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Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 12:52 pm
by jan3213
It's so good to hear from you, Nadia. (This is Jan). I've been wondering how you've been doing. Sounds like, even though you've been having some problems, you had some good times on your trip! We have to appreciate the good times when we get them, don't we? And, if anyone does, YOU do!!! It's always a blessing to read a post from you!! Take care of yourself!!


Hi, Nadia

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:02 pm
by jumpyowl
Welcome back from your horrendous trip! you mean to tell me that you had genuine, "lay down and die" type of migraines and that many? How long do they last and how do you cope? :shock:

You are a true heroine (and a tough babe) in my eyes. :oops:

Missed you and am glad you remembered plan B. :wink:

I can hardly wait until you will see your third neuro. I think you need a change in medical philosophy. 8)

Giving up is not an option!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 2:19 pm
by sardsy75
A heroine AND a tough babe huh? I likes! :D

I must admit that on my worst days i've been known to shout out loud to the "heavens" above: "What next??? Bring it on, by all means; you haven't beaten me yet!"

Yes, I get those "lay down and die" type of migraines. Although I usually refer to them as the "out of the blue hit from behind with multiple sledgehammers" migraines as they can really knock me for six! The worst ones have me reknewing a close friendship a with certain porclein fixture in the house. :roll:

My uncle (my mum's youngest brother) and aunt, whom I stayed with last week both also get migraines and when we all compared notes it turns out that my uncle and I get the same type ... and ... they can last for up to and over 24 hours sometimes; but, the long ones only occur if we're not within arms length of the necessary drugs and a nice dark place to hide at the time they hit. I have to be careful of the anti-migraine drugs as some of them have high doses of caffeine and anti-histamines in them :roll:

I know of three definite "triggers" for mine:
1. Long periods of exposure to fluroescent lighting (I was often ribbed for "working in the dark" at my old job because once I figured it out, I never turned the fluro's on in my office and just had the blinds open on the windows to let the natural light in)
2. Flickering computer screens (i.e. refresh rate is not set correctly)
3. Short, blinding sun reflections off glass, metal, etc.

How do I cope? Patience is a virtue, and fortunately I was born with an extra abundance of it (and being a virgo by the stars helps too :wink: ) I also have a mega-high pain tolerance, which come in handy. I start with the usual OTC codeine based pain-killers and work my way up to the antimigraine meds. If I can, I find the nearest dark place to hibernate (usually the nearest bedroom) and nice cold-pack or two doesn't go astray either :?

BTW, I forgot to mention that Plan B ended up being Plan B-II; the cabergoline during the day plus the diazepam at night. Plan B-I is just the cabergoline. 8)

As for the upcoming meeting with a third neuro, i've already got a list of questions to bombard him with. I'm going to make every minute of my hour count!! I know of someone locally with RLS who is being treated by this Neuro, and he can't talk highly enough of him. He's also the neuro who did the parkinson's brain-surgery on my Grandma a few years ago. One of the main reasons I sought out an appointment with him though was the fact that he's listed on the Foundations Healthcare Provider listing; so that should be a major positive!!

Well, it's now 0015 Monday morning and time for bed. I've noticed that my "bedtimes" have slowly but surely been coming forward which is a good thing; considering my usual bedtime used to be around 0200-0300am!

Nite all!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:42 pm
by sardsy75
In the three weeks since I last posted I've been busy doing a number of things: working, travelling, training, scientific experiments on yours truly, and recovery from all of the above :shock:

I haven't yet narrowed it down to which part of Travel and Training that doesn’t agree with me not that i'm in a great hurry to find out! I have a suspicion that it's the "unconscious" stress of simply preparing to go away and having to study while away that triggers it; but in order to prove that hypothesis i'm going to have to insist on a romantic weekend getaway with hubby :wink: (Yeah Right! My chances of that happening at the moment are pretty much zip, zilch and zero lol :roll: )

*Sigh* so my bad case of "travel bug" has to stay on ice for a while longer. I've done two very short trips to Brisbane (i.e. one hour plane trips down and back and a total of three days away each time) in the past four weeks and both times I have arrived home shuffling along with a walking stick for support. My spirits haven't been down though. As long as i'm upright and mobile in some way I simply get on with it :D

My scientific experiment was to see if a) I could still "hold" my alcohol 8) and b) what effect it would have on my RLS & CFS. What better place to test it than at an XFC (extreme fighting championship – full contact mixed martial arts) event with a VIP ringside table and an unlimited supply of alcohol included in the cost of the ticket!

