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Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:49 am
by ViewsAskew
I've been marveling at how you've been doing about this. . .almost like you were talking about someone else. And, you sort of were. It's a neat coping technique, isn't it????

It seems like this is a very difficult, long and arduous process. Not doing it isn't an option, so you are doing the best you can. Accepting that and moving forward. Whether we like it or not, what is, is. Worrying does not change it, though that sure is easier said than done, isn't it? I was not in school the day they taught that ability, or I missed the gene, lol.

Keep hanging in there.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:53 am
by lyndarae
hey girlfriend, FLYING MONKEYS lord I am dreaming I knew it...... I was just singing the oz the other day. We have all had a wicked journey down the yellow brick road, and I hope it never ends. You have all brought such joy and strenght to me over the years. And lots of courage too we have all grown so much. Jan, you know I love ya and my prayers are with ya but you could not be in better hands with our becat there and all the prayers comming your way. I am so happy you are going to be free of all your suffering soon. I know there have been many long hard nights for you and us all thanks to our family here we always make it through and even with a laugh or two sometimes. Our moon shines bright on us all and our row boat is large but we always make room for each other. May the eagle spirit visit you in your dreams and bring you great wisdom and peace. And when you wake you will lay eyes on many moons our boat keeper. GOD BLESS I love you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:56 am
by cornelia
Oh Jan, you have explained it so well. I do understand what they are going to do with you now. I wish you well, girl, it all sounds so scary. But in the long run you will feel much better. I wish time would fly and get the operation over and done with. We will celebrate on this board when all goes well. You know, the Dutch are calvinist people, and that is why I probably can't talk to you as warm and friendly as others on this board (+ the language problem) but in my heart I carry a warm spot for you.

Take lots of care Corrie

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:31 am
by jan3213
Ann, Lyn and Corrie

Thank you so much for reading and answering my post.

Ann, I sound a lot more brave than I am, believe me. I have crying spells--I guess that's a form of release--then I feel a litle better for awhile. I'm both afraid and peaceful about this surgery. Weird, huh?

Lyn, I will look for the Eagle spirit. Thank you so much.

Corrie, I think you sound every bit as warm as as anyone else. Thank you, too.

You all have helped me so much. Just being here, picking up on little things (Ann), and showing how much you care has really helped me tonight.

I'm glad I'm part of this family.


Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:43 am
by Penguinrocks
My Jannie,

You KNOW I'm going to be there with you the whole time. Check out the sky tonight, the moon is gonna be so big and full you'll HAVE to see me in it!!!!!!

I love you yanno. Eventhough I'm so far away, I will be with you every step of the way.

I just love you...I really don't know what else to say


Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:58 am
by jan3213
What you've said is just right, Penguin. It's going to be fine. Three more days after today.

I love you, too.


surgery date scheduled - medical alert card

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:39 pm
by ctravel12
Jan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and will be there also on the 12th. I know you will do just fine and we are all there in spirit too.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:59 am
by jan3213
Thank you, Charlene.

You take care, too.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:22 pm
by ViewsAskew
Jan, it's Monday - when do you leave for the hospital? I hope your family will be there with you tonight.

Many years ago, just after college, I bravely left my home and traveled 800 miles or so away to live. I was by myself and found out I had cancer. It was all contained, but they needed to do surgery immediately. I can still remember being so alone there. I'd not been there long enough to make any friends. No one to talk to, no cell phones, no internet, no money to call home (I had it done at a county hospital - I had no insurance).

Know that all of us are with you. If you feel lonely tonight, or afraid, think of us.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:31 pm
by jan3213

How awful for you. I hope you never have to go through aything like that again.

Wendall and I are leaving in about an hour. Amy will be there tomorrow, along with Lynne (Becat), so I'll be in wonderful hands. Lynne is staying with me all week in my hospital room (how wonderful is she?!). I pitty the fool who tries to kick her out!! HAHA Wendall will be back and forth, as will the kids and some friends.

The surgery will take approx 6 hrs. They are guessing, of course. But given the complexity of the situation, it's going to be a long surgery. I won't know....but my poor family will (I include Lynne in my family).

Thank you ALL for your prayers. I have a lot of people praying for me and my family, the surgeon and all the people involved.

I am a very blessed woman.

Talk to all of you later.


surgery date scheduled - medical alert

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:37 pm
by ctravel12
Hi Jan. You are in my prayers and will continue to pray until we hear from you. That is so wonderful that Lynne will be with you along with your family. We sure do have a neat family here don't we? Love ya and God will definitely guide the surgeon's hands.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:17 am
by becat
Hey Charlene,
I'll tell Jan what you said and hold you to it. LOL
I'm off to the airport in a few minutes, but wanted to ask again for all you to keep Jan and her family in your prayers, good thoughts, kind tidings, whatever it is that brings her good fortune with this surgery.
I will call a couple of people to keep everyone posted.
My Love, many hugs, And that big bright shining moon for us all.
Love Lynne

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:45 pm
by tazzer
I am so glad Lynne will be there, hope everything goes well and you come out dancing jan! :D Prayers with you and your family.


Update Monday 25 2006

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:31 pm
by becat
Hi Everyone, I didn't mention it this weekend because I thought it was going to be short lived, but Jan was back in the hospital this weekend with a bladder/kidney infection.
She got out last night, but had returned today for what might be a couple of days. She needs the stronger IV antibiotics, considering all that her body has already been threw and that should have been enough. BUT, not, so...............
Keep those prayers going and I'll keep in touch.
Love Lynne

surgery date scheduled - medical alert card

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:40 pm
by ctravel12
Hi Lynne Thanks for letting us know. I will keep on praying for her and to have a quick recovery. She does not need this after the surgery she just had. I know you will let us know all what is going on. Love you for this. You are one SUPER person. Please give Jan my love and that I will keep on saying prayers for her. Thanks again.