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Thank God for this forum

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:05 pm
by John Snellings
This is my first day on this site. While sorrow fills my heart with the fact that others are afflicted with this scourge, I am rejoicing that I am not alone.

Thank you Brady and Jan. I can't tell you in words how much your instant respose made me feel welcome. I know in this world there are givers and takers----this site seems to be full of givers.

Right now I find it hard to keep a thought in my head. The sleep deprivation takes a toll as I know you are all aware. I read where someone said the bed was the battle field. I too liken it to a war, a war with a monster that has defeated me so far. Sometimes the bed is a sick joke to me.

My beautiful wife is very understanding and also worried. I don't know what to tell her----there is no cure. I miss laying with her----I know she misses it too. I pray that she can handle my fight because I love her dearly.

I hate the fact that my wife suffers also. At times, I have had to lean on her, something a self employed supposedly macho male isn't supposed to do. I should be the strong one.

God Bless all of you. I wish you a moments of peace today----I hope you feel it.
