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Muscle Spasms and RLS

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 12:30 am
by Lucas
Hi, I am new to this site. I have had RLS I think for many years but told officially I had it in 1998. I would like to know if anyone has problems with leg or foot crams at night or in the evening when resting watching TV. They are getting worse and the pain is terrible. I used to be I couldn't sleep because of the legs moving or waking me up all night but now it is the pain from the legs cramping or what feels like a bee sting on the bottom of my feet or an electrical cord attached to them. The pain is getting worse. I take pain meds when I can't stand it any longer and Clonazepam and it works but only when I'm exhausted from no sleep for a few nights. I guess I just need to know if anyone else has these symtoms with rls. Thanks for any help anyone can give

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:35 am
by jan3213
Hi Lucas

Welcome to the Board. I'm glad you found us, but I'm so sorry you have RLS. You've come to the right place.

I also have cramps in my feet and sometimes in my calves. I get cramps in my feet at night, really often.

I'm curious. Do your legs ever go numb? Just wondering. How about your feet?

I'm also on Clonzepam and Mirapex and I take an occasional Vicodin. I have pain with my RLS, but I also have fibro and periphernal neuropathy.

I hope you post often so we get to know you. There are a lot of wonderful people here who are willing to listen and, maybe, will have some advice to give you. We're not doctors, so no medical advice. But, sometimes someone has a "trick" or two that might work for you, too.

You take care and know that we're here for you.


Thanks for the reply

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:39 pm
by Lucas
Sometimes I do have my hands or feet go numb but when I move or walk it goes away. It only happens once in a while, not very often. Lately it's more of the cramps that are really hurting. At night I wake up and I'll have more than one muscle cramping at the same time or like my foot is being pulled up and my toes pulled down at the same time. When you stand on it to make it release one way then it just makes the other worse so you just scream till it quits. I am glad I found this site because I have been really confused by the many symtoms I have been having lately. Makes you wonder if your going nuts or something. I went to PT the other day and told my therapist my legs were cramping and more than one muscle was firing at the same time and he said that don't happen or I have never heard of it. I really didn't want to hear that because I am experiencing it weather it is suppose to happen or not. Now for the GOOD news. took a Clonazepam night before last (was totally exhausted), slept all night without getting up and last night too. I finially feel a little bit rested today. Haven't taken a pain pill for two days either. :D Back to your question, the numbness is usually after I lay on my side with my arm under my head or my foot if I cross my leg. The one thing I don't understand where it is coming from is on the big toe side of the foot toward the ball I'll get what feels like a bee sting that is really really intense and will clear up when I walk on it forawhile or a electrical shocking in the same areas that make you want to drag you foot accross some sand paper but as long as I am moving it will clear up. These are real painful but only last 3 or four min. I went to a doctor a couple of weeks ago and he gave me four shots in the spine and a med that is suppose to kill certain kinds of nerve pain and moraphine. I was totally doppy after this for a week. I stoped the moraphine as I don't want to get addicted to something like that but the other med helps. Also does anyone have trouble with there knee. The doctor took exray last week but didn't call so I guess he didn't find anything except arthritis. I do have that in all my joints. Well enough complaing and I know that I probally don't have anywhere near as bad as most and my heart goes out to them. I am just very thankful for everything that I do have and what I can still do and to find a site that is actually giving me information that I can really use and for people that are willing to share. God Bless you all and have a wonderful day. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:36 am
by smidget
Lucas....I am also new here and I found your comments about foot cramps and pains to be interesting. I also get cramps in my feet like you said that no matter which way you try to stretch them to relieve the cramp it makes the other worse. I also get what I say is like someone is sticking a red hot needle in my toes or bottoms of my feet. I get these not only at night but during the day also. I thought they were a result of possible nerve damage from back surgery I had 2 years ago. I have not been diagnosed with RLS, I am trying to learn about it to see if any of the descriptions match what I am experiencing. Then when I feel I have good information and can discuss it intelligently with my doctor, I will make an appointment with him.