RLS LIFE: Drugs, Side Effects & Everything Else

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Visit to Neuro Tomorrow

Post by sardsy75 »

I've been so totally out of it for the past week or so that I completely forgot that I have an appointment with my Neuro, Dr W tomorrow afternoon!

Good thing I keep a diary with me 24/7 these days :roll:

Even though i've had a rough time very recently, overall I will have a positive report for him.

Top of my list of things to discuss with him is starting a family. It's been right at the forefront of my thoughts for a long time and i'd really like to hear what his ideas are. I know i'm not "that old" yet, but i don't want to be too much older before I become a mum.

My sleeping patterns have improved out of sight; going from 1-3 hrs per night now up to 6 hrs per night. I actually scored 12 hrs straight on Saturday night, but that was mainly due to me being so exhausted from being sick and emotionally wrung out. :shock:

I had another session with Marion today and she was really pleased to report that my energy levels were on the up, which is fantastic. I've felt very energetic and full of good vibes today. The flu I had should've had me laid up for a minimum of 4 weeks, but i've managed to kick it in 1 :D very good results for someone with my lack of immune system!

My legs are doing their best to get my attention, but i've been studiously ignoring them and not let them get the better of me; although I did reach for the Cabaser while I was sitting at the Movies yesterday and then concentrated on eating the popcorn one kernel at a time! There was no way I was going to walk out on sweet Matt Damon 8)

I will let you all know the outcome of my visit.

Until then ... take care!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Post by jan3213 »

Nadia, it's Jan

I just had to post something in response to your latest diary entry. What a week!!! Gosh! Six hours of sleep! That's great, Nadia! And, you're thinking of starting a family--giving your "children" a brother or sister, huh? What a wonderful time in your life! I'm happy for you.

I'm so glad you're feeling better! And, you're energy levels are improved! You'll need more energy, possibly, right? I hope your doctor's appointment went well (or WILL go well)--depends on when you get this post! Ha! Just know that I'm happy for you. It's good to get some GOOD NEWS!!!

Take care! I hope you continue to get lots of sleep. I may ask what your secret is. Ha!


No one is alone who had friends.

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The B*tch is Back!!!

Post by sardsy75 »

Yup, the ******* is back :twisted: LOL (**Babe In Total Control of Herself)

It's been a loooong week ... and a bit ...

I've had a visit to both my Gatekeeper and Neurologist in the past week and although they're both amazed at my progress, i'm currently having a battle with my legs :?

The visit to my Gatekeeper, Dr K was for a top-up of prescriptions and a general gossip session :)

The visit to my Neurologist, Dr W on the other hand was far more interesting. I still find it hard to believe that he actually talks "to" me not "at" me. He could not believe that I was the same person who had crawled through his door back in May literally ready to pack it all in.

We went through how I was coping with the Endep/Elavil and reviewed Plans A, B and C in case of "emergencies" and was quite happy with each Plan cocktail (again a thankyou to Jumpy for his suggestions!).

I then took him through my progress with the massage and craniosacral therapy sessions and how they were helping to reduce any stress and also assisting in keeping my energy levels up.

He was intrigued when I then went on to mention that i'd taken myself completely OFF all Dairy products. When I explained to him that it was the only way I could lead a relatively "normal" childhood (although it was still far from "normal") and then the few times i've noticed both in my diary and legswise in the past few months when i've had too much Dairy for a day or two my legs would go completely nuts, he agreed that it made sense to stay off dairy. So now i'm back to enjoying soy icecream and soy cheese (definitely an acquired taste!!) and soy milk (yuk - they still haven't improved the taste of that in 20 odd years!).

Next came the grilling about my sleep. I'm averaging 5-6 hours a night, which yes, is a damn good improvement on the 1-3 (if that) I was getting 12 months ago. My "bedtimes" have slowly moved forward from the 3-4am mark and are now at the 11pm-12am mark, which is much more humane. However, for the past week or so, i'm back down to intermittent snatches here and there.

