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Do you Look At Your Legs ?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:39 am
by lorabell
I am just wondering if any of you do this .
My legs are being good. I am up late by choice, but getting ready for bed. And I have to ask, do any of you, when your legs are being resonable, just lay in bed and look at them being good ?
I hope this makes sense. But when I am having a good night, I just lay and look at them. The crawlies, buggies are liveable, and the legs, Oh thank heavens, the Legs aren't kicking like a mule.
I lay there , on the bed, and watch them, act. at times talking to them. ( And I know none of you think talking to them is weird )
It makes me wonder, when they are being good, what did I DO that made them happy ?
I see my legs as a seperate ( sp ) part of me when they act up, and like a child who has done something good, I praise them when they are happy and well-behaved. LOL
Just a wondering if the rest of you are as nuts as I am.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:51 pm
by eliza
I try to ignore them when they’re being good because I’m afraid any attention will set them off. But I also try to disassociate myself from them when they’re being bad. I delegate. I tell myself they belong to someone else and it’s their problem not mine. It’s up to them to move them if they want. It rarely works. But on that rare occasion, if I’m trying to sleep, totally exhausted and very stubborn about it, that other person will occasionally give it up and so will the legs and I’ll go back to sleep.

Eliza :- )

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:14 pm
by Aiken
Yeah, I don't think about or look at my legs either. It's like thinking about an itch, or a yawn... give it attention and it'll happen. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:25 pm
by waterloo2
Hi Lora

No I dont look at them but they sure do feel cold
wonder if there is anything in that mmmmm?

gill (UK)

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:51 pm
by cmoore1958
Oh, my dear Lora, you do need help girlfriend. :lol: You are such a nut talking to your legs when they are being "good". I only yell at mine when they hurt me or make me look like an idiot when they kick out of turn.

Do I look at my legs? Hmmmm, I've never really thought about it. I don't think I do, but then again, when I'm in my alter personality (the nut) it's possible that I do.

Thank you so much for this thread as it really gave me a chance to smile in the middle of an attack . . . which means, I'm looking at and yelling at my legs right this minute.

Talk to you in the chat room tonight.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:09 am
by lorabell
Well, if you hollar at them for being bad, maybe praising them for being good would help? lol
I am not sure when I realized that I do treat them as a separate part of me. I do say " my legs". but I haven't looked at them as MY legs in years .
I just thought maybe I really was certiffiable and needed professional help.
See ya tpmight GF.
hugs, lorabell

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:06 pm
by ctravel12
Hey Lora good thread. When my legs are behaving, I just whisper in case they hear me LOL. Do I look at them,? Yes. Do they behave? Most of the time.

Lora you are a nut and enjoyed our chat last night. We had quite a few and Cyn am still so happy that you are doing much better and pray that it continues. Lora I was happy to hear last night that your legs where doing better and also pray that it continues,.


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:50 pm
by lorabell
Hi Char. keep praying. I am under attack and I thinik the tea will have to be caffeine free from now on. Another thing I have to give up because of the !!!!! I am going to be looking for a saw if this keeps up. I missed Larry. I got booted out as soon as you left. (did you leave the door open and it hit me ? Or I got to close to the hole 1
So, by the time I got back in, Larry was gone. I fely so bad.
I didn;t just kicked out or fell thru, i was kicked off line ! I sure hope he comes to post so I can apologize.
If you got his e-mail please send it to me.
Hugs, and yes, Lizzie B hit the floor running at 5 Am. I was up. LOL
Never put a child to bed early. You might have peace and quiet , but you'll be sorry in the morning.!
aka praying for lizzie' b's nap time to come soon. LOL
PS did you tell who came to chat last night ? Let everyone know we had a real undestanding rls'er LOL If I am not wrong, i think that person coined the phrase.