Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

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Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by SleepyBhamster »

It's funny how our brains work: I have not been sleeping well for weeks because of a feeling of soreness in my thighs--the way you would feel after a strenuous workout. That feeling usually goes away in a day or two, but this never has. Nights have not been good because I haven't been able to get comfortable.

WHY did I wake up at 5am this morning thinking, "Oh my gosh--is this RLS?!" I've read of people saying their RLS is painful, and I've always been greatful that mine wasn't. Duh!!!

I just had my ferritin tested 2 days ago because I started to suspect RLS was coming back--some slight twitchiness in my feet and lower legs, but now if I include these painful thighs, it has been going on much longer. Why did I not make the connection? (And the nurse really butchered my arm, so perhaps I could have been spared that as well if I had realized. Sigh.)


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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by SleepyBhamster »

In talking this out with my husband and wondering when I first became aware of the soreness in my thighs, the date that stands out is when I had a crown made at the dentist 3 weeks ago. My first time to undergo this, I was quite nervous. There was a lot of noise from the drill and the suction, and I remember wondering if the vibration I was feeling was from those machines. But then I realized that the vibration seemed to be located in my thighs. I tried everything I could to try to relax them, but the muscles seems so tense. I actually thought that perhaps I was beginning to have a panic attack.

I had posted about this on a FB forum on anxiety, asking what I could have done to try to relax more (again, I never made a connection with RLS). A couple women who were nurses told me that the shot I had received to numb my mouth could very well have caused the feeling of anxiety. NOW I'm wondering if it the stuff (novacaine?) could be one of those things that bring on RLS?

Since that experience, things haven't been good--particularly since I then had an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin the dentist prescribed for me. I just figured I was really tense from all of it.

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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I never have pain with symptoms, so very hard for me to give any help. Mine are always clearly VERY electrical in nature, not so much a buzzing, but a build up that is fast and burst with a movement.

That novacaine ALWAYS makes me feel awful, though. Very cold, very irritable, and very tense.
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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by SleepyBhamster »

I am now having a lupus flare--although it has taken 4 days to realize it. Thought it was the flu at first. Certainly the worst flare I have had in over 18 years. So now I don't know at all what's what. I'm not feeling the thigh pain presently beause my joints all hurt at night. I really think a new mattress would help but don't even know where to start with that. Wish you could try before committing...

Sorry to ramble: lupus fog makes my mind fuzzy.

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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by Polar Bear »

SleepyBhamster - I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. You mention a new mattress. I found a good quality memory foam mattress makes for real comfort. I will clarify that, I felt the memory foam was just a little more firm than I wanted and so bought a 4" memory foam topper. The topper made such a wonderful difference that I bought one for each guest bedroom to go onto the 'ordinary' mattresses. They also were a great success. Perhaps your current mattress would benefit from a good quality topper and give you the comfort you seek.
I'd start with Amazon and read the reviews. I wouldn't buy ordinary foam and wouldn't buy a thin one.
A topper is much easier to handle.

If buying a new mattress I understand that many vendors provide a return system if unsatisfactory.
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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by Jar »

This is Jar or Stitch back again' I haven't been here for some time not doing too good these days. I will be 85 on
June 8th. Last November I told my doctor that I had Polymyalgia Rheumatica again. If you don't know what it is it means many pains in many bones. He gave me a blood test and my sed rates were up. So I knew I had it and still do. I take prednisone and will for awhile. The worse pain is in my thighs and some times can hearly walk. I never thought it had anything to do with RLS and still don't. You can go on WEB MD and look it up. It also makes you very tired and not want to do much. Of course that could also be turning 85. I hope all is well with everyone. Jeannie/JAR

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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by SleepyBhamster »

Thanks for the information. Sorry to hear of your condition--that must be difficult to deal with on top of RLS! With lupus, I too feel tired and don't want to do much. I have been fighting that and making sure I do at least 10 minutes of stretches even on my worst days. But I'm not 85, so will not tell you to do anything you're not up for!

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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by debbluebird »

ViewsAskew wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 6:33 pm
I never have pain with symptoms, so very hard for me to give any help. Mine are always clearly VERY electrical in nature, not so much a buzzing, but a build up that is fast and burst with a movement.

That novacaine ALWAYS makes me feel awful, though. Very cold, very irritable, and very tense.
I was thinking about your response as stated above, about your electric build up in your legs. Mine can start out just as a slight feeling, a sensation. Then it can feel like a pulse starting at the top of the thigh and going down my thigh. Then if I don't take care of it, it continues to increase in intensity, which eventually causes a slight jerk of my leg or spasm. If it continues, the spasm becomes stronger, finally becoming painful. A sharp electrical sensation that jerks my leg. It can be so painful that I can yell out.
Especially if it skips all those levels, or I sleep through some, or if I have enough meds in me, it can surprise me, jumping right to the very painful spasm. Lately the stimulator has been taking care of the RLS, otherwise it means more meds.
With the spinal stimulator that I have in my back, while trying to find the right setting, I have been over stimulated and gotten very painful spasms. It's been an interesting process. Not always easy.

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Re: Sore thighs a symptom of RLS?

Post by badnights »

Jar wrote:
Mon May 17, 2021 9:10 pm
This is Jar or Stitch back again' I haven't been here for some time not doing too good these days. I will be 85 on
June 8th. Last November I told my doctor that I had Polymyalgia Rheumatica again. If you don't know what it is it means many pains in many bones. He gave me a blood test and my sed rates were up. So I knew I had it and still do. I take prednisone and will for awhile. The worse pain is in my thighs and some times can hearly walk. I never thought it had anything to do with RLS and still don't. You can go on WEB MD and look it up. It also makes you very tired and not want to do much. Of course that could also be turning 85. I hope all is well with everyone. Jeannie/JAR
Hi Stitch! So sad your PMR is back. My mother had that and it was nasty for sure. At least it goes away if you can bear the prednisone long enough. I hope it goes quickly. Good luck.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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