any one on neurontin how is it working

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any one on neurontin how is it working

Post by cadyctx »

I finally went to the doctor i went before but really did not give the medication a chance to work . my doctor said to try it again meurontin but i dont find it works right away how long before i will find relief. i am concern about how much i have to take one tablet for one week and then one and a half for another week and so on how how a dose is effictive . can any one give me some insite into this drug.




Post by cornelia »

Hello Cadyctx,

Maybe I can help you with your Neurontin question. I am on Neurontin, but not on its own, I take it with Requip.
Neurontin is a med that some people like and some dislike. You can up the dose I think with 300 mg a week. I do not know how bad your RLS is, but many people have to be on a high dose (900-1800 mg) or even higher.
Look at and you will find info on the medical treatment page.
What I have learned in this wonderful group is that Neurontin might not work on its own, depending on how bad RLS is. Many people take it with a dopamine agonist, which are really the first choice of treatment.
I would suggest you print out info from the above mentioned url and show your docter. Many docters don't know how to treat RLS and you, as an educated patient has to educate them! That really is quite common with this disorder.
I hope that you soon will find the right med for your RLS, because what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. We all need taylormade treatment. There is just no treatment that works the same on all people.
Good luck!
Pls tell us how you are getting on.

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