Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by rthom »

I used the dimmer swtches as well-- liked them alot because it gave me something to do with my other foot while we drove--off on of on--lol only problem was around here the salt and water in the winter corroded them something aweful--always replacing them.

About the soaps I find baby shampoo works great otherwise I have to use the special stuff fro the pharmacy for sensitive skin (I don't like the smell of it--thus the baby shampoo-also it's cheaper).

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by EeFall »

rthom wrote:I used the dimmer swtches as well-- liked them alot because it gave me something to do with my other foot while we drove--off on of on--lol only problem was around here the salt and water in the winter corroded them something aweful--always replacing them.

About the soaps I find baby shampoo works great otherwise I have to use the special stuff fro the pharmacy for sensitive skin (I don't like the smell of it--thus the baby shampoo-also it's cheaper).

When I was a teenager I remember driving home from the drive-in with a friend who used to like doing the on and off wth the dimmer switch at night to cars coming towards him, crazy guy, and about the time we were telling him to stop messing around the other car started doing the same and as he past by it was a state partrol car and he did a u-turn and came and pulled us over and gave him a ticket, can't remember what it was called, something like malicious mischief. I don't think he played that game anymore after that :lol:

Baby shampoo, I will have to mention that to my wife. The new stuff is clear and runny like water but has a surprising amount of foam.

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by rthom »

Yah, I would be to chicken to repeatedly flash anybody over and over--Jail is just not where I long to be-lolol

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by Polar Bear »

Ah.... dimmer switch..... think this is what we in UK call high beam/low beam on the headlights ??
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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by rthom »

yes, on the floor--here they are on the dash or column now- and have been for about 20+ years

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by EeFall »

EeFall wrote:I keep getting sores in my nostrils that form terrible ugly gross scabs, and no I don't pick my nose :sick: I finally started putting antibiotic ointment (neosporin) in my nose and it cleared it up. After a few days it came back so I am doing the same thing.

So I have nothing better to do at the moment so thought I would update this thread that I first posted 16 days ago. I did the antibiotic ointment treatment for a full week and then I did nothing. This is Tuesday the 22nd. January 13th was the end of the week of doing the ointment treatment for a week so it has been 9 days. My nose is now clear except for constant sores that look like open wounds, it looks like blood and they are in both nostrils on the inside, sort of working their way towards each other. They are not forming scabs. Seems sort of strange but I never shined a flashlight up someone elses nose to find out if that is or isn't normal. I'm thinking it isn't normal.

EeFall wrote:Next - I am getting these little straight cracks on both sides of my thumb nails that extend from side of nail outward towards end of thumb. Very painful splits that even bleed. I put neosporin on them too and bandages and they clear up for a few days and then come back.

Now I am getting the cracks on my fingers too, not just thumbs, despite using orgainic tea soap my wife got me. She had me try some hand lotion but I just can't stand to use it, maybe a guy thing. I did find amazing bandages though, they are waterproof. Maybe they have been around awhile but they are news to me. Over top of bandages is a clear portion that sticks to skin but allows skin to breathe. I can wash hands several times and the bandages keep it dry. Both thumbs on both sides are healing and I don't need bandages at moment but I am using bandages on middle finger.

EeFall wrote:Next - My head is full of bumps similar to pimples and they also are very painful, they are just in the hair. I have been washing with special shampoos my wife found that are suppose to relieve the symptoms but don't do much. It itches terribly, sometimes in night I get up and I'm scratching like crazy.

The shampoo I am using, again from wife, seems to be helping some but bumps are still there, only they don't hurt. Keeping it at bay but not getting rid of it.

EeFall wrote:I already have a very bad case of RLS, believe me it is B A D, but this stuff seems like it is out of the bible or something like the plagues of Egypt or something. I keep wondering if they might be symptoms of RLS/WED maybe later stage where the endings of the nerves are becoming sensitive. I know it sounds gross but Man I gotta know what is going on!

So I still have all 3 problems after 16 days. Nose thing is a little scary, almost like flesh eating disease but it is just sitting there doing nothing like it has been shocked into submission. The cracked skin by nails is getting worse, and the head bumps are better but not gone. I have not tried some of the suggestions mostly because I have been busy working and my life is on a downward spiral again. Two hours of sleep last night. It probably doesn't help not getting restorative sleep, body needs it to get well I'm thinking.

Maybe I should go to doctor about all this? Open sores seem to be the most ominous. I don't know what to do.

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by debbluebird »

It's the nose sores that made me think of MRSA. They can do a culture and find out for sure, very simple. If it is MRSA it won't go away by itself and it is contagious. I had to stay home for a couple of weeks, just to stay away from people. Since we don't get much sleep, our immune systems tend to be lower, so we are more apt to get it.

