Mixed sensations

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Mixed sensations

Post by Nicky »

I was wondering if anyone on the board knows about the various different sensations that we feel. A mixture of peripheral neuropathy & rls gives me aches, pins & needles, creepy crawly, crampy tightness, twitches & PLMD. As it has been very well put recently, our journeys are often very diverse. Do we know what these senations are? I don't mean the cause as that is still up for debate for some of us but do we know if it is the nerves reacting, or the muscles (twitching)? Perhaps a combination. Which part of our physiology is giving us these sensations, is that bit known? or is that also up for debate & different for each of us. Sorry if this has been covered before, am pretty tired & about to change meds.
Cheers all.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Oh gosh, if anyone knew all that, they could maybe cure this dratted condition! For me it is definitely a combination of the myoclonic jerks (muscle jerks or PLMD) and the weird sensations/aching. The leading theory is that all this is caused by something wrong in the dopamine system in our brains/spinal cords.

I just know that some days it about drives me nuts!

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Post by Neco »

While the dopamine system is often under scrutiny, I think her question was more along the lines of what is actually transmitting the uncomfortable sensations that we feel, and not so much about the root cause of the sensations..

I don't know much about the dopamine system, beyond that it can regulate our mood and smooth motor functions, etc.

Taking a stab at it, I would guess that what is transmitting the actual sensations is our nervous system. Everything you feel in your body travels through the nervous system, and its the only way I know of that the body conducts sensation.. IIRC there are also different kinds of nerves, some that conduct tempurate, some that conduct preasure sensitivity (like why you can feel pressure during dental work even though you're numb from any actual pain) and then of course our good old friends the pain receptors.

Seeing as opiates act so well in controlling RLS, and their main method of action is to change our perception of pain, and help block some of it at the receptors (I think), its probably likely that the transmission source of RLS sensations is either the nervous system, or a combination of the dopamine and nervous system.

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Post by Nicky »

Great answers as always. I'm about to start Lyrica as my neuro says my PN is not really being addressed & he thinks it could be a PN type pain similar to the rls that's waking me?? I'm more inclined to think it's the PLMD as the Benzo wears off. Maybe by adding another anticonvulsant (for pain) it might help with the PLMD as well. I know Zach is an advocate of opioids (whatever works right!) but for me I think opioids would interefe with meds I'm on for other conditions. BTW I'm a guy not a gal.
Thanks again, this board is a great source of info & comfort.

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