RLS back and really bad down left side

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RLS back and really bad down left side

Post by moonlight »

Hi I'm back...it's back ....yes the rls is back with avangance..unreal pain...but ...down my left side from my arm, back and down my leg....no amount of moving is stopping it ...last nite took 90mg codiene in one go ..and today..feel yuck and it was a bit silly as the codeine makes my mood drop, not what i need.

I have no idea why its got so bad..have been doing a lot if walking and quite brisk ...dont know,,,but it's really weird all down the one side...in fact I've been thrashing about so much I ache today and yes the rls is still there....was thinking if phoning the acupuncture clinic for monday as I defo need some releif from this.

hope you are all well and doing as good as your rls lets you

moonlight xxx
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Post by woodsie357 »

Welcome back Moonlight. It's good to have you here. For your sake I wish you didn't have to be here, I wish none of us did. I'm sorry to hear your RLS is not only back but it sounds worse. For the last 2 years I've only had RLS on the right side. It doesn't make it any less miserable does it?

I've never done Acupuncture I hope it works for you let us know.
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Post by dogeyed »

Hi Moon,
Sorry you are in bad shape, the acu will probly help. In meantime, try this: Lay on the floor with your legs up in a chair or couch, it'll take all the weight off your spine, might help. A hot soak up to your neck might ease it, too. If you take some more codeine today, try a half cup of coffee with it, to bring your mood up. Ain't it a pain when you try to walk and do stuff to build strength, and then it all comes crashing down.
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Post by moonlight »

Hi woodsie and GG...Geez i feel like taking the whole bottle of codeine....is there no relief from this relentless,creeping ,inssesant pain, GG i'll give a go to your suggestions.....

Acupuncture helped before so i hope it does again

huggles moonlight xxxxx
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Post by Neco »

It seemed like the acupuncture was working so well for you, that's a shame..
Has there been a change in anything recently? Your diet, really cold weather? Any kind of medication from the doctor or the store? Physical injury?

Maybe its time you were given something a little better than Codeine, though.

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Post by Polar Bear »

Moonlight, sorry 'its' back. Like Zach says, what about a change from the codeine. I showed doc algorithm and asked for tramadol instead of the codeine and he went with it. It has worked so well. On the weekend past I had a car trip of 6 hours on Friday, and same returning yesterday, without a problem. This was fabulous and unbelievable. Just a suggestion of what worked for me (so far).
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Post by Sojourner »

Hi M and Un-welcome! I hope this goes away as quickly as it came back. Best wishes. M.
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Post by moonlight »

hi there.....Zach...i was thinking about what you said about whats been different over the past few weeks.....well I've been going to a sauna and have noticed each time at night the rls has been bad...also been walking a lot more and quite fast...also had last week had tetnus,dipthera and polio vaccination....so i don't know if any of them would attribute to the rls being worse.

I went for acupuncture yesterday ....and last night sat in the chair and made a birthday card for a friend.

No rls....it was bliss......but during the night I woke several times...fidjity but no pain...it was such a relief.
So will continue going to the clinic for the next eight weeks.
The dr agreed I was taking too much codeine and I only want to keep it for when I really need it so that it keeps working.

Betty ..I don't really like taking drugs so want to stick with the codeine for the time being and with the acupncture...if it continues to work I'm happy.It's good to hear your dr listens too you and that the tramadol is working good.

Hi S ...."Un-welcome " indeed....it's ok I know what you mean.

hope everyones ok

monlight :) xxx
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