easy way out and bought plain cake then cut it to shape and used lots of fondant icing. I know.... I cheated... but it worked.

Good luck with sleep tonight.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation

Posts: 880
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Post by Aiken »

That's all the fancy cake places do. Slap together one or more sheet cakes and cut 'em to the right shape. It's the decorating that really matters.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by sardsy75 »

That's the way I did the last two ... rang the supermarket and asked them to put a couple of slab cakes aside & i just went in & picked them up (paying for them of course lol). I've given up trying to bake them coz our oven is completely stuffed.

I have two fantastic knives now that are for cake cutting only ... NOT slabbing fish; and a swag of toothpicks and bamboo sticks to hold all the bits together.

If my memory serves me correctly, the one Bianca had her eye on was the Purple Witch from the Women's Weekly Birthday Cake Book. I had to laugh coz I made the same cake for a final assessment in Home Economics at school in Year 12 and my Grandmother was horrified at the colour. She didn't mind eating it though lol.

Only 8 more sleeps til the girls come home ... yay! Hmmm ... that means I betta get my caboose on the move & finish getting all their books ready. Woohoo ... even bettera, there's cricket on today ... day/night match ... that'll keep me from swearing at the books!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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