What do you do?

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What do you do?

Post by shinderlider »

Just curious what folks do when they can’t sleep because of their RLS? I’m thinking of activities in particular. I love to read but when my arms and legs are crawling I’m not able to sit and do so. I’ve tried listening to audiobooks but am easily distracted. I’m not a TV watcher. So I find myself pacing the floor and usually end up in tears. How do you spend crawling time?
Sue - Mom to Molly, Juliet, Maude & Jazzy
Georgia, USA

Polar Bear
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Re: What do you do?

Post by Polar Bear »

I read when I'm up during the night, while walking, until things settle. I have a long hall and so can walk the length of it back and forth without obstacles.
If I'm feeling exhausted I've found that lying on the couch on my stomach with knees bent means I can wiggle my legs and read at the same time. I shuffle down the couch until my knees meet the arm of the couch and this supports my bent knees.

Occasionally I will do some chores like preparing next day's dinner, peeling veg. Perhaps getting a casserole started in the slow cooker. Rarely some ironing.
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Re: What do you do?

Post by shinderlider »

I never thought about doing household chores but may give it a try. I like your belly reading idea but unfortunately I only have a loveseat and it’s not long enough for me to lay on. I guess I could try the bed in my spare bedroom.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Sue - Mom to Molly, Juliet, Maude & Jazzy
Georgia, USA

Polar Bear
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Re: What do you do?

Post by Polar Bear »

About the 'belly reading' I find it helps if my knees are up against something to give a little support, hence using the arm of the couch. But anywhere comfortable would do. Good luck.
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Re: What do you do?

Post by debbluebird »

When my legs are bad, I usually pace, but I've also ridden my recumbent bike. One last thing, gotten in the tub of hot water. I've even slept in the tub. I braced my feet at the end of the tub. I no longer have a tub, but it did help at the time.

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Re: What do you do?

Post by Yankiwi »

On a good night I'm up for one-third of the night. On a really bad night it could be half the night. I can't possible sit or lie down during my awake periods. Once my symptoms have abated and I'm very tired I can go back to bed and usually fall asleep in a few minutes.

I read, walk, read while walking, do yoga, stretch my calves by standing backwards on a step. I put away dishes, fold laundry and do any other jobs that might distract me including washing the kitchen floor. Sometimes I draw or paint.

As far as reading goes, I read my iPad, Kindle or a proper book—usually my iPad and a book on the same wake period.
I have a Vekkia Rechargeable LED Neck Reading Light. There are other brands but are basically like a snake you wear around your neck.. I really like this because I can read without turning on bright lights.

I also do online jigsaw puzzles. Jigsaw Explorer sends an email with two puzzles every day. They take about seven minutes.

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Re: What do you do?

Post by frickets »

I used to deny my RLS symptoms and toss around in bed, or get up and walk around completely frustrated. Now I just give up, get up, embrace the suck and do whatever passes the time until I can settle down. I bought a podium that I can stand at while poking around on my computer - could be working, shopping, reading, etc. It helps to remember that, although it can be very difficult, I have always managed to recover. As long as I'm not driving the next day, I try not to stress about how much sleep I get, or when I get it. Otherwise, I'd certainly lose my mind. Best wishes in your journey. You are not alone.

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