What a night !!!!!!

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What a night !!!!!!

Post by moonlight »

Morning......I think it might be... :cry:

Oh geez what a night i had , the rls was wild wild wild , the pain was unreal in my arms as well, moving didn't help, walking did'nt help.Oh i was climbing the walls......
Was going to come on chat but was too tired (2.00am here) and couldn't have sat at the computer.

The pain was different it was like nerves going weak and me loosing strength but I suppose theat was because i was so tired,
I tried focusing on something else and eventually sleep took over but feel rough today.

I have not been on the iron for about a week as it was making me ill, was at the dr yesterday she said 19 was too low and to go back on the iron and build up the amount i take again, she'll check it in three weeks.
I wonder if that is why the rls was bad , i hope so.
To keep my anxiety meds on max and take at same time each day apparently it makes a difference.

Ive had five good days on a high ,but strangely enough today my mood is in between and i'm fighting the demons again , i want to win this battle.
Yesterday was at my stress group and being in a high ,well i am a pain , i giggled through it ,couldn't stop myself ,mind you i seemed to cheer some of the others up.

It's raining, cold and no art today, cos therapist not well........huh
not found anything interessting to do, there is ironing and washing and tidying up but thats not interessting.need to occupy my mind, need to keep going..

Well I'll go and find something to do

love moonlight x :cry:
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by Sojourner »

M, Sorry for the bad night. Just because you had a bad night, bad mood, or whatever doesn't mean you a not winning the battle. It is evident thru your posts that you have and are taking great strides in coping with your personal struggles(s) and that your are winning. While the bad days or setbacks are unwanted and unpleasant they probably are unavoidable and have nothing to do with your courage and efforts. You are winning.

Not sure if stopping the iron is the cause of the rls acting up or not as I have no experience with it (iron). However, as you know meds (prescription or not) are a very personal thing and stopping one "med" or another could certainly cause our body to react. Since it seems that starting the iron helped it would make sense that stopping the iron might return you to your pre- iron status.

While we all have needed to adjust meds or the time we take them, I'm sure with some keeping a constant level of a med in your system is necessary for maximum benefit. Some can't be taken on an as needed basis like aspirin for a headache but have to be taken in a timely manner to keep the headache from happening. That probably is the case with your anxiety med.

Not sure about the funny weakness feelings but would perhaps try to make a note about them to see how often, or not, the feeling might occur and see if there is a pattern or something. If so, a chat with your doc might be in order.

You are winning.

If you need more washing and and ironing to do please let me know as I will send you some and then we will both be winning. :lol:

This post simply reflects opinion. Quantities are limited while supplies last. Some assembly required.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Moonlight, cos you think you may be losing the odd battle, doesn't mean you are losing the war.

When I get fed up with chores, sometimes I google, looking for something unusual for the next birthday (or whatever) gift that I need to get. Little stocking filler type stuff.
Good luck
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Post by moonlight »

Mark :P

No thank-you I don't like ironing, washing is ok.
see what you mean about the meds.....so ive got to be good....awww thats no fun. :shock:

love moonlight x :P
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Moonlight, sorry you had such a weird, bad night and that the demons have come out to play in your head.

Now that you've had so many good days, maybe you can take not of things that you can do to give yourself a temporary lift. It will be different for you, no doubt, but I know that for me there are things I can count on to bring myself a little happiness and perspective - listening to uplifting music, watching a favorite funny movie, watching a favorite sad movie with a friend and sobbing together, taking a walk, going to the pool and swimming, etc.

Actually I'm a big fan of the method that Betty mentioned - "when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping." :lol: Hard on the budget though so I've worked on other coping mechanisms.

You really are making great strides. It's amazing to watch someone make so many changes so quickly. You're an inspiration. And like people have already said, it may seem like you're losing the battle, but you will win the war. Now go kick those demons' butts. 8)

It's "warrior woman" Moonlight!


Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

'The tough go shopping'.... only in a small way.

Spent ages on the internet and came up with a cruet set comprising a fat little woman and man salt and pepper pot, playing lawn bowls, which was brilliant. Hubby and I play lawn bowls.

Got it for $10/£5.00.

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Post by KBear »

Susan, I love that warrior woman! I think I want to use her for my Avatar :wink: So when I'm feeling overweight, sickly, weak, tired, depressed etc. I will just picture myself as the warrior woman and be strong.

Moonlight- would you mind if I stole the Warrior woman? Perhaps we could share her.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

I don't know, Kathy. I found that one for Moonlight, so it's up to her. It kind of looks like her, at least what she looks like in her avatar. I picture you more as a warrior riding a white horse...


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Post by KBear »

LOL your right she does look like Moonlight but I'm not a blond so the one on the white horse doesn't work for me.

Link to the Mayo Clinic Algorithm:

http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/pd ... 907Crc.pdf

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Post by moonlight »

oh Susan That's brill :lol:

That be great as my avatar, yes divertions ,great things also pleasurable am working on them.
Been a "Warrior Woman " all day and you know what i am still in control,ok took one extra med tonight ,so what sometimes I need it ,just to stay in control and help me fight those dratted demons.
Tomorrow is busy, got relaxation .....mmmmmm.... then dep ed group, usually find thats enough for the day,suppose i will have to do the ironing...i'm ok once I get started.
Well I hope the rls stays away it's been alright during the day.

take care

love moonlight x :P
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by cmoore1958 »


I think you are one amazing and awe-inspiring woman. You not only take on your demons, you make sure they know from the get-go that you will win. I read your posts and do not see a person who is weak in any way, shape or form. I see YOU for who and what you are -- strong and persistent.

I'm sorry you have to be going through all of this stuff, though. I just don't understand why some people's legs have to go and have all the fun running on their own. I pray your rls will stay calm for you and that the weird feeling in your legs will be found to be nothing.

I have fibro as well as rls and I find that when I have a bad rls episode my fibro kicks in and keeps my legs burning and weak for a while. It's quite a site actually . . . I can't usually pick up my feet too high at those time and if here is a rug, bump, crack, or whatever in my path I will trip on it . . . and not gracefully at all. I'm thankful my rls arms are there to catch me. :lol:

You keep on keeping on girl -- you are doing great!

Hugs to you,
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Post by moonlight »


Well last night wasn't much better, relaxation therapy was difficult as i could'nt stay still, dep ed group was good it was all about drugs .....I know that sounds bad...think ive found out why ive put on stone and a half in two months....and it has to come off!!!!!!
Came home , needing a snooze from lack of two nights sleep ...AND
found new neibour ...not even next door.....is decorating his house and has his music on full blast doors and windows open ...i can't even hear my music in my own house ....it is doing my head in , my stress level is going through the roof..i feel all my good work is being undone.
Geez i am going to have to go away from the house to quite seriously save my sanity i just cant take it.

till later

moonlight :cry: :cry: :cry:
sleep is not only a dream

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Post by dogeyed »

You are sweet. I hope your docs are figuring out why your iron is so low even when you're taking vits for it. I think you'll need earplugs. I'm still working on my avatar.

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Post by ctravel12 »

Oh Moonlight I am so sorry for what you are going through. You are a very strong person and reading the others members post just know things will get better for you.

My prayers and thoughts are with you everyday and I promise I will get on the chat earlier to talk to you this week.

Take care my friend,
Taking one day at a time

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Post by moonlight »


What is "fibro" i have not heard of it?

I'm glad to say when I got back to the house the noise had stopped and I have regained my calmness and I got 1/2 hr sleep with my kitten curled up beside me,so I feel much better.

If any one wants to chat tonight i'll be on just after 10.00 my time , roughly between 3-5 you're time,if not that's ok another night will do.


moonlight :)
sleep is not only a dream

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