Finally, he beat me to the one question that was burning in my head ... starting a family. We spent a good while discussing this. It is the one thing that's been on my mind for quite a while now and i've been thinking about it and stressing about it more-so in the past couple of weeks - hence the current battle with my legs. Dr W asked me if I knew that I had to pretty much give away all the drugs for the entire 9 months, or more; I said "yes, and that's the part that's scaring me". Instead of switching to another topic like my old Neuro Dr S would have, Dr W acknowledged that yes, it will be a scary time, BUT, he would be right there with me and hubby the whole way. The last thing he wants to do is leave a pregnant patient who has chronic ME & chronic RLS struggling on her own. We talked about what drugs ARE available and he was brutally honest about the list being extremely short ... i.e. paracetamol and not much else. The next topic was the whole hereditary situation. My hubby is as healthy as a horse, and i'm the complete opposite. The ME/RLS gene (and there HAS to be one for three people in each generation on my mothers side to have one, the other or both - to much of a co-inkidink!). A friend of a friend who is a nurse suggested getting a gene test done to see who's genes would be the more dominant, mine or hubby's, but that would be opening a whole 'nother can of worms; so i'm very hesitant about going there.

I'd love to start a family yet i'm scared out of my wits about the thought of going through nine months or more of sheer hell (get me a chainsaw stuff) with my legs only to be so chronically fatigued at the end of it that i'm too exhausted to take care of my own baby. Hubby will be a great support, I know, but there's only so much he can do when he's the main income earner. It's a risk we're just going to have to take, but it really is scaring me.

Hubby suggested trialling a decrease in the drugs to see how I handle it; which is a good idea, so I guess I'm just going to have to put on a brave face, give it a go, and see what happens. If I don't get too bad (touch wood) that still doesn't mean i'm going to cruise through a pregnancy. Yeesh, so much for my positive attitude today huh?!

As for being AWOL from the boards this past week or so, i've picked up two new clients for my bookkeeping business, so i've been busy setting them up and getting them started and answering calls for help from my other clients. One of these days I might get around to doing my own tax return as well lol.

I have also been contacted by the RLS co-ordinator from SDA (Sleep Disorders Australia) in relation to our research project. I sent her an email detailing our project and on a whim, stuck my phone number at the bottom. She rang me at 8am last Wednesday morning, very excited about the project we are doing, particularly at the fact that we were doing it of our own accord! There is a national SDA meeting in Sydney on October 15th where there will be a number of RLS Specialists speaking. I mentioned to her that I would be particularly interested to hear what they say about the diagnosis and treatment of infant and childhood RLS. She pounced on that comment saying that she had asked that question at a recent meeting she had with a group of specialists, only to be greeted with deadpan faces and silence. So, it's something that really needs to be looked at, particularly if we are going to be able to offer any advice to our members like Grace. She also asked me more about my medical history and was very intrigued. She has been given enough funding to fly one RLS representative from each State to the meeting, but having talked to me (for nearly an hour) she had started to work on a plan to see if she could get me down to the meeting as well. So, I think i've just been volunteered for an Australian RLS committee :shock: , which, for someone who likes to stay in the background of projects, is a little daunting, but hey, if I can get out there and help get some infant/childhood RLS researches underway, what the heck, i'm in!!

So that's been my week and a bit, in slightly more than a nutshell lol.

My legs have been bugging me since I woke this morning and i'd put them at about a rating 2 on my scale of 0-6; so i think i'll go and find something to do that involves a bit of walking .... hmmm, the house needs a bit of a clean up, so i'll start with that.

Ooooo, I nearly forgot! Jumpy, I tested out that Russian butter ball theory on Saturday nite - you were right on the mark with that one, and that's all i'm going to say, or you'll be calling me a slosh again :lol: 8)

Take care all!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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RE: Soy milk

Post by Sara »


Read your messages in this thread with interest, but don't have the experience to make any comments to them. Just glad that you have such a nice and respectful neurologist, and good luck if you go on a lower-med trial. It's certainly a worthy reason to consider changing meds, but I know a HUGE fear and challenge with the level of RLS you're at.

