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Post by jy13131 »

makes my rls worse

Polar Bear
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Re: exercise?

Post by Polar Bear »

I do gentle movement and walking and try to be moderate.

We are all so different and who is to say what it 'moderate'.
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Re: exercise?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Studies have shown exercise to help the majority of people, but only when it's moderate, not when it's intense.

For me, when the WED was occasional, it always worsened it for a few days to a few weeks, but then it would improve dramatically.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: exercise?

Post by badnights »

Ann didn't you say before, that it's a change in the exercise regimen your body's used to that causes the increased WED? i.e. If you're used to very little exercise, then your symptoms will worsen for the first week or so of increased exercise, until you've adjusted?

I play hockey and broomball, always in the evenings or late evenings. I don't have increased RLS on the sports nights; there's no correlation. If I take two weeks off then start up again, perhaps my RLS is worse for a while --- or I might have just imagined it...
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: exercise?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Many of us have noted just that, Beth. Not being used to exercise (like many months without) and suddenly doing it causes increased symptoms for a lot of us - not all, but enough that it's been mentioned here over the years many times. But, after I'm used to it, the symptoms are decreased with exercise - which is consistent with many others, also.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: exercise?

Post by Wayne »

I think it helps but it doesn't make my RLS go away.

Lately I've been doing 30-40 minutes a night on my exercise bike, it's one that will vary the resistance as you ride depending on the level you set. When I'm done I've broken a light sweat. Once I catch my breath and walk around a bit, maybe stretch my legs also, the RLS is still there but not as intense. The real benefit is that it tires me out more and am able to fall asleep easier.

I started this more for the aerobic benefits as I had not been exercising regularly for quite some time, but am getting the bonus of being able to fall asleep easier also.

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Re: exercise?

Post by badnights »

That's awesome, Wayne. I think since we evolved as active beings, we're at optimal health when we're exercising a decent amount, and it just makes everything work better. My legs are always calmer after a workout. A really hot bath has the same effect, but doesn't last as long.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: exercise?

Post by rlsidaho »

Since augmenting, exercise has made my symptoms worse. I have no idea why...

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Re: exercise?

Post by badnights »

such an unpredictable disease, so different from person to person .
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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