Zocor causing RLS?

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Zocor causing RLS?

Post by dogeyed »

Been six months since I've posted. I am wondering if others who have RLS have ALSO been taking cholesterol-reducing drugs or statins, like Zocor or Crestor? My right leg is usually stiff and clunky, like dragging around a wooden leg. My right calf muscle is the worst of all muscle pains, and it squeezes tight. I also wasn't sleeping well at all until I was prescribed pain medication. I take it in combination with a tranqulizer, and they keep me going. But I'm dragging around this leg!

I had been put on Zocor, and then Crestor. Right after I took the Crestor, I noticed how much worse I felt. For RLS is not just leg aches; it is a global deal becuz you can't rest well. I do not feel well in general, do not sleep very well even with the drugs, and cannot focus well. I am NOT NORMAL for sure! I tried for disability and did not get it. If I discontinue the cholesterol drug, will I be still be PERMANENTLY goofed up? Or will I improve? I would like some feedback!

Anyone got the numbers on how many folks who have RLS also have taken Zocor? I know there was a survey for a while. Something like 10 million take it. I am going to bring this up to my doctor. My last doctor said my kidneys were fine, so I should continue with the statins. But I'm thinking the statins just haven't taken the kidneys out yet. I'm thinking the drugs are causing my leg to be stiff. Sure would like to go back to my original life. RLS has ruined my health. Thanks to all for feedback!

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Post by kittykat »

I take Zocor but I have for years. I heard one of Zocors side effects can be muscle pain. I think my pain is from arithritis. I'm 59 and I've had RLS all my life. It seems to be getting worse as I get older. I also have to take a blood test every 3 months to test my liver. So far I don't have any complaints about Zocor but I take so many different medicines that it's hard to tell what effects what. I draw disability because of my back, I've had spinal fusion and it's still real bad. The first time I filed they turned me down. I allmost let it go, but I decided to file again and they passed it real fast. I told my daughter it was allmost too fast, maybe I was worse than I thought. Hope this helps.
Good Luck

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thanks for your thoughts

Post by dogeyed »

Dear kittykat,
Yes, your message helped. Evidently you received disability on account of your back. I have a bad back too from a car wreck years ago. I am so amazed to hear about folks who have had RLS all their lives. Mine developed two years ago, I think. I can only work 20 hours a week, and since I cannot concentrate anymore, it is physical labor, and of course it aggravates the shaking in my legs. I am going to stop the statin drug and increase my flex exercises, to try to loosen up my stiff muscles. I find my back hurts less when I lay on the floor with my feet in a chair, takes all the weight off the back muscles.

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Post by kittykat »

Hi Again,
I hope you don't give up on trying for disability. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for mine. I don't draw much but it keeps me at least a little independent. My husband draws a small SS check. It makes our car payment and he owns a small tree nursery with our son-in-law so that gives us a little more. My husband is a good man but he is so tight with his money that if I didn't have my own I would't have any spending money and couldn't buy much for Christmas or grandkids birthday. Keep trying and get a lawyer if you have to.
Good Luck

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Post by GaAudrey »

Hi Dogeyed, I have had RLS for about 10 years - it's gotten worse the last 3 years. I just recently started taking zocor :cry: for high cholesterol and I never made the connection, but my RLS seems to have gotten worse in the last few weeks. Starts earlier in the day and seems much more intense now. I'm going to mention this to my doctor and see if he feels the two are related. Maybe we can change what I'm takiing. I have enough to deal with, with my leg kicks without adding to the problem! :? Thanks for mentioning the zocor as a possible cause. If I come off it and the RLS gets better, I'll let you know! :D


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Just had this question

Post by becat »

I just was asked this question from a woman at the We Move site.
I did a little research about the side effects of the statin medications and WOW......I would say that it's possible we'll see them on the list of medications to avoid.
Ya'll look these medications up and tell me if I'm wrong, but !
Muscle pain, fatigue, cramping seemed to be a more rare side effect but I'm wondering if our bodies just don't handle them well.
Please keep us all up to date about your progress with this medication.
Do let us know what the doc says Audrey.....
May be an interesting find!

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