Just wanted to ask one quick question. I went off dairy and wheat once for 8 months at a naturopathic doctor's suggestion (not for RLS), and I agree, soy milk is FOR THE BIRDS! (and even they probably wouldn't drink the filthy stuff IMHO! :twisted: ) But I did find that rice milk (we have something called Rice Dream here, not sure what brands you have down your way), if it's COLD, is palatable enough for a bowl of cereal and that sort of thing. Couldn't bring myself to drink it straight on a BET, but MUCH tastier than soy milk.

Oh, and my husband once told me that, poured over Captain Crunch cereal or Frosted Flakes, he could barely tell the difference from cow's milk. But I suspect that's because there's so much sugar on those, you don't really taste the milk anyway. :P

Wishing you all the best.

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Thanks for the tip!

Post by sardsy75 »

Thanks for the tip Sara!

I think i've seen Rice Milk hiding somewhere in the supermarket so I'll check it out when I'm doing the shopping on the weekend.

I've seen Goat's Milk on the shelves as well, so might experiment with that too!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Location: Yantis, TX

Hello, Nadia:

Post by jumpyowl »

I went through your "nut shell" carefully. I am a bit overwhelmed as usual by your new neuro. So I will not comment on that - as yet.

However, I figure that you owe me for the butter ball trick. :wink:

Owe me with a completed questionnaire! Pow!

Well, I can see how busy you are and that one half of an apple is better than nothing. So here is my offer, ...... please take it!

I have enough experience with the survey forms that I can make you one much simpler but with the information I need the most. And hopefully I can put it in a form that you could complete in 5-10 minutes. Now is this project not worth ten minutes of your time??? You will not have to be "complete" to complete the questionnaire.
If there is anything else I can help you with, you only have to let me know. :roll:

But, ple-e-e-e-e-ze send me one of those e-mails with a little bit of paper clip attached!!!!!
Jumpy Owl

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You're soooo cheeky Jumpy!

Post by sardsy75 »

I can't believe you had such a go at me for not completeing my questionnaire when you hadn't completed your own! :P

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! :lol:

I am glad to see that my last "plea" gave you the right nudge tho' :wink:

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Location: Yantis, TX

Sweet Nadia!

Post by jumpyowl »

You wrote:

Oh yeah, what gives with giving me the big prod to do my questionnaire only to admit a few days later that you've only just completed yours?!?! You're cheeky!!

I am on occasions! Not here though. After giving you the prod I realized that I have not yet done so myself. So I hurried and followed your example. At least I admitted it.[/color]

Jumpy Owl

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Headed for "get me a chainsaw" territory again

Post by sardsy75 »

Well, I'm back in the land of "frustration" :?

My legs have been giving me major curry since Wednesday (and it sucks when you can't enjoy your own birthday!) and i'm at a loss as to what's causing it. I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary; haven't over-exerted myself exercise wise; haven't even strained the brain with number crunching enough!

Soooo, i'm going do a lil bit of experimentation (geez, haven't done this for a while!) Yes, Jumpy I have taken your comments and ESP sent thoughts on board and know where you are coming from.

OK, the drug regime that I should be on according to my medical records is:

Endep/Elavil - 70mg taken before bed
Valerian - 2000mg taken before bed

However, due to my legs deciding to go on strike at around mid-morning every morning since Wednesday and continuing right throughout the day until I collapse into an exhausted sleep, I've added the following:

Cabergoline - 1mg taken at lunchtime
Diazepam 5mg - 10mg taken before bed
Ibruprofen/Codeine 300mg/12.8mg - an attempt to counteract the pain

But, that doesn't seem to be working; so it's time for a reshuffle of the ol drugs again.

