Our Medical History

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Our Medical History

Post by Laurachrissy »

Reading the topic "Just one more thing" by Rubyslipper

It was brought up about not knowing anyone else with RLS/WED that only had RLS/WED and no other med. diagnosis.

Would anyone on the board care to share all their Professional Medical Diagnosis/diagnoses?

It would be very interesting to see how many of the professional medical diagnoses we actually share.
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Post by Chipmunk »

I'll share....

    Major Depressive Disorder with a side of Anxiety

    Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Ehlers-Danlos Type 2 or 3 (still waiting on the genetic test)

    Interstitial Cystitis (defect in the lining of my bladder, probably b/c of the Ehlers-Danlos)


    Vasomotor Rhinitis (nose swells shut so I can't breathe out of it)

    Restless Leg Syndrome/Willis-Ekbom Disease (obviously)

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Medical Diagnoses

Post by sleepdancer »

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea

(Sleep disorders run in family. Father had sleep apnea before anyone knew what is was. He also had REM Behavioral Disorder. Brothers have sleep apnea, probably due to familial jaw structure, which is a common cause in the non-obese. Have to wonder if the neurological component of the RLS/WED & PLMD wasn't triggered by the chemical exposure as there were no symptoms prior to exposure. I also have to wonder how much the lack of oxygen due to OSA affected my neurological function as my brain scans show several areas of microvasular iscemia.)


(Both HTB & Diabetes run in the family, but I believe the sleep problems triggered them to manifest. From whay I've read, they are common in people with poor sleep, especially with OSA. Also read that that there may be a link with OSA & Glaucoma, not sure of specifics.)

(Was mild, a thickening of the heart muscle, that seems to have resolved with treatment of the OSA.)

Interstitial Lung Disease
Idiopathic Edema

(Non-smoker, no family hx of lung disease, probably due to occupational hazard of formaldehyde overexposure as symptoms began at that time. Same timing with edema.)

Degenerative Disc Disease
(Because my PLMD kept my legs moving and for many years they didn't stop during sleep, I believe this was a primary factor in my bad knees and bad lower back.)

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Post by badnights »

I'm getting off easy :D
  • exertional asthma (started the same time as the RLS got bad!)
  • sciatica (turned from lower back pain to sciatica also at the same time the RLS got bad) - also spondylolisthesis (lumbar vertebrae, I forget which ones)
  • insomnia (I thought that was part of the WED)
Last edited by badnights on Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Gastric problem .... thought several times that I was having a heart attack. Its ok with Lanzoprazole.

Temporal Artritis/Giant Cell Artritis (Inflammation of the temporal arteries over the ears and behind the eyes).

- in particular hands and feet.




I've had the RLS/WED and general aches and pains for over 30 years.

It is in the last perhaps 3 years that all has come to a head.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Post by Laurachrissy »

I see some similarities:

Oh! most importantly......CRS!!!!!!
Last edited by Laurachrissy on Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:27 am, edited 5 times in total.
RLS sux

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Post by skn0412 »

Endometriosis (hysterectomy since then)
Anxiety / depression

Pretty much it.......I REALLY don't have any major health issues except for RLS.

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Post by fraujoolie »

1. RLS
2. Herniated Disc (central), L4/L5
3. Disc Degeneration, L3 through S1
4. Bone Spur L5/S1

So really, it's just my RLS and my back problems. Chronic back problems are a result of an accident in 2001. My RLS is genetic, but I think the fallout from the accident worsened the symptoms.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Overactive bladder

Trigger finger (4 fingers)

Snapping hip

Tendonitis in several places

Chondromalacia Patella - both knees

Myofascial pain syndrome (chronic myofascial trigger points)

Several food intolerances

Allergy to citric acid

Asthma - apparently brought on by the opiates.

Tend to respond oddly to medications - sometimes sensitive, sometimes takes a lot, sometimes get a paradoxical effect - never know what will happen

Get what I call sleep attacks, unrelated to food or sleep; no doctor has been able to figure them out

Painful skin areas, similar to what people with MS or Lupus get - they are erratic and come an go and have for many years
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by moonlight »

rls over 30yrs


25% hearing loss

arthritis, hips , fingers, back

bones out of synch on let side of back, lots of pain

trapped nerve right thigh, excruciating pain and also pain to touch skin

bipolar...being reassessed for borderline personality disorder, also have anxiety and panic attacks


early degeneration of knees ,right causing big probs at mo

breathing probs due to swine flu

severe allergy to kiwi

any sweeteners send rls into orbit
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by Laurachrissy »

I see 3 of us have problems with TrP's.
Last edited by Laurachrissy on Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
RLS sux

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Post by Laurachrissy »

ViewsAskew wrote:
Tend to respond oddly to medications - sometimes sensitive, sometimes takes a lot, sometimes get a paradoxical effect - never know what will happen

Get what I call sleep attacks, unrelated to food or sleep; no doctor has been able to figure them out

Edit: Are sleep attacks the same thing as GERD?
Last edited by Laurachrissy on Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
RLS sux

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I happily check out with zero diseases of any kind, lol.

That's what's so maddening about it, quite honestly. It's all weird and it's never really something they can identify or do something about.

Thankfully, mostly it's just annoying, not debilitating. The skin tenderness is just there - but doesn't really cause problems.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Post by Laurachrissy »

I hate the skin tenderness; I hate being patted on the back when ppl hug me. BUT "gentle hugs" to you Viewsaskew :)

Beth...it is weird. (Oops! I meant Viewsaskew) We probably hear different names but are the same thing in a lot of cases which is confusing and weird.
Last edited by Laurachrissy on Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
RLS sux

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Post by Betty/WV »

I'll try to list my illnesses and medications.

Have had WED/RLS for approx. 40 years. I take Mirapex .25mg. 2xday

also klonopin 3/4 of a .5 mg. trying to cut back on it. In the past have taken Requip, just for a short time, made me sick at the stomach and migrains. Took neurontin, but didn't do any good. Have tried tramadol,

Fibromyalgia--take Wellbutrin

Artheritis--Tylenol Arthertis Pain

High blood pressure--Avapro, Bumex, and atenolol
High cholestrol--Vytorin 10/40

Also take Nexium for acid reflux

Take vicodin when desperate.

My Ferritin seems to have dropped to 29, at one time was 40 something.

Have had whole knee replacement-left knee, the other knee is bad but hate to go through surgery again.

I am sleep deprived and can't drive anymore because I fall asleep driving.

Now I am so tired all day that I very seldom even get dressed.

Wow, sounds even worse when you write it all down.

I am 75 and I am a complete mess. Overweight also, which is a big minus.

Thanks to rls.org, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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