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Post by Aiken »

I've actually had a cervical MRI. That's how I know which disc is iffy. It only bulges slightly, and on the MRI there was no sign of internal matter herniation, so it really is pretty borderline. I have a similar disc down in the lumbar area, but no apparent symptoms from that one.

My best guess is that I sometimes get a small amount of herniated matter irritating a left-side branch of nerves coming off of the column, rather than the bulge itself irritating the column. Hard to say, though.

Judging by the handful of neurologists I've spoken with, I don't think I can get anything more definitive than my own guess. Unless you have an obvious mushroom of fibrous gunk coming out of your disc, they can't seem to guess much better than you can.

I know laminectomies usually turn out reasonably well, especially if there's no fusion at the same time, but my opinion is that the risks involved in the surgery (e.g. infection) are at least as significant as the risk of a paralyzing trauma at some random date down the road. Also, the laminectomy does weaken the vertebral structure, so the same trauma that could have messed up my disc could just as easly break the weakened bone. I'm just not convinced that it's the right thing to do in my case. I do appreciate the suggestion, though, and I'll at least remember to look into it if I start getting more frequent symptoms.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

If it bothers you enough, you could try physical therapy. They use a lot of techniques, like traction (I love traction!), exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, massage, etc. I've had excellent results from physical therapy for a wide variety of injuries and I've always been awestruck by how effective it can be.

I've had 2 back surgeries, and they were both for extreme problems. The first time I had a huge herniated disc - the surgeon called it a "moby disc" and said that it was the biggest one he had seen in his 30 some years of practice. The second time I had surgery I had paralysis in my leg, so it was emergency surgery. That time it was outpatient surgery, and I walked out of the surgery center the same day. Both times the surgeries turned out well, but it took a lot of exercise and walking and hard work to strengthen my back afterward.

Most spine surgeries can be avoided by aggressive physical therapy, and it's worth it to avoid the surgery if possible. You'll likely know if you need surgery on that disc. The message usually comes through loud and clear.

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Post by moonlight »

Hi guys
apologies for late reply..i am really not at all well..coping is very very difficult but i have some extreemly good and caring friends who are looking after me as hubby has left for how long i dont know ..he says he can't take much more of my bipolar ...basically im in the pits again and dont see much point in going on but as i said my friends have other ideas.they and my son (who is not living here either)are wots keeping me going.
I still have the pain but the dr has sent me to physio as she reckons its caused by my i'll see how it goes.the rls has calmed again and is bearable.

hope everyones well

moonlight xxx
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by dogeyed »

Oh, dear one, your hubby has left becuz you're sick... my first husband was like that, he complained becuz I had put him thru so much, as if he were the one who had a problem. (Well, he did, but anyhow, that's water under the bridge.) I have some ideas to bring up, but if you've heard all this before or have tried all this, pay no attention to me. I just wanna make sure you've got all the bases covered.

Hmmmm. Bipolar too, eh? I wonder what drugs you might be taking for all this jazz. I'm sure you've told us in older posts, but I cannot recall. I'm not bipolar, but I am depressed since my car wreck and I'll come up for air now and again, but it's hard to bear when I'm down, even tho I take medicine for it. Now, my RLS, I take one of the opiate-derivatives, which you should be on one of those, too. You also mentioned you had a panic attack, and I too have panic disorder so I take a tranquilizer for that, plus went thru behavioral therapy, and I'm rather better now, haven't had "a big one" in years, but still feel anxious a lot.

I'm wondering what your blood tests looked like. You might be low in some vits. I'm all for eating the right foods and exercising to stay normal. And I wonder if you've had a scan of your spine and a neuromuscular electrical impulse test, EMT I think is what it's called. And next time you feel that panic coming over you, do some very deep breathing, and it'll lower your heartrate, which if that goes down, so does the panic.