As of tonight (and it's just gone midnite Sunday nite) it will be:

Endep/Elavil - 50mg taken at bedtime
Cabergoline - 1mg taken twice a day (lunchtime & dinnertime)
Antenex - 5mg taken at bedtime
Valerian - 2000mg taken an hour before bedtime

I've read a gazillion times on the boards that meds should be taken before symptoms appear ... that's a little hard to do when they hit out of nowhere sometimes!

While I think of it ... I'm seriously considering putting a case forward for RSI of the Hips!! They ache almost constantly now, and the only thing I can attribute it to is the wriggling/waggling/walking/stretching that I do.

OK, I'm off to bed in a vain attempt to get some much needed sleep.

Take care all!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

Posts: 862
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Location: Queensland, Australia

Trying Ever So Hard To Stay Positive!!!

Post by sardsy75 »

I'm almost at my wits end ... again!! And I'm at a loss as to what might have triggered it. I'm not stressed, I'm tired, but that's only from my legs giving me hell. Basically, life couldn't be any better, go figure :?

OK, my legs kicked in on my birthday (of all days!) last Wednesday, and have not stopped since :(

They were at their extreme worst last nite to the extent that the only way hubby could get me to relax enough to fall asleep was to "scratch my head"; sounds funny, i know, but it works - once i'm asleep, my legs stop :shock:

Drugs-wise i've DECREASED the Endep/Elavil from 70mg to 50mg and have decided to continue to decrease over the next couple of weeks to see if that's what's causing the problems.

Thank goodness I have my own well-stocked home pharmacy 8)

Basically, my drug regime for the past week or so has been a case of resorting to Plans A & B:

Sept 13:
Endep/Elavil - 70mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 5mg
Valerian - 2000mg

Sept 14:
Endep/Elavil - 70mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 5mg
Valerian - 2000mg

Sept 15:
Endep/Elavil - 70mg
Cabergoline - 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 5mg
Valerian - 2000mg

Sept 16:
Endep/Elavil - 70mg
Cabergoline - 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 5mg
Valerian - 2000mg

Sept 17: Endep/Elavil - 70mg
Cabergoline - 2 x 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 2 x 5mg
Valerian - 2 x 2000mg

Sept 18:
Endep/Elavil - 50mg
Cabergoline - 2 x 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 2 x 5mg
Valerian - 2 x 2000mg

Sept 19:
Endep/Elavil - 50mg
Cabergoline - 2 x 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 2 x 5mg
Nurofen Plus (Ibuprofen 300mg/Codeine 12.8mg) x 2
Valerian - 2000mg

Sept 20:
Endep/Elavil - 50mg
Cabergoline - 2 x 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 5mg
Nurofen Plus (Ibuprofen 300mg/Codeine 12.8mg) x 2
Valerian - 2000mg

Sept 21:
Endep/Elavil - 50mg
Cabergoline - 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 5mg
Nurofen Plus (Ibuprofen 300mg/Codeine 12.8mg) x 2
Valerian - 2000mg

Sept 22:
Endep/Elavil - 50mg
Cabergoline - 3 x 1mg
Antenex (Diazepam) - 5mg
Nurofen Plus (Ibuprofen 300mg/Codeine 12.8mg) x 2
Valerian - 2 x 2000mg

Sept 23: It's just gone 5.30pm and i've already had two doses of Cabergoline today (1mg at 8am & 1mg at 3pm). Technically, this should stop my legs in their tracks by now, but they're still rockin n rollin as only they know how to do best! :roll: The muscles in my legs are starting to ache so I know i'm on the verge of doing some damage ... again. As for my hips ... they're a whole other case ... anyone got any thoughts on whether I'd have a case for RSI of the Hips??? :P

I could probably throw in some Neurontin just for good measure, but really ain't up to any major "spin-outs" right at the moment 8) :wink:

I have rescheduled the appointment with the third neuro for November. Methinks I may just need him yet! As it is I will meeting him next month, but that's another story for another thread.

