RLS t.v. commercial

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RLS t.v. commercial

Post by squirmy »

I saw a 30 second commercial for RLS by Glaxo-Smith Co. last night. It talks about the creepy crawly tingling feelings and how it causes sleep deprivation because movement relieves the sensations and that 1 out of 10 Americans suffer from it. They also advertise a website, but I'm not sure what the address was. I thought this was fantastic, seeing as how I had to explain RLS to yet another doctor just last week. I am in Indiana. Are any other states showing this? Has anyone else seen it? What did you think? Tina
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Post by Sara »

Hey, Tina....

Been out in the wilds of Nevada for a couple weeks with no media but one local radio station that doesn't even have news. But I'll keep my eyes open now that I'm back in tv-land.

I'd imagine that it's that website that was linked to the article someone (was that you? Corrie? can't recall) posted a month ago or so. I did like the animation header on that that described life with RLS better than anything I've seen or read.

But not to open a can of worms that might offend anyone (hopefully not you, Tina), but do you ever feel like the pharmaceutical companies are preying on people with illnesses as much as they are trying to help us, now that they are allowed to advertise on TV and in magazines?

My kids do'nt remember what it was like when prescription meds weren't such a "commodity" (and before we had to sit through Cialis commercials during the SuperBowl... Janet Jackson's breast, which we missed because I was on the phone and our son had gotten tired of the music and turned to an old movie, couldn't have been that much more offensive than those :roll: :lol: ) But it seems to me that there's a lot more "profit motive" now that pharm. companies aren't just advertising THEMSELVES but "hawking" particular products.

Sure, it's going to be great if folks and doctors start to realize that RLS, for example, is a real and serious life-altering condition.... but sometimes I feel like Glaxo. has good reason to make people aware of RLS, because we're an Rx-obsessed society, so the more people who find out they have RLS (or even just think they might) the more pills Glaxo can potentially sell. If their med helps, great. But they "win" either way because people will try almost anything to maybe feel better and get some sleep... and even if five years from now they decide there are dangerous side effects, etc., by that time they'll have made back their money for research and development and advertising.... so from THEIR perspective, "it's all good". But who knows where it will leave those of us who have their "disease of the month". :roll:

I guess it's clear, I have mixed feelings. NOT about RLSers taking meds... there's no question that's something that needs to happen in alot of our cases. But about the motives of advertising those meds. Hmmmmm.... I'll let you know if I see it here locally or on cable, Tina.

Hope all's well with you!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Sara, well put. I also have mixed feelings about this.

I do believe the commercials are US nationwide. People on at least three different message boards, including ours, posted that they saw the commercials, and they have all been from different parts of the US.

I am so grateful that more people now know what they have. The awareness this created in the public (both with and without it) and doctors is phenomenal. We need that.

But I keep seeing posts that says, "Has anyone heard of this new drug?" and "I should ask my doctor to switch me to this new drug." Requip isn't new, it's been used for years for RLS (one person posted she's been using it for 7 years), and it isn't the only thing out there. Nor is it the best thing for everyone. Each of us is different and our needs our different. And some of us manage our RLS fine without meds! It depends on how severe it is and how much it prevents sleep, daily functioning and quality of life. Is everyone who has RLS once or twice a week for a 1/2 hour going to think that they need to take this drug? And that brings me to Sara's point.

We do not need to medicate every life event we have with drugs. Yes, when things interfere with our lives and we cannot find another way around, it's great that they are there. Let's take anti-depressants. Studies prove that the ADs are great for helping you get the in ital boost out of the funk, but unless it's an ongoing chemical problem, the best way to get out and stay out it to start with the meds, start therapy, end meds, continue therapy and stay better for longer. Staying on the meds creates many more problems for people than they first had including altering brain chemistry so the brain can't work for itself anymore.

There is a place for all of these meds. They do help countless people that in the past would have been suffering. But pharm companies DO have a vested interest in making us think we need more of them and need them more often than we do. This is big business and we shouldn't forget it. In the process of them making money, we are often human guinea pigs. Look at Vioxx, and many other drug that caused more problems than they helped from IUDs to thalidomide.

Of course, just my opinion :) from my perspective.


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Hi guys

Post by jan3213 »

It's Jan

Here's my take. I know drug companies advertise all the time and you guys know how I feel about drug companies. BOY! Have I made myself clear on THAT issue lately! BUT, when I saw that commercial, I honestly didn't even realize that is was sponsored by a drug company. HONESTLY! Maybe I was so preoccupied by other things in my life. Maybe I was so HAPPY to finally see SOMETHING about RLS "out there" period! Maybe I'm just plain naive! (Plenty of people would certainly argue THAT point! hah) I really don't think I AM naive when it comes to pharmacetical companies. I KNOW how they operate and, believe me, they have made me MORE than angry recently. I was was just so thrilled to see the add about RLS! Its just too bad that it had to be a pharceutical company who put RLS out to the forefront, isn't it? DARN IT!