As for your hubby, the only thing I can suggest is you guys should go out every week and have a date night, just relax with some wine and eat a nice meal, or maybe check out a movie and watch it together at home with some popcorn and pull the blinds for a matinee, plus walks together are relaxing and open up the communication pathways...but one thing I DO know, men don't like to hear all the ranting, so if you're inclined to whine, hold onto it...take up martial arts or aerobics bike "spinning" class, to get out all the tension that way instead.
"It's not how old you are; it's how awful you feel."

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Moonlight, so sorry that you're hurting. Life just isn't very fair sometimes, is it? Whatever happens, I hope you find a way through it. Thank goodness for friends.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Neco »

That sucks... But you've still got us

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

This is an awful time for you .... but you will get thru it, whatever path it takes.

Take care.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by moonlight »

thanks guys...yeah i'm just realising how much friends who understand matter. GG the meds im on is propranolol, diazepam and codine....trying to keep off mood stabalizers, antid depressants and antipsychotics as long as possible.I have never heard of these tests you speak off.
Hubby has returned again , but asked me how i was first, this time he says he will try harder to understand me instead of triggering me, well see. I go to pdoc this week , have a lot to discuss to see how she can help.. i think i need stronger meds to calm ...its confusing at the moment...but im sure it will improve out of my depression again thank good ness so I am a nice person again.
home situ is hard mu in law is in a home now and deteriorating and we have to sort her house and affairs out and that is so heart breaking i cant believe it.
my son has left school , college is finding th outside world hard as people cant seem to be bothered when kids have a disability its as iff they try to deliberately make life hard he has no job yet....but engaged eeeck there both only seventeen!!!
so who knows what will happen
cant say life is not interesting

moonlight xxxxxx
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by dogeyed »

Yes, I agree, your codeine probably needs increased, and if you are still having panic attacks, so does the diazepam. Sorry you got so overwhelmed there for a while, but after your last post's report of events in your life, it's no wonder. Hang in, we're here, ain't going nowhere!
"It's not how old you are; it's how awful you feel."

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Post by Sleuth »


Why are you avoiding taking anti-depressants? Is it because of the RLS?

I suffer from depression also. Trying to cope with the RLS while you're depressed is a very hard thing to do. You're fortunate to have good friends.


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Post by moonlight »

Hi guys
this is a terrible time I dread going to bed i haven't slept properly for weeks and it's telling and the heat we are getting is not helping either.....i just get into bed , get to sleep then wham! rls kicks in....even the codeine is not stopping it or doing half marathons round the house...time eventualy does probably when i'm so tired i just drop.
I hardly ever sit down during the day as it starts then too...i just don't know what to do...will go for acupncture tomoz , not been for a few weeks.
I don't know why it's got so bad recently.
Dale the reason I won't go on anti depressants is that i have rapid cycling bipolar disorder and my last experience on them was wild, i became so agitated and tried to kill myself....anti d's with bipolar have to be taken along side mood stabalisers , antipsychotics etc and I don't want to take them cos of the long term side effect...i take as little meds as possible.

Wot other painkillers would work ....any ideas ?
could it be the heat and himidity that is the problem?

hugs moonlight xxxx
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Moonlight, so sorry you're having such bad RLS. Codeine is one of the weakest painkillers out there, so just about anything is stronger - You could even try tramadol, which is a non-opiate, but which is supposed to be as strong as hydrocodone (Vicodin). Otherwise there's Vicodin, Percocet, Methadone, and a host of other painkillers that are stronger than codeine. Please talk to your doctor about getting some stronger meds.

Aren't some of the anticonvulsants (gabapentin, tegretol, etc.) used as mood stabilizers? Those could potentially help your RLS as well. Maybe ask your psych. sometime.

I hope you get some sleep!

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Post by Neco »

I know I sound like a broken record, but you've got to get off the codeine. It has not been doing anything for you for a LONG time now and its only going to get worse.

If your doctor wont at least give you some Vicodin, you have got to find one who will. This is an unacceptable level of care and you have to put your foot down and get changes made. It's the only way.

Not only will you potentially get better results and better medication. It may give you a much needed morale improvement from accomplishing an important task all by yourself.

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