No Longer a Member in Good Standing

For everything and anything else not covered in the other RLS sections.
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No Longer a Member in Good Standing

Post by nephriticus »

I have visited the Forum very little in the last few months. I think I have misplaced the requisite qualifications to participate in the Discussion Board. I have been largely symptom free for the last six months.

I did experience RLS for about three years but my case would be classified as mild. It was nightly, but controlled well by a couple of methods. Yes, I am quite aware that some people go into remission only to experience RLS again months or years later. I anticipate that to happen. But, I do believe I know the instigator in my situation.

For a good many years I have imbibed the fruit of the vine. Not the good stuff, mind you, but the el cheapo supermarket variety. I would generally have a couple of glasses while preparing dinner, then another before retiring. The wine I drank generally was about a third of the alcohol content of the good wines. No connoiseur here.

I acquired RLS starkly sudden. One night I didn't have it, the next night I did. It was coincident with when I tried a different brand of el cheapo vino. Being a student of cause and effect, I poured the rest of the new brand down the drain, to no benefit. I then quit all wine for about four weeks with no change in RLS. Following that failed experiment I went back to my grape jiuce.

Well, for no particular reason that I recall, I quit the wine altogether late last year. About six weeks later my RLS symptoms subsided. But I waited for many more weeks to make a call on the vino/RLS relationship. About three weeks ago, I served an Italian dish to the family and had bought a bottle of wine as a go-with, not even thinking about RLS. That night I found it necessary to track down the prescription of the Sinemet. Next night I sampled some more of the bottle, same thing. No more wine, no RLS symptoms. Hmmmm.

Interestingly enough, I have since had white wine with no problem. Apparently there is something about the fermentation of the red wines that has some interaction with the chemistry of my ferritin levels. Now, if someone much smarter than me could determine this presumed relationship, perhaps a cure could be found for those of you who already abstain from alcohol, caffeine, chocolate and what-all.

Disclaimer---I don't rule out that this might all be coincidence. But I'm sure enjoying it. I wish I could pass it on to the rest of you.
Currently RLS free. Symptoms stopped almost abruptly after my long term, full time care giving duties ended with passing of wife. No stress, no RLS.

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Hi Neph

Post by jan3213 »

It's Jan

Well, all I can say is, if it's working for you, GREAT! I certainly wouldn't question it. CONGRATULATIONS! This is one "club" I wouldn't worry about getting "kicked" out of (pardon the pun)!

It's great hearing from you. Don't be a stranger, though. Let us hear from you now and again. You have a lot of "old" friends here and I'm sure they would all love to hear from you. I'm sorry I never got the chance to meet you.

No one is alone who had friends.

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Post by Sara »

Neph!!!! HELLO! :D

I'd wondered what became of you. Glad to see you post, and REALLY glad you're posting with such good news!!!! :D :D :D

I'm obviously not the "smarter person" you were hoping for, because I can't off the top of my head think of precisely why the wine would make as much difference as it does.

But I do believe... don't mess with success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P WHATEVER the reason, I'm really happy that you're feeling well. No more wine for you! And I hope that this "cure" lasts a good long time!!!!!!!!!!

Almost makes me wish I drank, so I could stop, and maybe have a respite! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wishing you continued comfort and rest. Take good care.

Sara :D

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Neph, I was thinking of you just last week and almost posted a "Where's Neph?" message. Glad to hear that you found something that is working for you. I'm sure that must help tremendously not to have to worry about it for the time being. Maybe you will find that this puts you ina long, long remission.


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Sorry not off the hook

Post by becat »

It's Neph! :D
I'm sorry, the fact that your in a blessed remission does not put you on the Not Welcome List around here By FAR......
Good try, you know your wisodm and humor are sorely missed around here. So, you'll just have to come back anyway. We'll offer you a title :!:
:idea: How about " RBL" The offical Remission Board Leader" !
For those of us that might come across remission, bless us, you would be how learder. (I'm not kneeling when you walk by, but I'd throw rose petals) :lol:
It was wonderful to see your name, gosh I do so miss you. I am glad to here that things are going so well for you. Hope also that this means, things at home are going smoothly for you and your family.
My honest (((((((hugs))))) to you Neph. I miss ya.......come around often and don't forget us. Your still family to us.

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Location: Idaho

Post by Athena »

I cannot drink alcohol of any kind or my RLS goes bullistic!
It is sad because I would love a glass of wine or beer once in awhile!

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