This is all getting too much

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This is all getting too much

Post by moonlight »

Have been taking nortriptyline for nearly two weeks ..and it was working great with sciatica and trapped nerve pain......then came the time to increase it.....and basically am going thru hell.

The rls is the worse it's ever been last night the pain was unbearable and I could not stay still it also sent my tinnnitus louder...I spent most of the night in tears telling my hubby I don't want to live anymore, he just didn't know what to do.Eventually I took several codeine to ease the pain and allow me to stay still.
I woke today my legs aching from last night.

Have decided not to take anymore nortriptyline as I feel I'm going thru my worst nightmare.

I am terrified to go to bed tonight I have screaming in my head that's driving me crazy, that there's no cure for and pain and jumping going thru my body .....don't know how I'm ever going to cope.

thanks for listening
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Sorry you're feeling so miserable, Moonlight. At least you know what's causing the problems and can back off it or quit taking it. I hope you feel better soon.

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Sorry to hear you are so miserable

Post by sleepdancer »

I'm just wondering if a TENS Unit might give you enough relief to make things tolerable.

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Post by badnights »

Moonlight, I think that's a very rational plan, to stop the nortriptyline. Maybe you can go back on it at a low dose once the RLS calms down, but for now, you need a break from the RLS and to regain your sanity.

I take naproxen for my sciatica, and it has no effect on my RLS. Is that something you might try? Or have already tried and it didn't work?

You might need to stay on a steady dose of codeine if the RLS is going to stay wound up. But hopefully it will back off once the nortriptyline is out of your system.

The important thing to remember is that, even if the advice you read here doesn't work, there is still something that will work for you. You just have to find out what it is. Don't stop trying to figure it out. Most (or all) of us have been in that RLS hell, and if it helps at all to know, I'm rooting for you and I'm sure lots of others are too.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by Betty/WV »

Moonlight: So sorry for your suffering. Hope you find relief soon. I know what its like with your legs aching from the horror the night before. And at one time I hated seeing night time come.

Wish you well. Don't give up.

Thanks to, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Moonlight, sounds best to be getting off the nortriptylene.

You say that you took some codeine which helped. I agree with bethf, what about a steady dose of codeine (or perhaps tramadol) to try and 'stay ahead' of the worst of the symptoms. Have you tried this.....

My friend is coping with a trapped nerve in her shoulder and has had some relief from a tens machine, while it is actually being used. She also has gotten some relief and sleep from amnitryptiline (which sounds similar to nortiptylene) but this is pretty much a no-no for rls sufferers.

I think of you at present...
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by moonlight »

Thanks for your replies..last night I took so much codeine the rls didn't stand a chance ..but yes I know i can't continually do that.

I do have a tens machine and use it for the trapped nerve but recently its been weirdly sore on my skin but I should try it again on a very low setting. Have tried it for the rls and it doesn't help at all.
I have tried a steady dose of codeine before with success but was frightened that I'd become used to it....but maybe it might be an idea to do to get thru this rough patch..I still get acupuncture which helps ...but the notrriptyline has messed everything up.

yea amitriptyline is the same family I had a bad experience on it due to the bipolar

I can't take naproxen as it make my tinnitus worse as does diclofenac potassium, but I need this for my migraines...fortunately I haven't used it too much.

I really feel between a rock and a hard place ...have to put up with the pain , so that the rls and tinnitus don't get worse
feel in such a mess
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Post by badnights »

moonlight, don't be scared of codeine. You have a healthy respect for it, and you'll be OK with that. I'm on hydromorphone. My body is undoubtedly dependant by now but I am not addicted and probably never will be. I only use it for RLS symptoms, and that's that.

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How did you use the TENS?

Post by sleepdancer »

Moonlight, you said the TENS didn't help your RLS. How did you position the electrodes when you tried it? I could find almost no help either from medical professionals or online on exactly how to use the TENS for RLS/PLMD. (My focus is the PLMD.) By miserable trial and error I have for over a month now placed the electrodes in an X configuration on my lower back. Not sure what a physical therapist would tell me about that or if there's any reason to not do so. I did read that one should never place them directly on the spine. I have found that two things make my TENS treatment painful. Worn out adhesion and/or low battery makes it feel like it is stinging my skin. Maybe you could give this another try if the meds are concerning you.

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