Well, I can still hold my alcohol :wink: going drink for drink with my hubby and the rest of our mates who were with us (seven of us all up). Going by the number of standard 30mL “shots” in a 750mL bottle of vodka I can confidently say that I drank at least half a 750mL bottle of vodka … not a bad effort considering “turps” has been literally off the menu for me for over 12 months 8) and for the record, no i did not have a hangover, and yes, by the end of the night I was still upright, mobile and could still hold a coherent conversation :wink:

However, by 2pm the following afternoon, ye ol legs were in a major case of full swing, so the conclusion to my experiment is that consuming half a 750mL bottle of vodka within the space of 4 hours is not good for ones RLS status :roll: But hey, it was worth it!! I had an absolute ball that night, the most fun I've had in months (and the free limo ride from the venue back into our hotel in the heart of Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast wasn't too shabby either :lol: )

I'm still on 70mg Endep/Elavil per night plus the Valerian.

Up until last Tuesday (Aug 17), for the three or so weeks prior, my sleeping patterns had been severley disturbed by something out of my control (if you want more details, send me a PM) and I was flat out getting more than a few hours restful sleep; however I had resolved the disturbance by last Tuesday and that night and every night since then I have slept like a baby for up to 9 hours straight :!: :shock: and waking each morning feeling refreshed and energised.

I must point out here that I have been continuing with my massage and craniosacral therapy sessions once a week for the past couple of months and when I had my session last Thursday (Aug 19) Marion made a comment along the lines of "I am absolutely amazed at your energy levels; you are at the most healthy and energized state that I have seen yet; you have taken a quantum leap in your progress and recovery!" I have also been going to the city botanical gardens for a couple of hours each week, soaking up the sunshine, breathing in the fresh air, and tapping into the natural energy of the trees and gardens around me. I must admit that i've been on a very real natural "high" for the past week, and nothing has been able to wipe the smile off my face, or bring my reenergized zest for life down.

On that positive note I am off to bed to read for a while.

Remember: take it one step at a time, one day at a time and most importantly - Stay Positive!!!

Well, Nadia

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:33 pm
by jumpyowl
If you are trying to provoke me it did not work (I am kidding). :wink: What is a few deciliters of 100 proof ethanol among friends. Besides you are only young once. :)

You do have a fantastic spirit and thereby giving us continued encouragement! On that positive note I am going back to work on the questionnaire. Your latter posts were quite helpful, dear friend.

I wonder whether you would consider publicly posting some of your private e-mail to me. Have you seen the latest knife stab our anonymous arch enemy delivered recently? :shock:

Your nice sentiments would come handy. :oops:

Now now Jumpy!

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:43 am
by sardsy75
Provoking you did not even enter my head as I wrote my update Jumpy!

And you are right: what is a few deciliters of 100 proof ethanol among friends .... we are definitely only young once! Even though I paid for it dearly the next day, I thoroughly enjoyed myself on the night, and that was the main aim!

Take care of you my friend!


Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:50 am
by sardsy75
The reason I am putting this here is because it technically belongs in this thread; it being my online diary and all...

Reference: Forum Index -> Non-Pharmaceutical Therapies -> "The Miracle Cure" - A Book Review - A Must Read

sardsy75 wrote:Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:29
Post Subject: Going out on a very very long limb here

OK, I'm going out on an extremely long limb here and am going to expose another side of me which could possibly cause some of my friends in here to turn away from me. But that is a risk I am willing to take. Those who are my true friends accept me for who i am.

I am going to explain very, very briefly, the "cause" of what is now my extremely focused positive outlook on life.

