To bus or not to bus....that is the question

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To bus or not to bus....that is the question

Post by moonlight »

Hi you all know my son is going to special olympics ....well we were going by way my rls will be hell...10-12hrs cooped up unable to walk around in a bus!!!!!!!

So I asked if i can go by train and got the ok ....thank goodness...I will be able to get up and walk when I need to and the journey will only be about 61/2hrs.

The look on the team managers face was a picture when i said I couldnt go by train and why ...he had obvouisly never heard of rls...but there was no way I could go by bus

moonlight :P :P :P :P :P x
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Moonlight, glad you got the journey sorted to suit you.

I recall, two years ago, I had a 9 hour flight from London Heathrow to Edmonton Canada !!! The aisles did not allow for movement as they seemed always to have a trolley somewhere. I wept silently for a good part of the journey and in the end had to go the the back of the plane to the toilets and use the space outside it to do stretches and pace in a tiny circle.
I made no excuses to anyone. I was at the end of my tether and had decided I have to do this for my sanity !!!

You might have had to get the bus to pull onto the hard shoulder on the motorway !!! walkabout time !!!
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Oh... and may you and your son have a fabulous time. I know a young lad who many years ago was swimming in the special olympics and had the time of his life.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by ViewsAskew »

I shudder at the thought of not being able to walk....horrible. Thank goodness you worked it out.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Have a great time, Moonlight! Yes, trains are much more conducive to sanity than buses. You can walk to your heart's content, and you're legs content.

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