What I learned at the Conference: augmentation

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What I learned at the Conference: augmentation

Post by ViewsAskew »

I am extremely grateful for the conference and the information I learned. I thought that some of the people who didn't go might like to read about what was interesting and new to me. Maybe Becat, Ruby Slippers, Jumpy Owl, or Neph might add their thoughts, too. :lol:

Augmentation was a big topic for me, since I wasn't a severe RLS sufferer until I started the meds for the PLMs. The meds I took immediately made it worse and continued to make it worse for 2 years. When it was at its worse (24 hours a day) I was terrified that I would always have it at that level. I asked my neuro (who was later fired for other reasons) and he said I might or might not go back to the previous level of RLS when I stopped taking the drug that caused the augmentation.

I asked two different speakers at the conference and both said that they had never seen a case where the severity of the RLS didn't go back to its prior level after stopping the drug that caused the augmentation. Now, since it might have been awhile since the person started taking the drug, the RLS might have worsened some. But, overall, stopping the drug that causes augmenation will reduce the RLS to pre-med levels. This was a great thing to learn. That information alone was worth the trip.


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