As I mentioned in my update post in my diary (RLS Forum -> New To RLS -> Prescription Drug Side Effects) I have been keeping up with my massage and craniosacral therapy sessions over the past few months.

These weekly sessions with Marion have been very intense one hour energy renewal and meditation sessions.

The "quantum leap" that Marion commented on me having made, was not only because I have made a huge recovery healthwise in the past couple of weeks; but that I have become far more spiritually aware and at peace with my surroundings and with who I am within this universe. This journey in itself has been extremely emotional and exhausting. However, it has been worth every second.

I meditate every morning and every evening ... clearing and reenergizing my chakras (the "energy centres" within my body) and tonight as I meditate I will been concentrating the most on clearing my manipura (solar plexus) and anahata (heart) chakra and because "Guest" has done such a good job today of draining my energy just by using simple words, I will be mentally cutting the etheric psychic cord between myself and them. I am willing to forgive "Guest" for draining me and release them fully to the light.

To Guest:

As I concentrate on my manipura chakra, I am willing to release that part of me that irritates me when I think of you.

Everyone in my life shares my goal in enjoying perfect love. I am blended with the one spirit who is the truth of every being whom God created. I am one, one, one with all of life - and I give thanks for this truth.

The Archangel Michael surrounds my heart with his healing energy and escorts the darkness you have caused away from my heart so that he may take it to the light for purification and transmutation.

As I concentrate on my anahata chakra I am willing to forgive myself and others for any mistakes in thinking, which were made during this day. I choose peace of mind in exchange for releasing these errors in thought. I ask that all effects of these errors be forgotten in all of time by all concerned.

I give to the angels all of the memories of everything I have said, thought, heard and read today. I release these communications as I do not need them any longer. The angels take these communications to the light, where they are perfectly purified and returned to me in their pure state of love.

Good night and sweet dreams to all.

2nd Scientific Experiment Proves 1st Conclusion Incorrect!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:32 pm
by sardsy75
sardsy75 wrote:My scientific experiment was to see if a) I could still "hold" my alcohol 8) and b) what effect it would have on my RLS & CFS. What better place to test it than at an XFC (extreme fighting championship – full contact mixed martial arts) event with a VIP ringside table and an unlimited supply of alcohol included in the cost of the ticket!

Well, I can still hold my alcohol :wink: going drink for drink with my hubby and the rest of our mates who were with us (seven of us all up). Going by the number of standard 30mL “shots” in a 750mL bottle of vodka I can confidently say that I drank at least half a 750mL bottle of vodka … not a bad effort considering “turps” has been literally off the menu for me for over 12 months 8) and for the record, no i did not have a hangover, and yes, by the end of the night I was still upright, mobile and could still hold a coherent conversation :wink:

However, by 2pm the following afternoon, ye ol legs were in a major case of full swing, so the conclusion to my experiment is that consuming half a 750mL bottle of vodka within the space of 4 hours is not good for ones RLS status :roll: But hey, it was worth it!! I had an absolute ball that night, the most fun I've had in months (and the free limo ride from the venue back into our hotel in the heart of Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast wasn't too shabby either :lol: )

OK, I officially have NO idea what my body is up to, and quite frankly I'm not sure that I WANT to know :roll:

Although I awoke yesterday (Friday) morning with a "nigglingly sore throat" I Definitely had enough energy to don a "Tarnished Angel" outfit for a friends "Saints and Sinners" Hens Night!

So, it was time to test my conclusion to Scientific Experiment #1: That "sharing a few deciliters of 100 proof ethanol among friends" (as Jumpy so eloquently put it!) would have a negative effect on my RLS.

**Pause for quick calculation of last night's total "ethanol" consumption**

OK, I'm not going to divulge exactly how much vodka I managed to consume; lets just say it was better than the first experiment 8) and for the record, I had an absolute ball!

All day today, NO Problems With My Legs!!! Go Figure!!! Not that i'm complaining either :lol: Far From It!