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Post by Sara »


I don't think that my point was that you're naive. I think it was more that I'm idealistic. :wink:

I've not seen the ad myself (but haven't watched much tv lately, either), but will be THRILLED if it makes people look at me with sympathy rather than a blank stare or eye-rolling when I mention RLS.

I guess I just can't feel TOO grateful to Glaxo for doing it, since (as I said) I don't believe that they're doing it for my benefit. But their feathering of their own nest may end up being an unintended benefit to you and me and everyone who suffers RLS, and that IS, as a home diva who shall remain nameless might say, a very good thing. :wink:

Hugs to you Jannie!
Sara :D

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Post by jan3213 »

It's Jannie

I think we're all on the same page! Glaxco may have meant to do ONE thing (feather their OWN nest), but instead, they may be furthering OUR cause! And, I like IDEALISTIC much better than NAIVE! hehe

HUGS RIGHT BACK AT YOU! I'll talk to you soon!

Love ya
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Post by Kris »

Well, I haven't seen it, and while I am well treated with mirapex, my RLS when untreated is very painful - and a lot of the stuff I see on RLS minimizes how severe my pain is without medication. Without Mirapex, my RLS was totally disabling - it wasn't creepy crawly feelings.

I had those in my twenties. I guess that is my big complaint about most of the RLS info out there - they tend to not really match my symptoms.

I've had broken bones - my RLS feels very similair and it is NOT just at night. Luckily, I've found significant relief with Mirapex.


Post by Guest »

SAW it and think its about bloody time it was acknowledged

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Post by becat »

Ok, I'm not sure how many of you read the low end of the newspapers.....i.e. no names, just the ones that are sold by the checkout. They have stories like..........Man finds pigs lays eggs.
Ya'll get it right? My personal favorite lately, Pudding fireworks are not a big hit with 4th of July celebrations. Actually showed a lady covered in pudding. Cracks me up......
Ok, so a family member calls tonight telling me that she's just read a short article in the GLobe, about RLS.
Dr. B is talking about Q of L issues and then they made mention of Requip.
My gosh how far have we come? LOL :lol:
By the way, I'm buying these newspapers for my neighbor who has been in the hospital for 5 weeks now. She's a high risk Mommy to Be and is trying to last another 4 weeks in the hospital. I think she needs the complete news and a few laughs. Heck, you know the big papers miss all the good news.
LOL Had to share.

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Post by Kellymac »

I live in Massachusetts, and I saw the commercial, I was so excited, I called my husband in to see it. The next day, 2 of my co-workers said, "I thought of you last night", when they saw the ad for rls. Now they dont think I am crazy when I say my legs kept me up all night! Finally some recognition and validation, life is good!

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Post by Penguinrocks »

I'm in MA as well.

I never really had a problem with my co workers believing me. My "boss" yes, but not my co workers.

My ex's mom, thinks i'm full of crap. My ex's dad, has always had my back.

I had to postpone my neuro until the 27th. So, I'm hoping to get back on the Requip but this time with Topamax to help with the migraines.

Hey I've missed y'all.

Beware the Penguin

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hi ya

Post by becat »

Hiya Penguinsrock,
You know we miss you too.
I hope things are just wonderful with the new doc.
I hope he tells you everything you need to hear and better yet can help.
I hope we find some decent answers for you.
I'll be just a tad closer to you the next 10 days, NYC I'm on my way!
So you won't hear from me, but we will still share the same moon.
Hugs to you, can't wait to hear what they find for you.
Your in my thoughts and prayers.
Hug, Big Hugs!

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Post by Penguinrocks »

Thank you my dear friend.

I will look forward to sharing that moon with you!

Beware the Penguin

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Post by Sara »

Hi, folks--

Saw an RLS ad today on HGTV on cable. Looked like a "national" ad, not one of the ones the local stations put in (as would make sense.)

Is there just the one with the empty reclining chair?

It was a good ad for hitting one of the most important Q of L issues with RLS.... the fact that it most often hits when we're most ready/in need of rest and relaxation. The FRUSTRATION of being unable to rest/relax when we need/want to is so much a part of this condition. They said taht specifically, which I approved of, and also the slamming of the footrest I thought was a pretty slick "Madison Avenue" way of conveying our frustrations.

If the pharm companies are going to highlight our condition, at least they did it effectively. I'm HOPING for some of that sympathy a few of you have received from the ad campaign. :wink: Since I won't be availing myself of the pharm. co.s specific products now targetted for RLS anytime soon.

Hope everyone's doing okay. Been having a pretty good RLS-time just lately. Not sure why. But I'll take it, mysterious as it is. :lol:


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Post by ViewsAskew »

Never look a gift-horse in the mouth, as they say :lol: . When my RLS is quiet I don't even want to talk about it, lest it change. Superstitious behavior is so fun. Glad yours is quiet, Sara, may it stay that way for a long time. I think you are wise to stay off of drugs as long as you can. Obviously some of us get to a point where that isn't feasible anymore. I actually would have lived with the RLS a lot longer, it was the PLMS that made me give in. My quality of sleep was just sooooo poor that I was a wreck. I wish that there were some effective non-pharm methods for that!


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