Well, that's about it from me for now. Going to take me and my wriggles to the kitchen and concentrate on making some dinner.

Luv n (((((HUGS))))) to all

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Location: Yantis, TX

This is really some cross to bear!

Post by jumpyowl »

Nadia, for once I am completely stumped (if this is the word). I am speechless (wordless) and I am not so ready with comments.

Not only RLS is an affliction with a thousand handles but also it is probably associated with various other ailments that can hide or become disguised, accumulate their potential and suddenly bursts upon the unsuspecting patient.

I queried you once about Valeriana and you assured me it is good for you. Is it good enough? What is good enough?

I hope you will have some respite soon. I will cross my fingers, curl my toes, and hope that I get some revelation.

Sorry, kid! I so much want to help... :cry:
Jumpy Owl

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Re: Valerian

Post by sardsy75 »

jumpyowl wrote:I queried you once about Valeriana and you assured me it is good for you. Is it good enough? What is good enough?

During the past 14 months there have been numerous times when I have run out of valerian and have been without it for up to two weeks at a time, and yes, this is while i've been battling my legs.

I had actually already been using valerian for quite a long time prior to my legs "kicking in" last year as it was ... as a coping mechanism for the horrific hours I was putting in at work.

The best way to describe the effect of the valerian is that it helps everything EXCEPT my RLS to relax when i'm trying to get to sleep ... which does help in it's own queer way. However, as i mentioned, being without it for a few weeks and then going back on it I have not ever noticed any difference in my RLS.

So, you could say that i've been there, done that with the valerian trial as well.

It's truly tempting to wean myself of absolutely everything over the next few weeks until i'm down to no drugs/supplements whatsoever and see what my "brain" thinks about that. Hmmm, this could also be a test to see if i'm up to starting a family too :!: :?:

Start with a clean slate so to speak .... again. :roll:

If I was working full-time the thought of losing sleep would worry me, but as I'm my own boss it will make it a lot easier to experiment.

What is good enough? :shock: I've been wondering that myself for quite a while!! I dunno .... I give up!! I think I might make an appointment with my gatekeeper for next week and have a looong chin-wag with him ... see what he thinks (might take another box of chocolates just for good measure!).

Jumpy, my dear friend, I know you want to help, and I do very much appreciate your advice, comments and comfort, but you can't be everywhere at once. I know you are with me in spirit and are sending cyber-hugs when you can. I'll get through this .... somehow :?

BTW, BIG CONGRATS on becoming a Grandfather again!!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

Posts: 862
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Location: Queensland, Australia

You know you're having a bad day/week when:

Post by sardsy75 »

1. You've spent numerous nights tossing and turning in a vain attempt to get comfortable; yet are far too exhausted to actually get out of bed to "walk the miles"

2. You've climbed out of bed each morning for the past four mornings and automatically reached for the nearest bottle of dopaminergic drugs - 1mg Cabergoline in this case.

3. Today, it's midday and you're reaching for the Cabergoline .... again

4. It's still midday and you're also pondering adding the sedative (5mg Diazepam) to the midday mix.

5. You're copping one helluva email bashing from one very uncooperative RLS Support Group Leader who has decided that you're a fraud AND a computer hack who has nothing better to do than send out computer viruses (I must admit I did need a good laugh at that point!)

Ahhhh, this is the life!!!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!

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Location: Illinois

Post by jan3213 »

Nadia, it's Jan

OH BROTHER!!!!!!!!!

Need I say more?

No one is alone who had friends.

Posts: 774
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Location: Yantis, TX

Hello, over there!

Post by jumpyowl »

Way down under!

No wonder you feel crappy, Nadia!

BUTTTTT....., you forgot the good things :shock:

[I admit I could not focus on them long in your shoes. :wink: ]

Think of all the people who love you - and appreciate you - and admire you :oops:
Jumpy Owl

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