RLS, cold and fibromyalgia

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RLS, cold and fibromyalgia

Post by croknitter »

My symptons get worse if I get cold, sit under a fan or in air conditioning.
Does any one else notice that? Also is it possible that RLS is connected to fibromyalgia. Until recently I blamed my restless legs on fibromyalgia. I just learned that there is really a disease called
"Restless Legs Syndrome". I plan on talking with my doctor next week.

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Post by Penguinrocks »

I'm one of the "lucky" ones that have RLS/PLMD/FIBRO.

I'm too sore to move, but gotta move not to be sore.

Evil isn't it?

Beware the Penguin

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Post by TxSongBird »

I too have Fibromyalgia and have suffered from it for about 6 years. I was recently diagnosed with RLS and the new medication I am taking is a godsend.



Post by umpwidow »

Well, I'm up on the hypoglycemia soap box again, but since changing my diet to treat my hypoglycemia, Everything has gotten better.

My RLS appears to be a symptom of hypoglycemia. I've also read that fibro and CFS can be symptoms of hypoglycemia.

I too, used to get worse when I got cold, now I'm at the gym 4-6 times a week with lots of energy and the pain is almost gone.

Yesterday I had a lot of carbs and little protien and went to bed restlless with that buzzing feeling.

You might try it. I also found that extra vitamin e helps with the cold thing. It's a vasodialator and helps with muscle cramps.

Good Luck.


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Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:40 pm

Post by Sara »


HI! so glad that you're doing well with your anti-hypoglycemia diet. I know that low simple carbs, careful amounts of complex carbs, and LOTS of protein has been a good dietary change for my chronic anxiety disorder, my lifelong tendency to wake up in the middle of the night and not get back to sleep, my PMS, and an on-going bowel problem which seems to be IBS.

I don't NOTICE it helping my RLS specifically (I still have days of 24/7 symptoms pretty much every week, and SOME amount of RLS symptoms pretty much every day). BUT! I can't say how much WORSE it might be if I WASN"T eating well and trying to take good care of myself, if you know what I mean! :wink: And since it's healthy for a number of other common conditions, I'm with you... it might be worth a try for other members.


Welcome. I also DEFINITELY dislike air conditioning and being cold or shivery (how DO you spell that darned word? EVERY way I tried looked wrong. Oh well! :lol: ) I'm not sure if the cold actually makes my RLS worse, or if the "action" of being cold/shivering is "like" RLS, so it seems to make it worse. (I also have a chronic anxiety disorder that sometimes causes me to have a similar internal "vibration" to what RLS causes, so I have lots of reasons not to like anything that makes me feel shaky/vibratey inside.) If my RLS is bad, I definitely dread having to sit still in air conditioning... especially in the car. I also need blankets on top of me when I sleep-- don't like the feeling of "hanging out in the air" (but I'm not sure if that's about temperature, weight or security.) A few others here have commented on similar preferences.

What's interesting is that both here on this forum, and from RLS sufferers in my own family, I have heard about a whole crew of folks with RLS who are opposite. They're always hot, can't sleep with feet in the covers, heat makes their RLS worse, etc.

What a weird condition we have. :wink: But hang in there Croknitter... and stay warm. :D

Sara :D

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