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by rthom »

A Dr's visit sounds like a very good plan--here we'd try to see a dermatologist for that kind of stuff.
Sucks that you are having it so hard again--is your sleep worse overall than it was say 3 weeks ago? Was wondering if your power drinks at work are building up something in your system and causing it to be worse every night...
Is your head or nose itchy? The bumps on your head--are they like little tiny water blisters?
Any chance you are depleting your water thru heat, weather, medication, or just not drinking enough? Maybe try to carry around a glass/bottle of water with you and see if increasing your water intake helps after a couple of days.

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by EeFall »

rthom wrote:A Dr's visit sounds like a very good plan--here we'd try to see a dermatologist for that kind of stuff.
Sucks that you are having it so hard again--is your sleep worse overall than it was say 3 weeks ago? Was wondering if your power drinks at work are building up something in your system and causing it to be worse every night...
Is your head or nose itchy? The bumps on your head--are they like little tiny water blisters?
Any chance you are depleting your water thru heat, weather, medication, or just not drinking enough? Maybe try to carry around a glass/bottle of water with you and see if increasing your water intake helps after a couple of days.

I wrote last night and the dang thing logged me off when I hit submit, too tired to redo it lol. Sleep is just terrible but my new motto is to fight to the death lol, I refuse to lose work because of it. The Starbuck's energy drinks are working well. Today though I had to take 2 to stay awake at work which is probably not good, but what the heck - I worked all day! My Zeo died - I fear - forever last night and I'm not spending another $100 or whatever it was to get another one. Too bad because it was a neat little device.

So far power drinks not messing with sleep at night. In fact I just woke up from maybe an hour nap sitting here, accidently zonked out.

Nose not really itchy, bumps are but I try not to scratch. later.

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Re: Plagues of Egypt Pestering Me or RLS/WED?

Post by EeFall »

EeFall wrote:Okay so this is pretty weird, strange, and weird again but I was wondering if anyone else had this and/or knew what it was - I seem to move around all the time for no reason at all - :lol: just kidding, of course I do but here is the real question - ta -da!

I keep getting sores in my nostrils that form terrible ugly gross scabs, and no I don't pick my nose :sick: I finally started putting antibiotic ointment (neosporin) in my nose and it cleared it up. After a few days it came back so I am doing the same thing.

Next - I am getting these little straight cracks on both sides of my thumb nails that extend from side of nail outward towards end of thumb. Very painful splits that even bleed. I put neosporin on them too and bandages and they clear up for a few days and then come back.

Next - My head is full of bumps similar to pimples and they also are very painful, they are just in the hair. I have been washing with special shampoos my wife found that are suppose to relieve the symptoms but don't do much. It itches terribly, sometimes in night I get up and I'm scratching like crazy.

I wrote this January 6th. The head problem is under control with a special tea shampoo. I use it everyday in shower. Put it on at first and leave it on while I take the shower. It is under control, that is the good news.

The problem with the cracks on my thumbs has spread to a few other fingers but I don't get it near as much since getting rid of bar soap. I always liked bar soap, and the smell of it, but I guess it is a pretty brutal. My wife has me using some liquid soap that is easier on my hands. I refuse to use hand lotion because I can't stand to have it on my hands :D

I had the cyst on my back removed last week, 7 stitches. Two weeks before they gave me antibiotics to try to get rid of it. That got rid of my nose problem. I just have forgotten to tell a doctor about it in all this time. It went completely away, the nose problem, until today. Today I was sitting here and I blew my nose and bleed really bad. I took a flashlight and looked at my nose and I have an open wound again. It just came from no where. I made an appointment with a doctor for Monday to see about it. The doctor will also look at my numb two smallest fingers on my left hand. I had worn a wrist splint for 10 days per doctors orders but it didn't do any good at all, my fingers are still numb.

Crap, I just looked at my appointments at the doctors and I see a doctor Friday to remove stitches and to tell me the results of the biopsy of the cyst, Monday to look at my hand, the numb fingers, and my nose sores, and Tuesday to see my sleep doctor. I don't even know why I am going to see him since he has practically abandoned me. I feel like I am falling apart. I have the RLS/WED of course which is enough by itself, but I also have a mild case of diabetes, arthritis, the nose thing, the numbing of my fingers (which could be related to diabetes), and why did the cyst suddenly flare up after 30 some years? I just wonder if it isn't all connected someway.

I have slept for 5 days, not great sleep, moderate sleep I guess, but already I feel like I am coming out of a deep fog. I look around and see all these medical things happening to me and I wonder what in the hell is going on. I keep falling asleep, I guess the Mirapex is kicking in along with the methadone, Lyrica, and clonidine :D Hell, it should put down an elephant for the night...

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