Strange head pains.

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Strange head pains.

Post by HeatherB »

For the last 7ish years I have had these strange pains in my head. It is more like a tingle/itchy thing that creeps across my head like a lightning bolt. Could this have anything to do with my RLS. Could it be RLS in my head?
The doctor I had 7 years ago just told me to take Motrin for it every day. Now I wonder if it has anything to do with the RLS.

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Post by Scarlett46 »

Motrin Every Day??? :shock: That will tear up your stomach...

I would describe my Migraine Auras almost exactly the same way. But luckily, it doesn't sound like you are experiencing the migraine pain that comes after.

My sister-in-law (who has experienced migraines since childhood, as I have) was recently told by her doctor that it appears that she's done well with her pain management techniques, because she has been lately experiencing migraine - without the pain. She still feels the aura (the warning signs), notices sensory changes, and sometimes a difficulty concentrating, but sometimes skips the head pain.

Not sure if that's what you're experiencing... but it sounds like it could be related... Hmmmmm
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Post by hypnotode »

Hi Heather,

In addition to RLS, I have trigeminal neuralgia. One of the primary symptoms is "creepy crawlies" that wander around the face/head. With that can be intermittent stabbing pain on the face or head. I'd recommend checking it out, and be sure to mention your symptoms to your neurologist!!

Neurontin, Trileptal, Cymbalta, and Flexeril work for me.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Interesting, Kathy. Several of us here have what sounds like the exact same symptoms but have always associated it with the RLS. Your diagnosis fascinates me..could it be that we just happen to have it, or could it be that there is some unknown association with RLS? I wonder how prevalent it is...
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Post by Aiken »

There are a ton of different things that can cause lightning-like sensations up and over your skull. Our responses are going to cover only a small portion of them, at best.

I have one myself, which seems to be related to some dysfunctional muscles in my neck that pinch/irritate nerves that come out the side of my spine and serve part of the side of my head. Freaks me out when it happens. Pain in your head is like pain in your chest--it's a scary place to have it.

You can also get such sensations from troubled facial nerves, as with hypnotode's trigeminal neuralgia. These can come from various causes, some benign, some not so benign. Something could just be cramped or irritated by normal structures, or you could have a tumor in the ear canal, which itself could be benign or not.

My point being, we can give you our thoughts, but you absolutely should see someone about it who knows what they're doing, and don't let them fob you off. It's probably not something really awful, since I gather from my own research that it usually isn't, but since it's possible that it can be, you don't just want to sit on your hands and hope for the best.
Disclaimer: I often talk about what I do and what works for me, but these are specific to me and you should always consult a healthcare professional before trying these things yourself, lest you endanger your health or life.

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Post by HeatherB »

Thanks everyone.
What I have been feeling isn't a Migraine. I have had those for 20 years. It is different from the onset of a Migraine. This is short. It only lasts for about 10 seconds. Once I rub my head all over it seems to go away.
Thing is. I haven't had any of these 'spells' since I started Klonopin for the RLS.
I will have to bring it up to the doctor.

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