Hope. . .Maybe

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Hope. . .Maybe

Post by ViewsAskew »

I just found this article, healine: The Global Market for Sleep-Wake Disorders Currently Estimated at US$4.3 billion is Forecast to Increase 158% to US$11 billion by 2012

http://www.genengnews.com/news/bnitem.a ... NEWSML.xml

Holy &$^#%#!!! That is a lot of money. That is why the pharma companies are now paying attention to us. That is great, though, as this means more money spent trying to find medicines and therapies to provide relief.

I hope that this funding will continue to trickle to those trying to find a cure, rather than just more meds to resolve it when it happens. Sure, the meds are needed until the cure, but I really would like a cure, as would most of you, I bet. But, I am happy to see this. In the US, and many other parts of the world, money is the economic driver. Until they realized the amount they could make from us, we weren't on the radar. Now, there are several drugs all trying to get through the FDA approval process. Mirapex is very close to have EU approval, and I think that rotigitine will get approval by 2007 for RLS. It looks like it will have FDA approval for Parkinson's within a few months.

Let's celebrate! We really are here at a momentous time and all the work that the RLSF does, the group leaders, and those of you getting your stories in the media - all of that helps keep the focus on us. I am extremely grateful to all of you for that.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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