certainly someone must have seen a neurologist

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Re: certainly someone must have seen a neurologist

Post by Eternityroad »

I managed to chsnge my appointment and somehow miraculously got a date a week earlier than the original. And at an afternoon time. Receptionist couldn't tell me why a half hour early and I grilled her for reasons. This is a huge practice and likely she only makes appointments. Also I don't like having to wait two months for the appointment but this is how it is these days across the board...at least here in Vegas. Earlier this summer I had to wait two weeks to see an orthopedic doc. about the excruciating knee pain I was experiencing. And that was after waiting 2 weeks for the referral to come through! I plan to complain to my insurance and healthcare providers about this RLS practitioner's policy. Will keep you posted.

Polar Bear
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Re: certainly someone must have seen a neurologist

Post by Polar Bear »

Eternityroad - here in UK we are in a similar/worse position. Our NHS system which we have paid for all of our working lives has a waiting time of approximately 2 years to see a Consultant. Probably another year waiting for an MRI etc. The NHS is described as free but it is not. It has been paid for by our taxes.
If we pay privately out of pocket the waiting times are as you describe. How I wish we only had to wait two weeks/months on our NHS.
I do find it pays to be friendly to our receptionists. They are the first point of contact, most doing their job as best they can and they are not responsible for policy. Often they have gone beyond to try and help me, sometimes they are simply limited in what they can do.
I'm glad you got an afternoon appointment.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: certainly someone must have seen a neurologist

Post by Eternityroad »

Thanks for your response. For some reason the notification of your particular response ended up in spam so I only now saw it as I was reviewing the spam folder. Not to be trusted. Anyway, with those wait times in UK I would just skip it and control the thing with Kratom. Two years is terrible.


Polar Bear
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Re: certainly someone must have seen a neurologist

Post by Polar Bear »

I'm afraid most folk are currently having to use savings ( if they have any) to go private for any sort of chronic health issue. Otherwise it's the long long wait. And in the meantime perhaps for RLS using Kratom to tide them over. Of course, Kratom is illegal in the UK. So what to do. I order it on line anyway and reckon they'd hardly throw an old lady like me in the cells.!!!
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: certainly someone must have seen a neurologist

Post by badnights »

I'm facing a long wait to see an orthopedic surgeon about my ankle (sinus tarsi syndrome). I am sure it's my age.... which infuriates me because I am very active and why should THEIR pronouncement that I am old TURN ME INTO an inactive old person? ooops - I used captials, can you tell it upsets me ? :) :lol: :lol:
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: certainly someone must have seen a neurologist

Post by Eternityroad »

all I can say is hang in. Maybe they will discover a wonder drug!! lol

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