However, the "old wives tale" about alcohol killing the "germs" ain't true either ... my nigglingly sore throat has turned into one heckuva nasty case of tonsilless tonsilitis and I can barely talk :? (& I know at least one person who would be wishing it would affect my typing :wink: )

Looks like it's going to have to be a "Best of Three" scenario with this experiment 8) :wink:

You are turning into a Slosh in your young age!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:53 pm
by jumpyowl
I am glad that you had no problems with your legs afterwards. Make sure you add it to your questionnaire. I should have included something about coffee and alcohol and anything else that may affect RLS.

Well, about killing germs, 50% alcohol is not quite enough. It should be at least 120 proof. Still I bet you that you probably had a sterile inflammation due to chemical burn to the tissues.

It is actually a good idea to drink vodka as compared to whisky and scotch. Vodka is almost pure alcohol (+ water) and missing the other oxidative by-products of fermentation such as aldehydes and ketones which are the major cause of hang-over.

Do you know the trick about eating small balls of butter while drinking vodka? The alcohol acts as an emulsifier and stays with the butter colloid. As a result it will absorb much much slower by the intestinal wall and will be digested with the lipids. Russians know this and can drink everybody under the table.

But I diverge...!

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:21 pm
by Sole
That's hilarious! :-) I will definitely remember that one on the next girl's night out. Can you picture it? One shot of Vodka, one butter ball down the hatch! Love little pieces of trivia like that.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:21 am
by sardsy75
Well, it's been three days and still no sign of trouble from my legs ... Woo Hoo!!

I've come to the conclusion that it must be the unconscious stress of preparing to travel, having to concentrate/study and just being away from home that were the cause of the last two fights i've had with my legs.

The first time I was away, I did not consume any alcohol whatsoever; the second time, I did; and yet both times I had trouble with my legs to the point that I needed a walking stick to prop me up by the time I was due to fly home again.

Woke up this morning feeling like a steamroller had rolled over my head; not good! The glands all around my neck are swollen and very tender. I managed to score an appointment with my dear gatekeeper, Dr K this afternoon and the verdict is that i've got one of the more stubborn viruses going around. He's sent me home with some kickass paracetamol/codeine (500mg/30mg) tablets to try and budge my cough, and some antibiotics (cephalexin 250mg) to try and kick the virus out. Mixed with the Endep, I should be havin some damn good dreams for the next 4-5 nights 8) (hmmm, and I should probably avoid driving too!)

As for me turning into a slosh (geez thanks Jumpy!), there's no chance of that! Nights out like that are few and far between for me! I have always been a vodka gal ... while I was still living at home with mum & dad it was the only way I could get away with coming home after a night out without smelling like i'd been on the booze. Vodka has that one clear advantage over everything else! I've never been a fan of whisky, scotch or rum, coz I just can't stand the smell LOL.

Thanks for your tip about the butter balls too it's a pearler :wink: I'll be keeping that in mind for the next time some bloke says he can drink anyone under the table! You're a little mine of information Jumpy ... feel free to diverge at ANY time 8)

(((((HUGS))))) to you all and pleasant dreams to those who manage to catch some of those sometimes elusive ZZZZ's

I was just teasing about being a slosh!

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:06 am
by jumpyowl
:wink: Hi, Nadia: Just wanted to check whether you read the small titles. :)

Listen, in my experince codein is good for paresthesia. So look out for that effect while laying up with your viral infection. And build up your resistance!

The letters keep rolling in, slowly but surely! Later today I will take a count.


Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:11 pm
by Elfrieda

I'm curious. Did your cough go away? I had a severe chronic cough a few years ago. (Landed me in the emergency room one time from hurting my ribs; also it caused ulcers on my vocal cords.) Turned out it was caused from reflux. My gastro-guy (the gas man) said reflux (even if you don't feel heartburn, which I didn't) is one of the top causes of chronic cough.


RE: Cough

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:13 pm
by sardsy75
Hi Elfrieda

While I was still taking up to 8mg Cabergoline/day I was using Flixotide Accuhaler (fluticasone propionate 250mcg) twice a day. It kept the cough at bay ... but only just.

