blackouts, confusion due to fatigue

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blackouts, confusion due to fatigue

Post by squirmy »

Anyone have problems with short blackouts with confusion? I have talked to my docs about this and they aren't concerned unless I go unconscience. They say it is from fatigue.

When my body feels like an electrical power station, and I'm especially tired, I don't drive. In the past, when I find myself feeling this way, I have driven on the wrong side of the street, or get lost in my own neighborhood. I was like this today. I had two doc appts. this morning, tried to go, but turned back and carefully drove myself home. I didn't feel like I was safe.

I haven't taken any Sinemet for about 48 hours. But have slept good for two nights anyway, just occasional buzzing feeling, not the terrible crawly, stinging stuff that keeps me up all night, like before.

RLS, SLE (Lupus) and Asthma

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Post by Sara »


Oh, my gosh! I was just coming on to ask how your doctors' appointments went! So glad you turned around and went home. How scary to think of you feeling that way! :(

I sleep so much better than you guys do, that I don't think I've been exhausted enough from just RLS to have that sort of symptom. But I'd say that from what I've heard from others here with severe RLS, there certainly are other people who are at least half-asleep if not half-unconcious like you.

I have had trouble with concentration during anxiety attacks and periods of insomnia caused by that disorder, though. Personally, I can't believe that doctors don't take daytime sleepiness more seriously than they do for serious RLS, let alone the sort of thing you're telling them! :evil:

You take good care of yourself, and hang in there!

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Post by squirmy »

Sara, I rescheduled my rheumy/internist appointment for tomorrow. I might not get much time, cause they squeezed me in, but I will ask about the meds and especially about Requip. So I'll pass any new info, or misinfo, whatever the case may be, tomorrow. Tina
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Tina, I'm glad you are home and safe. I can imagine how scary it is as I have had similar events - I temporarily forget where I am, what I'm doing, what I'm saying. I've gone to wrong places, done many of the same things you have. Not sure if it's the fatigue, the meds, or the combo. Some of the meds we take do affect the CNS, so they could be partially to blame. Some days I am good, though, the fog is gone, the synapses firing correctly :wink: . Never sure what causes it. I would think with the SLE and the RLS, you are just plain exhausted and brains just don't work so well when exhauted.


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Post by squirmy »

UPDATE: saw rheumy this morning. added post regarding my sinemet use in the pharmeceutical discussions. Anyway, new diagnoses, migraines with cognitive dysfunction. I'm having a brain MRI next week. We check anticoagulant levels every 3 months for risk factors common with strokes, but so far no indications of that. Tina
RLS, SLE (Lupus) and Asthma

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