rlscuredforever web site

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rlscuredforever web site

Post by ssginmaine »

Any information on the web ad by Marcus Bloom "RLScuredforever.com"?
He offers a $29.95 ebook claiming to show that all the conventional views on cause of RLS are incorrect.
sam garwood

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Post by Nicky »

Basically the book says to cut out dairy, which the author says was the cause of his RLS by triggering an 'alergic like reaction'. I found it made some sense as the writer said his RLS flared up after a bout of drinking creamy coffees, milkshakes & ice cream due to the fact he'd been consuming this stuff when a such a cafe/store opened near him. Putting two & two together he began to reduce then cut out dairy.
My sister has been allergic to milk since birth & she's the only one who doesn't have RLS in my immediete family so these findings made a bit of sense to me so I decided to cut out dairy after reading the book (since the begining of the year) and although I am having a stable period (but not completely free of symptoms) it may also be because I improved my sleep hygiene & made some other changes too. Cutting out dairy may work for some people, I think it's a little more complicated than that for me, but there was some good stuff in the book and I started a sleep/diet diary, which has helped me alot.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

My guess is that anyone can have a food intolerance and have it cause bizarre symptoms. But, that doesn't mean we ALL have that.

I've been dairy free for long periods of my life because I have a problem with casein.....I still have RLS whether I'm ingesting dairy or not. I just have additional problems when I'm ingesting dairy!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Nicky »

Agreed. To say one's RLS has been cured doesn't mean it will work for everyone. We're all individual and may have many factors that contribute to our symptoms.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Another one of these books says to cut out sodium. Again, I imagine this might help someone...but most of us? I doubt it. The people I know who tried the sodium thing weren't helped either.

Other people avoid wheat and are better.

Some ice cream (but not other dairy).

Some avoid sugar and are better.

It's worth trying. You never know. And, if none of these work, you can then try other options.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by HeatherB »

My family has never ate much salt. My mom has congestive heart failure, and since I live with her to care for her due to other medical things, I don't eat hardly any salt. We buy the lowest sodium things we can find. Do not cook with salt, we buy seasoning salt that actually has no salt in it.
I still have RLS. The only thing cutting salt did was lower blood pressure!

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Post by mackjergens »

if you go to www.rlshelp.org you will find a very long listing of all types of things people have tried to help their rls and for some it helped, but usually for only short periods of time, but it does make for intersting reading

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Post by Aiken »

You can generally take it as a hint and a half that a website littered with exclamation marks, boldface, and all-caps words, not to mention testimonials to support the item it's selling, is there to help its owner and not you.

Someone who wanted to help you would just tell you what to do in one or two paragraphs, rather than writing ten pages of vague, unhelpful hype to try to get your 30 bucks. I think, in fact, that you will find many people right here on these forums who will write (and have written) those paragraphs for free, many times. Likewise on many other websites.

As my dad used to say, "Don't eat that, it's horse ****."
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Aiken, for some reason I immediately saw an epispode of MASH - what was it that Colonel Potter said...horse hockey? horse pucky?

Horse something....
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Neco »

Horse Fooey?

Sounds like something he'd say

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RLS information

Post by mackjergens »

Save your money on the RLS Cure Books, and get your rls info for free off the web. There are so many great rls web sites just full of very informative and helpful information.

Read as much as you can about rls, because the more you know and understand rls the better treatment you can find for yourself.


are just afew great websites for rls information, and its all FREE

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