When I stopped using Cabergoline, my cough disappeared within 10 days.

I have had no trouble since.

My maternal Grandmother has a severe chronic cough for which they have never found a cause; they've done every test and scan under the sun. Nothing stops it, not even straight codeine. We're not yet sure if that is a hereditary thing yet or not.

I hope that has satisfied your curiosity; if not, by all means fire more questions at me!

Take care of you!

It's Been A Topsy Turvy Week

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 1:56 pm
by sardsy75
This week in review:

Monday Aug 30 - visit gatekeeper, Dr K for verdict on what i've got: flu. Meds on top of everything else are now codalgin forte (paracetamol 500mg/codeine 30mg) one tab twice a day & two at bedtime plus ibilex (cephalexin 250mg) one tab three times a day. Plodded through half a days work on one client's books before giving up in an exhausted blocked up heap. I was also far from well enough to attend Baby Thom's funeral.

Tuesday Aug 31 - woke up to find a "post-it" note on my computer with the following message from my dear (?) hubby: "your mum called; John Duncan died last nite; stomach cancer". I think i've just found a new definition for "insensitive"!!! To say I was gutted would be an understatement. John was a friend of mine who i'd known for about 15yrs. He was in his late 30's. Not the handsomest guy on the street, but boy oh boy did he have one heckuva sense of humour and wit about him! He'll be missed; but he is now at peace. Decided to cancel all appointments for the rest of the week due to my "high as a kite" status from the codeine 8) and my slightly trodden on emotions.

Wednesday 01 Sept - complete write off for the day

Thursday 02 Sept - had an appointment with Marion for a cranio session which ended up with me in a sobbing heap before she was halfway through. :cry: Half a box of tissues later we decided to scrap the rest of the session and just let me cry it out instead.

Friday 03 Sept - had another shot at my appointment with Marion this morning. Managed not to dissolve into tears on her this time, but my energy levels which had been so high last week were at an alltime low. I have felt wrung out and trodden on all week; not just from being sick, but having to grieve for a friend WITHOUT the support of my husband. To top it all off, as I sit here typing, I'm enduring a "category 5" RLS attack. I think i'm a little stressed out :? There are other factors affecting all of this as well, but i'm not going to go into that here.

Hypothesis #1 for the week: Is it possible to trigger an RLS attack by using Vicks Vaporizing Ointment as a steam inhaler to "clear my stuffy head"? It's a possibility, but i'm also thinking that considering what i've gone through both physically and emotionally this week, it's possible that the parasthesia has been held at bay the huge dose of codeine i've been on. My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton wool, so i'll be continuing with the vaporizer & monitoring my legs at the same time. NOT that I really want to prove this hypothesis!!

Hypothesis #2 for the week: That monthly cycles can definitely have an impact on ones RLS attacks. I haven't been able to keep an eye on this hypothesis for the past few months as I've been under pretty good control. However, it is awfully convenient that i'm suffering a nice bout of PMT on top of everything else this week!!! I did notice a bit of a trend appearing before I switched Neuros and drug regimes.

It's Fathers Day in Aust on Sunday ... and i've been so out of it this week that I haven't even given it a thought until now; :oops: but I know that Dad won't mind if he gets a late present. I rang him earlier this evening and he didn't recognize my voice; And here was me thinking that I was starting to "sound" like me again! Two days ago I could barely whisper. :roll: Oh well.

NOTE: I have added 1mg Cabergoline to my nightly "cocktail" for tonight. The parasthesia kicked in without warning at about 10.45pm. I took the Cabergoline at approx 11.00pm. It's now 11.45pm and having "waggled" constantly for the past 45mins while i've been sitting here (and working off dinner in the process!) my legs are just starting to settle, but only just. I'll be sitting the Cabergoline bottle on the bedside table tonight just in case!

The positives out of this week are that i've picked up two new clients. One is a local vet; the other has just purchased a nursery just outside of town. More work means more income ... yay!

Jumpy & Becat, I am working on my questionnaire and lifestyle statement and hope to have the relevant ones to each of you in the next few days.

Nite all